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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
Mojo MC TR
Are we having fun or what? One down! And so many more to go! We're just getting started! Come here, X-Men! Let's go for a clean sweep!


Mojo is one of the "Spineless Ones", an alien race that is immobile without advanced technology. He is a slaver who rules the Mojoverse, a dimension where all beings are addicted to his gladiator-like television programs starring Earth superheroes, as such to please his audience, he captures heroes, putting them in ridiculous television scenarios to entertain the masses, whether at the cost of their lives matters not.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown physically, up to 5-B with Statistics Amplification

Name: Mojo

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Spineless One, Ruler, Movie Producer

Powers and Abilities:  Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Flight, Energy Projection, Heat Manipulation (His blasts can produce heat), Transmutation (Turned Baby Longshot into a photograph, and Wonder Man into a woman), Age Manipulation (An example here), Power Nullification (Depowered Spiral), Teleportation (As shown here), Minor Body Control (Due to being spineless, can fit into smaller and more uncomfortable spaces), Life Force Absorption (Can absorb lifeforce of those up close), Statistics Amplification (Can draw strength from his audience to amplify his strength immensely) and Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Resisted a young Marvel Girl)

Attack Potency: Unknown physically (Far superior to Magik), up to Planet level with Statistics Amplification (Oneshot Danger, who is comparable to the strongest X-Men)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Comparable to Nightcrawler)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Stopped and lifted a car)

Striking Strength: Unknown physically, up to Planet level with Statistics Amplification

Durability: Wall level+ physically (Took a hit from Shadowcat and Gambit), up to Planet level with Statistics Amplification

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Extended melee range. Unknown with blasters.

Standard Equipment: His mechanical apparatus for transport and combat.

  • Optional Equipment: Various camera drones.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Expert biologist and trickster, Mojo created Longshot and Spiral alongside many other organisms as well as androids and is a masterful manipulator and planner for his shows.)

Weaknesses: Extremely eccentric, paranoid, narcissistic, perverted, and insane.

Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Mojo (Marvel Comics)