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VS Battles Wiki


Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Capicola

Origin: Regular Show

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Classification: Animatronic gang leader

Powers and Abilities: Immortality (Type 2), Weapon Mastery, Inorganic Physiology, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Vehicular Mastery, Has the ability to disguise himself to the point where he wasn't recognized

Attack Potency: Wall level (Superior to one of his gang members who staggered Muscle Man with a few punches)

Speed: Peak Human physically, Subsonic to Subsonic+ with fire arms

Lifting Strength: Class K (Should be comparable to the park members)

Striking Strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level (Survived an absolute barrage of gunfire from guns like assault rifles, a sniper rifle, and a minigun. Survived a boat exploding from a Rocket Launcher and got up minutes later)

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard melee range. Dozens of meters with firearms

Standard Equipment: A pistol and a tommy gun

Intelligence: Above Average. Hid in a arcade for years for the statute of limitations to end. Came up without a complicated money scam to get revenge on Mordecai and Rigby.

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches: