The Noita is the mysterious protagonist of the eponymous game. A cloaked figure of unknown gender and species, they seek to master alchemy and reach the bottom of the world for reasons unknown.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-B, 9-A to 8-C with Wands, up to High 5-A, potentially higher with optimization. High 5-A to High 3-A with preparation | 9-B, 9-A to 8-C with Wands, up to High 5-A, potentially higher with optimization. High 5-A to High 3-A with preparation
Keys: Base | 34 Orb Win
Name: The Noita
Origin: Noita (The Universe)
Gender: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Classification: Noita
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Stealth Mastery, Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm and destroy spirits and other intangible beings. Can interact with the Houre, who are likely hallucinations), Weapon Mastery (Wands), Master of Alchemy, Levitation, Immortality (Type 2, can survive being shot in the head and dipping in lava), Self-Sustenance (Type 2), Resistance to Extreme Temperatures (Can venture through volcanic caves, snowy tundras, and hot deserts without issue), Cosmic Radiations (Capable of going to space without ill effect), Transmutation (Unaffected by the Draught of Midas, which turns everything it touches into gold) and Fragrance Manipulation (Unaffected by pheromones)
Passive Probability Manipulation (Critical Hit+), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, with Breathless) Metal Manipulation (Greed and Trick Greed increase the gold that enemies drop, and Gold Attractor causes all gold in the vicinity to fly to the Noita), Gravity Manipulation (Can lower his own gravity), Explosion Manipulation (Essence of Fire, Revenge Explosion, and Exploding Corpses), Invulnerability (When a high-power attack would kill him, instead reduces him to one HP. Can also get this the many Immunity perks), Invisibility, Blood Manipulation (Makes all enemies around him bleed more, can heal by drinking blood), Clairvoyance, Enhanced Senses and Extrasensory Perception (All-Seeing Eye, Enemy Radar, Wand Radar, Moon Radar and Spatial Awareness), Resurrection (Can respawn with 100 health once), Empathic Manipulation (More Love/Hatred and Worm Attractor/Detractor), Damage Reduction (Stainless Armor halves damage. Can be stacked indefinetly. Other Perks can also decrease the damage certain damage types have on him, which also stack indefinetly), Blessed, Enhanced Power Modification (Divine Blessing allows him to edit wands anywhere. Various other Perks also modify the workings of his spells or wands), Teleportation and Instinctive Reaction (Teleportitis teleports him to a random location upon taking damage. Teleportitis Dodge teleports him a short distance away from any attack that would hit him, even if it is a light-speed laser), Homing Attack (Via Homing Shot and Boomerang Shot), Heat Manipulation, Fire Manipulation and Ice Manipulation (Freeze Field passively freezes everything in his vicinity. Gas Fire instantly lights any gases around him on fire), Absorption (With Vampirism and Projectile Eater), limited Intangibility (Can phase through projectiles), Summoning (With several Perks. Most notable are the Angry Ghost, who can copy projectiles that pass by him, the Hungry Ghost, who devours projectiles and amplifies the damage dealed by the Noita, and the Mourniful Spirit, who deals curse damage, which wastes away at targets), Deconstruction (Dissolve Powders passively disintegrates weaker materials), limited Dimensional Storage (With Iron Stomach), Forcefield Creation (Permanent Shield), Body Control (Lukki and Leggy Mutation, Revenge Tentacle), Animal Manipulation (Summons plague rats to aid him), Attack Reflection (Projectile Repulsion Field and Projectile Repulsion Sector), limited Statistics Reduction (Can slow down the speed of projectiles close to him), Electricity Manipulation (Constantly Electrified), Statistics Amplification (Faster Movement, Faster Levitation, Never Skip Leg Day, Glass Canon), Plasma Manipulation (With Personal Plasma Beam), Fungus Manipulation (Cordyceps, Fungal Colony, Fungal Disease), limited Transmutation (Can turn vomit near him into rats), Telekinesis (Telekinetic Kick), Damage Boost (When under 25 HP, his spells triple in power. Can stack up to 5 times, each one being exponential), limited Body Control (Can change his own internal and external structures, giving himself massive Lukki legs, or altering the composition of his blood. Can even allow himself to bleed gas), Healing (Heals by firing new and unedited wands), Air Manipulation (Essence of Air), Energy Manipulation (Essence of Earth), Magma Manipulation (Essence of Water), Alcohol Manipulation (Essence of Spirits), Resistance to Stains (Repelling Cape), Fire Manipulation (Fire Immunity), Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement (Electricity Immunity), Poison Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation (Toxic Sludge Immunity), Explosion Manipulation (Explosion Immunity), Melee Attacks, Transmutation, Matter Manipulation (Stainless Armor completely negates Midas Damage)
