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Queen Sheba is the Infernal Demon tasked with the role of the ruler of Inferno. She is portrayed as a darker, yet much more massive version of Jubileus with similar powers. When the cosmos was split into light, darkness and the chaos in-between, the incredibly powerful Sheba was born alongside the darkness controlling the world of Inferno. She lives in the hellish land, and is often classified as a demon yet the full details of her existence are unknown. It is said that no witch can attempt to summon Sheba like other Demons - the power needed is too great and therefore kills the witch in the process. However, it seems that the equal powers of two witches is enough to summon Queen Sheba, without suffering any further damage.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 1-C

Name: Queen Sheba

Origin: Bayonetta

Gender: Female

Age: At least billions of years old (Older than the universe)

Classification: Ruler of Inferno

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1), Large Size (Type 8, Type 3 when summoned), Flight, Portal Creation, Teleportation via portals, Magic, Darkness Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Can harm and kill Incorporeality beings, Can survive in space, Resistance to Cosmic Radiations and Soul Manipulation

Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse level (Embodies the Infinite Demon World, which is larger than the Multiverse of Chaos. Comparable to Full Power Jubileus and Aesir)

Speed: Massively FTL, with Massively FTL+ combat speed and reactions (Equal to Jubileus), likely Immeasurable (Should be equal to Aesir, who transcends space-time entirely, and is able to move through it at will. Far above characters like Bayonetta and Rosa, who are capable of running through time in Muspelheim). Omnipresent within Inferno (Embodies all of Inferno)

Lifting Strength: Infinite (Queen Sheba embodies the World of Darkness in its entirety, which is said to be an infinite space)

Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse level

Durability: Low Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Thousands of Kilometers, Multiversal+ at full power

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Extremely High

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Queen Sheba