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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
Totally not shuma gorath
That thing was trying to kidnap me. It's like a henchman who works for a demon.
~ America Chavez to Doctor Strange


Gargantos was an inter-dimensional being sent by Scarlet Witch to kidnap America Chavez in order to acquire her Multiversal abilities. Gargantos attacked Chavez in New York but was attacked by Wong and Doctor Strange, the latter of whom killed Gargantos by gouging its eye out with a lamppost.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 8-C

Name: Gargantos

Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Classification: Inter-dimensional cephalopod

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 1), Bodily Weaponry (Tentacles), Regeneration (High-Low: Regenerated a tentacle after being cut), Surface Scaling (Can scale buildings with its tentacles) and Passive Invisibility, Resistance to Fire Manipulation (Withstood Doctor Strange's magic fire)

Attack Potency: At least Building level+ (Physically overpowered Doctor Strange and Wong, knocking the former unconscious)

Speed: Relativistic+ combat speed and reactions (Can keep up with Doctor Strange and Wong)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Easily lifted and threw a bus several meters away)

Striking Strength: At least Building level+

Durability: At least Building level+ (Able to withstand attacks from both Doctor Strange and Wong)

Stamina: Superhuman (Endured several slices and attacks from Doctor Strange and Wong without much damage or fatigue during their fight)

Range: Tens of meters with its tentacles

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Gargantos (Marvel Cinematic Universe)