Plasma Manipulation (Has access to various plasma-based spells), Animal Manipulation (Of ducks, deer, spirits, tentacles, various monsters, and giant worms), Summoning (Can summon meteors), Damage Boost (Has multiple spell additions that increase the damage and power of their spells), Energy Projection (Has access to countless different types of energy bolts), Ice Manipulation (Can fire frozen flames and freeze enemies solid with various spells), Aura (Has spells that can apply auras to his projectiles, such as a freezing aura. Damage Field, in specific, can bypass forcefields and attack reflection), Pollen Manipulation (Via Pollen), Explosion Manipulation (Has access to a multitude of spells that explode), Holy Manipulation (Via Holy Hand Grenade and Giga Holy Bomb), Acid Manipulation (Via Acid Trail, Acid Cloud, Sea of Acid, Circle of Acid and Acid Ball), Black Hole Creation, Air Manipulation (Via Burst of Air. Can create vacuum fields), Curse Manipulation (With several curse spells), Probability Manipulation (Via Cursed Sphere), Deconstruction (With Venomous Curse), Resistance Negation (With Poison and Polymorph spells, as well as Weakening Curses), Crystal Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation (Can create Earthquakes), Portal Creation (Via Eldritch Portal), Fire Manipulation, Weapon Creation (Can create arrows and lances), Adhesive Manipulation (Via Glue Ball and Slime spells), Healing, Light Manipulation (Has multiple light-based spells), Electricity Manipulation (Has multiple electricity-based spells), Forcefield Creation (Via Shield and Guard spells), Blood Manipulation (Can create blood mist), Poison Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation (Can create toxic sludge and mist), Darkness Manipulation, Fungus Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation (Via Chaos Magic), Creation (Can create items such as propane tanks, minecarts, rocks, and more), Biological Manipulation (With Personal Tentacler), Metal Manipulation (Via sawblades), Teleportation (Via various spells), Can create fields of magic such as freezing, electrifying, levitating, teleporting, and more, Empathic Manipulation (Can inflict Berserk), Transmutation (Can turn foes into sheep, and transmute the environments and enemies into gold, blood, oil, smoke, water, and spirits), Power Nullification, Resurrection Negation (Via Polymorphine spells), Weather Manipulation (Can create clouds that rain acid, water, and other materials), Alcohol Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Can instantly erase all enemies around him at the cost of his maximum HP), Gravity Manipulation (Can create various gravity fields), Clairvoyance (Via All-Seeing Eye), limited Void Manipulation (With Black Hole), Power Modification (Has various spell additions that alter the trajectory and other properties of his spells), Energy Manipulation (Can transform spells into other spells as they're firing. Can convert things like mana into extra damage), Petrification (Can apply petrification to all attacks), Homing Attack (Can make his spells homing), Danmaku, Duplication (Can cause his spells to duplicate), Life Manipulation (Can sacrifice his life and gold for extra damage), Necromancy (Can make enemies he kills rise to his aid), Status Effect Inducement (Can apply various status effects to enemies, including effects that cause them to randomly launch out spells that can hurt them), Quantum Manipulation (Can cast quantum entanglement), Matter Manipulation (Via Matter-Eater), Earth Manipulation (Can create cement, soil, and rocks), Oil Manipulation (Can create Oil), Magma Manipulation (Can create seas of magma), Power Mimicry (Has multiple spells such as Alpha that can copy his own spells), Sound Manipulation
