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“ | Thank you for freeing me, Sonic. But what do I do now? | „ |
~ Tikal at the end of "Hidden Character". |
Tikal is the secondary antagonist of the analog horror web series Sonic Adventure: The Forgotten Files.
She is the princess of the Echinda tribe from 3000 years into the past. She sacrificed herself to save the world from the fallout of her peers' crimes, but was resurrected by Sonic in the present. It wouldn't be long, however, until she realized she couldn't leave Mystic Ruins, making her take drastic measures.
Tikal's backstory in the Saturn version of Sonic Adventure is mostly the same as in the Dreamcast one, namely that she was the pacifistic daughter of the Knuckles Clan's warmongering chief Pachacamac, and that when Chaos went on a rampage after witnessing the Echindas' attack on Chao grounds, she sealed both him and herself within the Master Emerald to prevent him from destroying the world. 3000 years later, both her and Chaos would be released by Dr. Eggman cracking the Emerald.
Hidden Character[]
Sonic completes the Lost World level, and gets a notification about a "special surprize" awaiting the player in the Mystic Ruins. After Sonic reaches the top of the pyramid where the entrance to Lost World is located, Tikal's spirit is resurrected, and she becomes playable. Tikal explores the Mystic Ruins jungle and attempts to climb the ladder leading to the train station, but is unable to, due to having no climbing ability programmed. She enters Eggman's base and completes Amy's version of the Final Egg level. Still unable to exit the jungle, she thanks Sonic for his help, but wonders what she's left to do after all of this.
Alternate Knuckles Route[]
Tikal spawns a platform in Station Square that sends Knuckles a message once he touches it. She asks the red echidna for help and instructs him to go to the Hill Top Zone. Knuckles completes the level and spawns next to Tikal, who says that now he can "help" her. She begins to chase after Knuckles and eventually captures him and presumably his soul as well. The player is taken to the "Try Again?" screen, with "No" as the only option. After this, Tikal is shown having finally exited the jungle and entering the train station.
Eggman Adventure Mode[]
Soon after Dr. Eggman leaves the hotel for Speed Highway, the CCTV footage captures Tikal exiting the building in direction of Casinopolis. After Eggman returns to Station Square, Tikal falls from the sky, ambushes him and presumably captures his soul as well. It's later shown that the Master Emerald is complete once again, implying that Tikal had used the shards in Knuckles and Eggman's possession to restore it.
Sights and Sounds of Sonic Adventure with Big the Cat[]
Tikal is seen very briefly at the end of the video, in an image of her and the Master Emerald, with a red arrow connecting the two.
Prerelease Images[]
Tikal's profile is shown among the other playable characters', recounting her backstory and mentioning that while she is free once more after millenia of imprisonment, her current goals are unknown. It also reveals that she has the Soul Capture ability, and implies that Knuckles and Eggman had fallen victim to it, with Sonic, Tails, Amy and Big being Tikal's next targets.
Amy Side Quest[]
When Amy Rose and Big the Cat enter the Emerald Coast level, they get a warning to run away from Tikal, whose rotating icon is seen in the bottom right corner during the level. After Amy opens the Egg Prison, the level is cleared, but Big gets captured by Tikal, while Amy is teleported to the Angel Island, where the Emerald Shrine is now partially restored. When she touches the Master Emerald, the game crashes and reloads, transporting Amy into a test stage, where she enters a pipe. After this, a few "hints" a shown, detailing Tikal's wanderings throughout the Mystic Ruins, as well as her leaving them. It's also revealed that she had earlier come into contact with Spider-Girl, who promised to help her if she followed her instructions.
Project Sonic Informational VHS Tape[]
Tails tries to go to the Emerald Shrine, but the door leading to it is locked. He enters Sonic's version of Icecap instead, and the level goes normally until the snowboarding section, where Tails finds himself racing against Tikal. He wins the race and finishes the level, unlocking the door and entering it. Tikal is also briefly seen on the rooftops of Station Square during Sonic's conversation with Fly the Bat.
Terios Adventure Mode[]
After completing Sky Deck, Terios is introduced to Tikal by Spider-Girl, who tells him that the echidna will help him out. Together, the two complete the Red Mountain stage and collect the fourth Chaos Emerald. After they return to the Emerald Altar, Spider-Girl says that their plans are finally coming together, and orders her minions to get rid of whoever stands in their way. Coincidentally, the duo discover Tails standing next to the Master Emerald, prompting Tikal to attack the fox and capture his soul.
Sonic Bonus Mission[]
After sending Tails' soul to the beacon on top of the Echidna shrine, Tikal uses the Master Emerald's power to reactivate and take control of Eggman's robots, who then chase Sonic around the levels while he's collecting the Chaos Emeralds. After Amy returns to the Angel Island and knocks Terios off of it, she tries to figure out what the scrapped characters were up to, but is ambushed and captured by Tikal.
Eventually, Tikal begins the final preparations, promising Sonic that they'll meet soon, as Chaos emerges from the Master Emerald.
Forgotten Ending[]
Before putting the final touch on Spider-Girl's plans, Tikal pays a visit to the ruins of the Knuckles Clan's shrine, revealing that her ally was in no small part motivated by a desire to give Tikal a world where she would have a purpose. Back on Angel Island, she encounters Sonic, who begs her to stop whatever she is doing, while Spider-Girl encourages her to go through with their plans. After some hesitation, Tikal chooses the latter, and Sonic is kicked off the island when he attempts to stop her. Spider-Girl's forces restore the Master Emerald and give Chaos the full set of the Chaos Emeralds, making them go Perfect again and destroy Station Square.
Thanks to Terios, Sonic survives and obtains all Chaos Emeralds, becomes Super Sonic and defeats Chaos, putting an end to Spider-Girl's plans. He ends up back on Angel Island, where Tikal lies unconcious. Once she wakes up, Sonic decides to forgive her and encourages the echidna to restore the things back to how they are meant to be. Tikal agrees, and uses the Master Emerald's power to bring all characters back and remake Sonic Adventure the way it's known today.
- Although Tikal is non-playable in Sonic Adventure, playable data for her exists in the game files. When loaded into the game, however, she can only walk, run and jump, something that is addressed in the first episode of The Forgotten Files.
- Tikal can steal rings from other playable characters, as she demonstrated on Terios.
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