Vinland Saga Wiki
Vinland Saga Wiki

"Beyond the Edge of the Sea" (海の果ての果て Umi no Hate no Hate?) is the eighth episode of the Vinland Saga anime, produced by WIT Studio.


Askeladd and his men dock in a village where his uncle Gorm the feudal lord rules over. Later on, Thorfinn and Askeladd duel against one another with Grom as the witness and in the end, wins. Despondent after his loss against Askeladd, Thorfinn watches over his father's ship for the night and meets the slave girl Hordaland.


November 1012 AD, Askeladd and his men return to Feudal Lord Gorm's village, Jutland Peninsula, Denmark, where they intend to spend the winter. The villagers gather at the port, excited to see how much treasure Askeladd got and hope that they will sail off with him, when he decides to leave.

Gorm happy that he will be paid

Gorm happy that he will be paid

Askeladd goes to meet with Gorm, who calculates that to feed Askeladd's men, he needs one and one-fourth silver coins for a man per day. Having 97 men, means that is 121 coins per day. Gorm proceeds to explains that the pork price had increased and beer is calculated separately. Askeladd gets bored and interrupts him, telling Gorm that they got plenty of treasure this year and he doesn't need to worry, so he can give plenty of food and booze to his men. Gorm smiles, stating he waited to hear that and tells his slave, Hordaland to bring some wine. As she is spacing out, Gorm orders her again. Askeladd finds her name being strange for a slave as it comes from Norway. Gorm confirms, and explains that she is the daughter of a feudal lord, but her family lost a battle and fell to ruin. Gorm complains that she was expensive, but its a bit useless as she has lot of pride. Seeing Thorfinn, Askeladd asks Gorm to be his witness, explaining that he has a duel before dinner. Askeladd also adds that its not the slave's fault that she is useless, but he is just using her wrongly, as you can use anyone with the right approach.

A bit later, Askeladd and Thorfinn are preparing for their duel. Gorm is their witness and explains that they can use any weapon they want. The reason for the duel is for Thorfinn to avenge his father's death. Gorm asks them if they object, but Thorfinn and Askeladd have no objections. Gorm then gives them a signal to start fighting. For a moment, neither of them moves. Askeladd then notices that Thorfinn had got taller and wonders what is his age now. In an instant, Thofinn then jumps at Askeladd and tries cutting his head, but Askeladd dodges. Thorfinn proceeds with attacks, but Askeladd manages to block them all. Askeladd then attacks Thorfinn, who blocks the attack, but get blow back. A young man is surprised how far Thorfinn flew, however Bjorn explains that Thorfinn jumped back. Thorfinn attacks again, but this time goes for Askeladd's fingers that hold the sword, seeing that, Askeladd is forced to let go of his sword. He attempts to grab Thorfinn, but Thorfinn backs up.

Askeladd easily making Thorfinn angry

Askeladd easily making Thorfinn angry

Askeladd takes his sword back. He asks Thorfinn what was his father's name, recalling it starts with "Th". After Thorfinn states its Thors, Askeladd states he killed many men and wonders if Thorfinn is sure that Askeladd killed Thoril, getting his name wrong on purpose. Thorfinn states that if he fought his father with honor, he would have never lost to him. Thorfinn gets angrier with each second and states that during their fight, Askeladd took Thorfinn a hostage. Askeladd then says he remembers it now and Thors was the idiot who put down his sword to save a kid. Thorfinn rages and runs towards Askeladd, disappointing Bjorn. Askeladd then grabs Thorfinn's arm and kicks his leg, taking him down easily. He tells Thorfinn to not get so worked up and that he needs more training. After defeating Thorfinn, Askeladd tells Gorm that he is hungry and wish to eat some lamb breasts with herbs.

Atli rejoins the men who are celebrating. Torgrim wonders why he is here as he was supposed to look after the ships, but Atli explains that Thorfinn didn't want to switch. Torgrim then guesses that he is still in bad mood due to his defeat. Bjorn comments that Thorfinn feels comfortable there as the that ship used to be his father's. The young man from earlier approaches Askeladd, stating that his fight from earlier was great. He wonders how Askeladd can sail with Thorfinn as he could kill him in his sleep. Askeladd states its fine and is sure Thorfinn won't do it, since he is a warrior and will only accept victory with honor. Hordaland drops a plate with food and Gorm complains how clumsy she is. Looking at her, the young man states he would rather die than living without pride. Askeladd laughs and states that everyone is a slave to something, pointing out that Gorm is a slave to his money and acts as a master to a woman he brought with money.

Thorfinn dreams of his father

Thorfinn dreams of his father

On the ship, Thorfinn dreams of his father, who comes to comfort him. Thors knows that he wants revenge and that even if he tells him not to seek it, Thorfinn wouldn't listen. Thors isn't sure what he should tell him and guesses that Thorfinn will have to realize it on his own. Thors reminds him that he doesn't have enemies and a true warriors doesn't need a sword. Thorfinn then wakes up and points his dagger and Hordaland's throat. Hordaland is surprised and drops her basket and explains that Gorm told her to bring him some food. As Thorfinn eats, she wonders if he is a slave too, since he is eating here. Thorfinn explains he is a warrior and can eat wherever he likes. She still feels he is like her, but Thorfinn states that if it he was her, he would have killed Gorm and ran away. Hordaland states she can't kill anyone, and Thorfinn tells her that she will remain a slave for her life. Hordaland states that even if she runs, no matter how far away, its probably the same there, filled with wars and slave traders. Thorfinn then recalls that far west, across the sea, there is a warm land, Vinland, a land where neither slave traders or war reaches. Hordaland then wonders if such a place truly exists.

Sweyn starting his campaign on England

Sweyn starting his campaign on England

August 1013 AD, Vicinity of Jelling, Denmark. Floki reports to Sweyn that the finest warriors from clans all over Denmark are gathering here. Four of the Jomsvikings brigades are also joining them, and everything is proceeding well for the upcoming campaign. Sweyn wonders where is Canute and Floki explains he is already here and is resting to prepare to march. Ragnar wonders if Sweyn won't change his mind and not include Canute. Sweyn explains that he is a candidate to succeed the throne and he is giving him a chance to display valor on the battlefield, and not lose to his brother Harald. Sweyn is also worried about Canute, however, he explains that they are vikings and if they don't demonstrate valor, people won't follow them.

The Danish and Viking fleet, led by Sweyn, invades England, starting from the Humber River. In the region of Gainsborough, five major cities are taken, and the main army continue their advance south over land. Their advance met a temporary halt at the merchant town of London.

Characters in order of appearance[]

Original Soundtrack[]

Soundtrack Starting Point
Mukanjyo (TV Size) OP
Chill Rain 14:45
Somewhere Else 18:16
Torches (TV Size) ED

Differences from the manga[]


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Season 2
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