Matter Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation (Can create a miniature sun), Teleportation (Via Teleportatium), Transmutation (Via Polymorphine and Chaotic Polymorphine, as well as Draught of Midas. Can create new materials via chemical reactions. Can transmute the entire world into gold via the Work), Statistics Amplification (Via Acceleratium and Hastium), Mind Manipulation (Via Flummoxium), Fragrance Manipulation (Via Pheromones), Fungus Manipulation, Invulnerability (Via Ambrosia), Healing (Via Lively Concoction and Healthium), Purification (Purifying Powder converts any liquid it touches, including blood, into water), Smoke Manipulation, Clairvoyance (Via Guiding Liquid, which points to orbs of true knowledge), Corruption (Creepy Liquid converts the air and liquids around it into more creepy liquid, expanding infinitely), Invisibility (Via Invisibilium), Void Manipulation (Via Void Liquid), Ice Manipulation (Via Freezing Liquid), Fire Manipulation (Via Fire Flask), Magma Manipulation (Via Lava Flask), Explosion Manipulation (Via Gunpowder), Resistance Negation (Via Polymorphine, Chaotic Polymorphine and Unstable Polymorphine, which can bypass any and all layers of Stainless Armor, which can block Midas Damage. Even essentially infinite layers of Stainless Armor do not stop Polymorphine. Also with Poison and Ominous Liquid, which bypasses Toxic Immunity), Power Nullification, Resurrection and Invulnerability Negation (Polymorphine removes all powers one may have, even resurrection powers that also block transmutation, as well as powers that grant invulnerability), Poison Manipulation, Rage Power (Via Berserkium), Reality Warping, Enhanced Transmutation and Law Manipulation (With Fungal Reality Shift, which distorts the very fabric of reality and alters the laws of the cosmos so that a certain material, across the entire map, is transmuted into another. This even extends to material that is newly created from nothing as well), limited Time Manipulation (The supernova's destruction of the world's map extends even to New Game+), Resistance to Resistance Negation, Invulnerability Negation, Radiation Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Transmutation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Curse Manipulation, Deconstruction (Via Ambrosia, which has all previous resistances, in addition to being immune to Weakening Curse, Venomous Curse, as well as Blood Orb Damage)
All previous, Invulnerability (Completely and utterly invulnerable to anything in the game), Resistance to Acid Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Thread Manipulation, Necromancy, Resurrection, Resistance Negation, Power Nullification, Resurrection and Invulnerability, Negation, Damage Transferal, Time Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Black Holes, Teleportation, BFR, Light Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Sense Manipulation, Power Modification, Body Puppetry, Life Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Resists every power in the game, nothing can kill him)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Can shatter stone and launch large boulders simply by kicking them), Small Building level (Can hurt enemies that warrant this size and vaporize large quantities of stone and metal) to Building level with Wands (Can cast Lightning Bolts, Earthquakes, and spells that possess more power than that. Nuke has a blast radius of roughly 35 meters, which would result in a yield of over 2 tons of TNT), up to Brown Dwarf level (Omega Black Hole is this strong), potentially Higher (Can create spell combinations that are potentially billions of times stronger than that of the Omega Black Hole or even higher, enough to scare even the Gods), Brown Dwarf level to High Universe level with preparation (Can create a miniature sun several meters in radius and a black hole of similar size. By having both collide, the resulting Supernova is powerful enough to affect all infinite parallel worlds, and even newly created worlds from New Game+) | Wall level, Small Building level to Building level with Wands, up to Brown Dwarf level, potentially Higher with optimization, Brown Dwarf level to High Universe level with preparation
Speed: Normal Human movement speed, higher with Perks (Can indefinitely stack Perks that increase their speed, such as Faster Movement and Faster Levitation), Massively Hypersonic+ to Speed of Light attack speed with Wands (Can cast spells that utilize light and natural lightning) | Normal Human movement speed, Higher with Perks, Massively Hypersonic+ to Speed of Light attack speed with Wands
Lifting Strength: At least Class 1 (Can kick away boulders and metal objects larger than they are) | At least Class 1
