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VS Battles Wiki

I have no opening for this, let's dive right in.


KE calcs revisited[]

So previously we had decidedly chose to ditch KE calcs as the weights between characters were inconsistent and we had decided to use the weight for the characters who had earth modes via their earth modes, when in reality, they are also much lighter than those vehicles.

Not only that, but when said characters entered earth with their protoforms modes, they are actually lighter than they were in their earth modes. As explained here: In the rare case they are not actively practicing their natural proclivity for chameleon-like disguise (usually only when engaged in interstellar travel), Transformers shed their exo-structure and return to their protoform state. This protoform is capable of transforming into its transition form: an armored, cometary shape capable of interstellar travel. Upon landing on a new world and transforming back into a protoform, the Transformer immediately begins trans-scanning for new alternate forms to adopt. When one is chosen, the protoform draws on its own ultra-dense substance and any extraneous matter nearby to generate a new exostructure disguise

However, we have 2 feats of characters surviving re entry that happen to have the confirmed weights when they did their feat.

The first is crashing upon Cybertron in The Last Knight. According to our guidebooks, Optimus is stated to be 4.3 tons in terms of weight in here and here. Not only that, but according to TFwiki, the free trading cards game lists him as 4.3 tons as well. So 4.3 tons is seemingly consistent.

However according to here: Optimus from bit and bytes is listed as 8.5 tons. As well as according to the movie, Epps calls Optimus "10 tons of dead robot". So I'll use 3 ends

Gravity on Cybertron is very similar to Earth going by the scene so using the standard speed for a falling meteor seems alright to me. That being 11,000 m/s according to this calc

So using our KE calculator, we get:

4.3 metric tons: 260150000000 J or 62.1773422562141 tons of tnt (8-B+)

8.5 tons: 466519735000 J or 111.50089268642448 tons of tnt (8-A)

10 tons: 131.17756333652 tons of TNT (8-A)

I much prefer using 4.3 metric tons as it's more consistent with throughout what I can find and I've been unable to find a scan for the 8.5 ton weight.


Credit to KLOL506 for doing this.

Optimus did re entry on a planet with no atmosphere, which would mean reentry speeds are 20,000 m/s.

Since Optimus is "10 tons of dead robot" as per the movie, that's 9.07185 metric tons 0.5 * 9071.85 * 20000^2= 1.81437e+12 J or 433.6448374761 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level).

Update AGAIN[]

So according to this, Optimus weighs 30,000 pounds. Which makes sense, given how in the previous statement, Optimus had a whole in his chest.

So replacing the weight with 30,000 pounds, or 13.607771, we get 2721554200000 J or 650.4670650095602 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)

The Fallen descending onto earth[]

This one, like the previous calc, has 2 weights. According to the same guidebook as earlier, the fallen is listed as 9.1 metric tons. But in the ROTF script, the fallen is listed as 50 tons.

According to this scene, it's stated the fallen was moving at 30,000 knots or 15433.333 m/s

So using our KE calculator, we get:

9.1 metric tons: 1083754342074.4 J or 259.02350431988526225 tons of tnt (8-A)

50 tons: 5402003291541 J or 1291.10977331285858 tons of tnt (Low 7-C)

I think 9.1 metric tons is a better weight to use as the 50 ton weight feels almost hyperbolic in it's description. And also, this would also only scale to The Fallen and jet upgrade Optimus

Megatron's flight speed recalc[]

Feat is here. Despite having a saturn looking planet, the planet is located in another solar system as evident by the nebulae. I think assuming it's in another solar system is better as the visuals support it and that other sources don't seem to know where it is and contrdict one another Using the distance between our solar system and alpha centauri as above as a low-ball. The distance between our solar system and the closest solar system, Alpha Centauri, is 4.37 light years or 4.1343e13 km. The timeframe I used was 24 hours, because according to this calc, dark carioca said that megs travelled to the nemesis in a day. I'm not sure where he got it from, but ok.

Using the calculator, we get 478507000000 m/s or 1596.12754501 C, which is Massively FTL+. Very epik.

Starscream scales to this of course. As well as their IDW movie comic counterparts.


Optimus crashes on cybertron[]

- Low end: 62.1773422562141 tons of tnt (8-B+)

- Mid end: 111.50089268642448 tons of tnt (8-A)

- High end: 131.17756333652 tons of TNT (8-A)

- KLOL Edition: 433.6448374761 tons of TNT (8-A')

- New End: 650.4670650095602 tons of TNT (8-A)

Fallen descends onto earth[]

- Low end: 259.02350431988526225 tons of tnt (8-A)

- High end: 1291.10977331285858 tons of tnt (Low 7-C) (Accepted)

Megatron's revised speed[]

- 1070390000000 miles per hour (Massively FTL+) (Accepted)