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In the beginning of Memories of Nobody, Toshiro and Kisuke explain that the Kyogoku was created over the span of 3 days. I will be calculating how much energy per second is required to create such a dimension.

Kyogoku's Size[]

The Kyogoku is shown within the movie to contain a star and CFYOW extrapolates by saying Kyogoku contain natural light. Natural light being defined as light that has been sourced from a Sun or star. Furthermore, Kyogoku provide an environment that can sustain life. To which, it should be obvious, that for human life to thrive and even survive, an Earth-Sun-like system is required. So, with all this preponderance of evidence, it is clear to see that the Kyogoku is a dimension containing a star.

Creating a Kyogoku[]

Creating a dimension with a star has been calculated at Star level (read KLOL's revision on the actual calc blog). However, it takes the Blanks 3 days to accomplish this task, as such I will divide by that time frame in seconds.

Time frame = 3 days = 259200 s

Blanks energy = 1.1184707e42 J

Blanks power = 1.1184707e42 J / 259200 s = 4.31509e36 Joules per second

Senna releases all the energy at once[]

Senna, in order to push the two colliding realms away to safety, states she will release all the Blanks energy at once. Senna does this over the span of a little under 5 seconds as found by USklaverei. I will calculate the power from Senna releasing all the Blanks energy in a similar manner as above.

Time frame = 4.8811 s

Blanks energy = 1.1184707e42 J

Senna releasing the Blanks energy = 1.1184707e42 J / 4.8811 s = 2.29143e41 Joules per second


Blanks Create Kyogoku = 1.031 Ronnatons (5-A) ACCEPTED

Blanks Energy Released = 54.767 Quettatons (Low 4-C) ACCEPTED