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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
Isn't it remarkable, Steven? This world is full of so many possibilities. Each living thing has an entirely unique experience. The sights they see, the sounds they hear. The lifes they live are so complicated... and so simple. I can't wait for you to join them. Steven, we can't both exist. I'm going to become half of you. And I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you. Because you're going to be something extraordinary. You're going to be a human being.
~ Rose Quartz in a video diary


Rose Quartz was the founder and former leader of the Crystal Gems. Before this alias, she went by Pink Diamond, who got Earth as her only planet to colonize. Enthralled by the beauty of Earth, Rose led her friends and allies in a rebellion against the Gem Homeworld around 5,500 years before the events of the series, successfully driving the invading Homeworld Gems off the planet and saving the life inhabiting it. Rose eventually got into a romantic relationship with a human, Greg Universe, before giving up her physical form to give birth to their son, Steven, who inherited her gemstone.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least High 7-C | Likely 5-C

Key: As Rose Quartz | Pink Diamond/True Form

Name: Rose Quartz, Pink Diamond (formerly)

Origin: Steven Universe

Gender: Genderless (Although she appears as and is commonly referred to as female)

Age: 20,000 years old (Emerged this long ago)

Classification: Gem, Founder and Former leader of the Crystal Gems, Mother of Steven, Matriarch of Homeworld (Formerly)

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Gem Physiology (Grants Regeneration (High-Mid), Immortality (Types 1 and 3), Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation, Body Control, Biological Manipulation, Fusionism, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Automatic-adjustment to different strengths of gravity, Pocket Reality Manipulation (All Gems have a pocket dimension of infinite size contained within their gemstone), Sealing (Via Bubbles), and BFR (Via Bubbles)), Weapon Creation, Skilled Swordswoman and Shield Wielder, Forcefield Creation, Healing, Empathic Telepathy, Plant Manipulation, Attack Reflection (With her shield), Levitation, Resurrection, Creation (of Gemstones and Shards), Aura (Allows her to enter the astral plane, where she can possess minds and project her thoughts), Social Influencing (Convinced thousands of Gems to fight with her against a more powerful enemy), Sound Manipulation (Was known for having powerful tantrums that let her scream to the point where walls shattered), Can inflict permanent damage to a gem's physical body via shouting (Pink Pearl's eye being cracked is a result of her standing too close to Pink while she was having a tantrum)

Attack Potency: At least Large Town level (Superior to Hessonite, who needed the Light Prism to fight with her, Fought against multiple Light Warriors simultaneously) | Likely Moon level+ (The Diamonds are considered to be by far the most powerful Gems in existence, so greatly superior to others that even the thought of a Diamond getting "poofed" is considered laughable), likely far higher (Should scale to her son Steven's Pure-Gem and Pink States, which at their full potential can stomp even the likes of White Diamond. Alongside the other three Diamonds, was capable of greatly decimating Homeworld just by emerging.)

Speed: Relativistic reaction and combat speed (At least comparable to Garnet, blitzed a fused ruby fusion) | At least Relativistic, likely far higher (by scaling to the other Diamonds and Pink State Steven)

Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Should be at least comparable to Garnet) | At least Class G, likely far higher (by scaling to Pink State Steven)

Striking Strength: At least Large Town level (Able to de-fuse 3 Rubies in a few strikes without the need of her sword or shield) | Likely Moon level+ (scales to Pink State Steven)

Durability: At least Large Town level. Likely Moon level+ with Shield and Bubble (Her son, Steven, after not even completely mastering the shield was capable of protecting himself and his friends from the force of a double Mach water free-fall, that used all the world's water as a source of its immense power, and later became able to block attacks from Yellow and Blue with his shields before he grew even stronger over the next two years. Rose beyond a reasonable doubt should have mastered her shield's abilities) | Likely Moon level+

Stamina: Infinite so long as her gem isn't damaged or destroyed

Range: Extended Melee Range with sword

Standard Equipment: Shield, Her Sword, Laser Light Cannon, Her Warship (formerly), Palanquin (formerly)

Intelligence: Likely Genius (Pink Diamond is tactically brilliant, and is regarded as the most intelligent of the Crystal Gems. She created an alter-ego as Rose Quartz, faked her own death, and led her small rebel force to victory over the Homeworld forces despite being heavily outnumbered and outgunned to the point that the combined forces of two Diamonds were forced to flee)

Weaknesses: Sufficient damage to her physical form can revert her back to her vulnerable gem form, which can be broken and destroyed

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Healing: Rose manifests her ability to heal through her tears. Her tears could heal broken Gems/gemstones, and heal other creatures of general injuries.
    • Resurrection: Rose's healing abilities can also resurrect living beings that have died. In doing so, the being develops a pink hue and has the power to create a pocket dimension if the said being has hair. The pocket dimension portals can connect with other beings that have been resurrected by her or Steven.
  • Phytokinesis: Rose had the ability to grow sentient flora that acted as her guardians.
  • Shield Proficiency: Rose had the ability to summon her shield to protect loved ones.
  • Levitation: In "Steven Floats", it is revealed that Rose was able to control the speed of her ascent and descent.

Notable Matchups



Omni-Man (Invincible) Omni-Man´s profile ("True Form" Rose was being used and she was bloodlusted. Speed was equalized)



Discussion threads involving Rose Quartz