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VS Battles Wiki
Seed Urn


Kakin's First King conjured an Urn which can bestow Guardian Nen Beasts upon his descendants. This is known as the "Seed Urn Ceremony."

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown

Name: Seed Urn

Origin: Hunter X Hunter

Age: Hundreds if not thousands of years old

Classification: Conjured Urn

Wielders First Kakin King, every Kakin King descendant, Nasubi Hui Guo Rou

Powers and Abilities: Nen Manipulation (Conjuration), Subjective Reality and Power Bestowal (When a descendant of the First Kakin King offers a droplet of their blood to the Urn, it conjures a Parasitic Type Guardian Spirit Nen Beast which is shaped based on the individuality of the target), Limitations (There are limitations placed upon the conjured Nen Beasts; they are imbued by two instinctual rules, Guardian Nen Beasts cannot attack each other and they cannot attack a human that is protected by a Guardian Nen Beast. These rules were placed so the rightful heir of the Kakin Empire is able to take the throne without their interference)


  • It is only restricted to descendants of the First Kakin Empire King
  • It requires a droplet of their blood.


Discussion threads involving Seed Urn