Striking Strength: Wall Level, Higher with Never Skip Leg Day (Can endlessly stack the Never Skip Leg Day perk, increasing the power of their kicks indefinitely) | Wall Level, higher with Never Skip Leg Day
Durability: Small Building level to Building level (Can survive Lightning Bolts and comparable spells. Unaffected by being the epicenter of the Essence of Fire's explosions), High Universe level with certain perks and with Ambrosia (With certain Perks, the Noita is capable of complete Invulnerability against fire, explosions, electricity, melee and radiation, regardless of the power behind the attack. Stainless Armor can stack infinitely, to the point where any damage is completely negligible, even that of the Work, which transmutes all infinite parallel worlds into gold. Ambrosia grants protection against any and all attacks in the game, and is essentially comparable to a 34 Orb Noita, who has infinite durability) | High Universe level (Possesses a literally infinite amount of health, with nothing in the game being capable of harming or killing him. Unaffected by events that can affect the entire map of the game, which contains infinite parallel worlds)
Stamina: Limitless (Does not tire)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Wands, Universe level with Perks and Preparation Time (Those such as More Love, More Hatred and More Gravity, as well as the Work, the supernova and Fungal Reality Shifts can affect the entire map, which consists of infinite parallel worlds), Interdimensional with Eldritch Portal
Standard Equipment: A Spark Bolt wand, A Bomb Wand, a Water Flask
- Optional Equipment: Various wands, orbs, tablets, and flasks.
- Can Create/Summon: A miniature sun, various creatures and monsters
Intelligence: Gifted, likely Genius. The Noita is an incredibly skilled fighter, mage, and alchemist, able to create all manner of clever combinations of materials and even secret, legendary substances such as the Draught of Midas. They were able to fight, sneak, and trick their way through many underground levels filled with enemies that could kill them in seconds even at their strongest, all while utilizing their enemies' strategies, the environment, and anything they can get their hands on to win.
Standard Tactics: The Noita will most likely avoid a direct approach, preferring to instead utilize stealth and clever trapping. They will attempt to utilize instant-incapacitation or instant-death abilities such as Black Hole and Transmogrification and will utilize things such as teleportanium and teleport spells for escapes. If need be, they will cast Destruction to instantly end the fight. If they need to heal, they can draw blood from the enemy and drink it with Vampirism.
Weaknesses: Wands possess limited mana. Can be hurt by their own spells (Though this is mitigated by their perks). Cannot eat everything, as they will become poisoned or sick (Bypassed by Iron Stomach, which allows him to even eat magma).
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Spells: Various spells that the Noita can call upon. It is worth noting that all of these projectiles and spells can be heavily altered in terms of their movement pattern, damage, speed, and element, as well as made to release other types of materials and even cast multiple attacks from the same spell. Spells can also be made to cast again on a timer, summon up another spell at their location upon impact, raise corpses to fight for the user, Freeze/Burn/Dissolve/Explode anything in their vicinity, and far, far more. A full list of spells can be found here.
- Destruction: Among the Noita's most powerful spells. Utilizing it erases all nearby enemies from existence, at the cost of reducing the Noita's maximum health.
- Black Holes: The Noita can create multiple types of pseudo-black holes that pull in and disintegrate matter. Higher variations can also hurt and kill the Noita himself.
- Nuke: As is to be expected, the Nuke creates a large missile that causes an extremely large explosion, that generally instantly kills the Noita without the aid of explosion immunity perks
- The End of Everything: A special spell that deserves its own mention. When utilized, it casts a series of thirteen extremely powerful and destructive effects in rapid succession. This includes creating a large ocean of magma, removing all solids in the vicinity, summoning meteors, summoning giant worms, transforming nearby creatures into powerful stevari, and more.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving The Noita |