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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
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Clarice Ferguson is a mutant who can create dimension-warping portals that can teleport people and objects. She was a member of the X-Men during the year 2023, by the name of Blink

Powers and Stats

Tier: Likely 10-A

Name: Clarice Ferguson, Blink

Origin: FOX's X-Men

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Mutant, X-Men Member

Powers and Abilities: Portal Creation, Durability Negation

Attack Potency: Likely Athlete level. Can negate durability to certain extent via portals (Chopped off a Sentinel's hand by closing a portal on it)

Speed: Peak Human (Comparable to Iceman)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Likely Athlete level

Durability: Likely Athlete level

Stamina: Athletic (Fought off Sentinels for extended periods)

Range: Standard Melee Range. Extended Melee range via portals

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Likely Average

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Technique:

  • Portal Creation: Blink possesses the power to create a teleportation vacuum, in which multiple people or objects can enter at the same time. She can also close the vacuum at will, any object that does not exit the vacuum as it closes will be cut off, and therefore using this she effectively cut off the arm of the Sentinel. She can also create multiple teleportation vacuums to confuse and disorient the movements of attackers by teleporting them away from their intended targets or opening portals that transfer their own projectiles at them

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Blink (X-Men Film Series)