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https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3quyeg (feat)

torso length to height

torso length = 1/3 of height



deep sea king height = 13 1/2

13 1/2 divided by 3 = 4 1/2

his torso length in feet is 4 1/2

speed o sound sonic’s height is 5’8 1/2 in feet


speed o sound sonic was travelling the distance of about 3x the distance of  deep sea kings torso

4 1/2 x 3  = 13 1/2

now to calculate the speed

speed o sound sonic had about 10 afterimages in 1 frame to 19

the inbetween is about 14


this would mean in one frame he moved about 14 times around the distance of 13 1/2 ft

the actual video/animation looks about 60 fps atleast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqIGOTDsBuA (skip to 0:15)

14 x 60 = 840

so in 1/840 of a second he moved 13 1/2 ft

speed = distance/time

1/840 = 0.00123152709

0.00123152709 seconds = 0.0000003421 hours

13 1/2 ft = 4.1148 meters

4.1148 meters divided by 0.0000003421 hours

3,341.12833 m/s (Hypersonic)