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"Path of Blood" (血の道 Chi no Michi?) is the twenty-ninth overall episode of the Vinland Saga anime and the fifth episode of Season 2, produced by MAPPA.


After the death of King Sweyn of Denmark, England was once again embroiled in war, having lost its ruler. Canute, who once hated conflicts more than anyone, walks a hellish path alone to conquer England.


Canute recalls how Askeladd points his sword at King Sweyn. After Askeladd reveals his real name and stating he is the rightful king of the land of Britannia, he beheads King Sweyn.

Canute proclaims himself King of England

Canute proclaims himself King of England

For a period of time, the Danes held dominion over England, but that changed in the year 1014 with King Sweyn of Denmark's death. Denmark and England are at war again and Canute succeeded his father Sweyn and took command of the Danish viking army in England. Ethelred II returned from exile to Normandy and was reinstated. Both proclaimed themselves the King of England, and the war for the throne continued.

Canute reaches Mercia and looking around and seeing all the dead, Gunnar notes its worse than they heard and that it will take time for Mercia to recover. Canute tells Gunnar to not talk like they weren't involved with Mercia's situation. Canute sees some camps and soldiers and asks about them. Gunnar explains they are the advance force of their army, who conquered this region. However, Canute states he meant what they were doing and Gunnar states they are naturally pillaging the land, and are taking girls from the beggars to sell them. Canute recalls he forbid that and tells Gunnar to have them beheaded and display their heads on the road. Gunnar is surprised as collecting the spoils of war is a military custom, however Canute states that if the men can't maintain discipline, they are not his soldiers then, and orders Gunnar again to behead them.

Canute sees Floki and asks him if the arrangements have been made and Floki confirms, but notes he didn't need to meet them himself and he should have allowed him to handle the matter. Floki explains that Earl Eadric of Mercia is a coward and is not worth meeting. However, Canute states that a person's character and usefulness are two different things. Canute still intends to meet him and judge for himself. Canute also reveals there is another reason why he came. In that moment, Thorkell yells Canute's name and charges at him. Canute states he must appease Thorkell, guessing he was too much for Floki and his men.

Thorkell angry at Canute

Thorkell angry at Canute

Thorkell reaches Canute, but several men hold him to not get too close. Thorkell then yells that he hates when someone stops his battles more than he hates frogs. Canute explains that Mercia requested truce and their victory here is certain. Thorkell doesn't agree as for him battles don't stop until you take the opposing leader's head, and he was just about to take Eadric's head. Canute tells him that Eadric is just the leader of this region and to look at the bigger picture, but Thorkell doesn't care about that and just wants to enjoy a fulfilling life of warfare. Floki explains that in east, Ethelred's son, Edmund, is making moves and would like Thorkell's help, however, Thorkell yells at him that he decides where he goes and who he fights. Thorkell then turns to Canute and hopes he haven't forgotten what Thorkell told him before, that he will be watching what he do and who he becomes. Thorkell states that Canute is still nobody and is just a kid. Canute won't be able to avoid war and will have no choice but to carve his path with blood and iron, just like Askeladd did. Thorkell then throws away the men holding him and decides to back down for today. Gunnar tells Canute that he shouldn't overlook Thorkell's offense, however Canute states that Thorkell offered valuable warning which makes sense.

Later, Canute is with Gunnar and Floki when he meets with Eadric, who offers 4000 pounds of silver and explains that this is all they could gather at this time. Eadric hopes Canute accepts the offering and adds that if Canute withdraw his forces from Mercia, they will provide him an additional 4000 pounds. Looking at the silver, Canute states its not enough. Canute tells Eadric to think carefully what he is saying. He reminds him that he is the king and he is trying to pay him to leave his own territory, and for a sum that is an insult for a king. Canute states he came to quell the rebellion taking place in his domain and not for wealth. Eadric's son states that Ethelred is their king, but Eadric tells him to keep quiet. Canute admits that there is another person who calls himself king and wonders if they made this offer with Ethelred's permission. Eadric is sure that Ethelred will understand if they explain the situation. Canute is surprised that Ethelred would forgive a vassal for deserting in order to protect his own land. Canute explains that he or Ethelred needs to die and that Ethelred is a coward who abandoned his people and throne to feel into exile during the previous war. Canute finds it foolish to trust the future of England to such a man. Eadric wonders if Canute is telling him to betray Ethelred, but Canute states he already did. Canute wants Eadric to assist him and he probably knows a good way to get rid of Ethelred. In exchange, Eadric will keep Marcia. Eadric gets angry and refuses, calling off the truce. Canute turns to Floki and tells him that Eadric isn't a coward and Floki suggest that they test it. Canute then tells Eadric to come with him outside.

Canute demonstrates his power to Eadric

Canute demonstrates his power to Eadric

Outside, Canute gives orders to light the signal fire. Eadric wonders what is Canute doing. His son then points to other signal fires. Canute tells him that is what it means to go to war against him and to imagine Marcia being reduced to ash. Eadric is shocked at the dozens signal fires as Canute states that it won't be a trouble at all to reduce him to ashes. Canute tells him to buy peace by offering him Ethelred's head as that is the smart choice.

Next year, April of 1016, King Ethelred II of England dies due to an "illness". After his death, his son Edmund assumed the throne, who caused troubles for Canute in their war, but seven months later after his father, Edmund also died of an "illness".

Canute becomes King of England

Canute becomes King of England

Asgeir notes that King Sweyn took 10 years to conquer the nation, but this time it ended in less than three years. Canute will be recognized as Bretwalda and coronation will be held early next year. However, Thorkell doesn't want to listen about Canute as it ruining his beer.

Thanks to the unnatural deaths of his rivals, in the year 1018, Canute officially becomes King of England.

Characters in order of appearance[]

Differences from the manga[]


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Season 2
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