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VS Battles Wiki
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!
~ Nanomech


Nanomech is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Nanochip/Human hybrid.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-C physically, 9-C with Energy Projection

Name: Nanomech

Origin: Ben 10

Gender: Male

Age: Not applicable

Classification: Alien, Nanochip/Human hybrid

Powers and Abilities: Flight, Electricity ManipulationBody Control, Size Manipulation (Can grow up to 1 inch tall and become microscopically small), Surface Scaling, Acrobatics, FlexibilityCyborgization (He's ½ Microchip), Energy Projection, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Resistance to Mind Control, Resistance (All abilties and resistances provided by the Omnitrix)

Attack Potency: Below Average Human level physically, Street level with energy projection (Nanomech's energy attacks have destroyed guns that were used by Incurseans)

Speed: Average Human

Lifting Strength: Below Average (Nanomech can easily open small circuits and plugs)

Striking Strength: Unknown, likely Below Average Human level

Durability: Below Average Human level (Was easily slapped by Inspector 13 by using a fly swatter)

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Gifted (Being a transformation of Ben, every alien possesses Ben’s intelligence/skill/experience)

Weaknesses: Nanomech's minuscule size makes it difficult to fight larger opponents. Nanomech can be harmed by a flyswatter


  • He has defeated Mad Ben's Way Big via shrinking size and travelling inside his head.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Bio-Electricity Attacks: Nanomech can launch green bioelectrical energy from his hands and eye, ranging in forms from beams to orbs


Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Nanomech