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HounanSafe / Tame (14)
MeasurementsHeight: 168cm, Weight: 53kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 94-58-93cm
HairBlond, Curtained, Long, Orange, Sidehair
BodyKemonomimi, Pale, Slim, Teen
ClothesT-shirt, Trousers
RoleVillain, Youkai
Engages inMalevolent Possession, Murder
Visual novelsAyakashibito
> Main character - r1730:Ayakashibito -Gen'you Ibunroku- First Press Limited Edition
> Main character - r2445:Ayakashibito -Gen'you Ibunroku- Regular Edition
> Main character - r2539:Ayakashibito -Gen'you Ibunroku- (Best Selection)
> Main character - r3873:Ayakashibito -Gen'you Ibunroku- Portable
Voiced byPark Romi (PS2/PSP versions only)


The exclusive heroine of Ayakashibito -Genyou Ibunroku- (the PS2 and PSP editions), she never "physically" appears in the PC editions, but is present in a different way there and has a significant role in Touko's route. Her route in Genyou Ibonroku editions can be accessed via that route too.
One of the evil nine-tailed Kitsune's, Genkou's tails. Albeit she was sealed in the Ichinotani Shrine for a very long time, <hidden by spoiler settings>
Her personality is arrogant, obstinate, and is someone prone of succumbing to loneliness. Seeking a powerful body, <hidden by spoiler settings>