Powers and Stats
Tier: At least High 6-C | At least High 6-C | 1-C
Key: Ultimate | Black | Armor
Name: Rapidmon, Keen Hound | BlackRapidmon | Rapidmon Armor/GoldenRapidmon/Rapidmon (Gold)
Origin: Digimon
Gender: Genderless
Age: Varies
Classification: Ultimate level Vaccine Attribute Cyborg Digimon | Armor level Vaccine Attribute Holy Knight Digimon
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Digimon Physiology, Holy Power, Darkside Power, Light Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Missile Mastery, Flight, Information Manipulation and Durability Negation via Golden Triangle, Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Statistics Amplification, Summoning (Can summon meteors)
All abilities of a regular Rapidmon.
All previous abilities, Holy Manipulation, Power Nullification.
Attack Potency: At least Large Island level (Ultimate level Digimon should be astronomically superior to Devimon who could split File Island apart) | At least Large Island level (Comparable to it's regular counterpart) | Complex Multiverse level (Is implied to be Magnamon's equal and should be on par with the Royal Knight, many of which command the power to destroy the Digital World)
Speed: Relativistic+ (It "reliably takes down foes who move near the Speed of Light"), with FTL reaction/combat speed (Should be able to at least react to and fight Agunimon) | Relativistic+ (It "attacks the enemies with a fast move near the lightspeed"), with FTL reaction/combat speed (Should be able to at least react to and fight Agunimon) | Immeasurable (Comparable to the Royal Knights)
Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Likely Immeasurable via power-scaling
Striking Strength: At least Large Island level | At least Large Island level | Complex Multiverse level
Durability: At least Large Island level | At least Large Island level | Complex Multiverse level
Stamina: Superhuman (Fought even after getting hit by a giant hammer and being consumed by Zhuqiaomons fire) | Superhuman+ or higher | Superhuman+ or higher
Range: Several Kilometers | Several Kilometers
Standard Equipment: Missile Launchers | Golden Fate Armor
Intelligence: A great tracker, able to hunt enemies even in the dark.
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Support Skill: Bull's-Eye: Passively increases Accuracy by 15%.
- Tri Beam/Golden Triangle/Miracle Missile: Fires a green triangular beam from its whole body that completely disassembles the enemy's data. 20% chance of increasing base stats by 10%.
- Rapid Fire: Rapid-fires homing missiles from both of its arms and the revolver equipped to its back.
- Homing Missile: Fires homing missiles from the launcher on its back.
- Starlight: Blow up the opponent with starlight energy.
- Boost On: Speed up an ally with machine power.
- Rising Ray: Fire a shining energy ball at the opponent
- Twin Missle: Fire 2 missiles and engulf the area in flames.
- Meteor Fall I: Summons a meteor to crash on the opponent.
- Thunder Fall II: Summons powerful bolts of lightning from the sky.
- Nanomachine Break: Blast the opponent with a powerful electric attack.
Note: For Wallaces Terriermon, see here and for Henry's Terriermon, see here.
Notable Matchups