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~ Mr. Butter's only legible dialogue piece in Learning to Yo-yo

Mr. Butter (real name unknown) is the main protagonist of the action comedy YouTube channel Buttered Side Down.

Despite being the protagonist and "hero" of the show, he has committed so many evil acts and has so much apathy that he is also a villain. In each episode, he starts off neutral and tries to complete a simple task but fails until he creates ridiculously sophisticated inventions to accomplish it. Most of his inventions go wrong and end up in bizarre life-forms being made. He is extremely on and off, being a heroic villain in every single episode and has a large kill count.

Villainous Acts[]

Though he has so many good and neutral acts, all his evil acts are here.

  • In "Making A Firework," he makes fireworks to celebrate America, but one of them crashes into the ground and another causes a huge explosion in the sky, both of them might have caused serious damage even though it was an accident, and he only cares about himself.
  • In "Killing A Spider," he finds a real spider in his spider book and cowardly tries to kill it. He falls into his own mousetraps and gets hurt. Then he goes at the spider with a hammer, and breaks his wall and accidentally lets out hundreds of spiders, so he burns his house down to exterminate them, even though they did nothing wrong.
  • In "The Birthday Wish," he has to celebrate his birthday by himself and makes some balloons with faces so he has friends. When he gets a sinister letter from them, he misunderstands that they want to kill him, and they follow him into the shower. He later pops the yellow balloon and realizes his terrible mistake, so he is arrested for balloon murder and put with a balloon who doesn't like him.
  • In "Learning to Draw," he hilariously fails to draw simple things, then he discovers his ability to squish real life objects into paper to "draw" them, which is probably a fate worse than death. He does this to an apple and shoes, which aren't really alive, but more importantly, to a cat, two birds on a branch, a hawk, and a bench with two people sitting on it.
  • In "Making Cookies," he steals a bird's eggs to make cookies, which was incredibly stupid, and he gets attacked by the bird but makes off the eggs.
  • In "Carving A Pumpkin," his mutilative nature really shows. He poaches many wild pumpkins, rips out their brains, and cuts them up into jackolanterns which don't work. One of his victims is a mother pumpkin with her babies, and the babies cry as he kicks them away. He makes the perfect jackolantern, but it falls apart. He gives up, but then the surviving pumpkins take their rightful revenge and karmically turn HIM into a jack o' lantern. In fact, he is still alive, so maybe the pumpkins he massacred are still alive and stuck in a fate worse than death.
  • In "Gaining Super Powers," he reads about superheroes in a book and wants to be a superhero. However, he becomes not only a superhero but a supervillain as well. He drinks mutant liquid and becomes a mutant, then has to saw off the two extra arms since they have a mind of their own. Then he gains telekenesis and tries to lift a spoon off the table but ends up lifting his whole house miles into the air. A plane is about to crash into his house and he pushes the plane down, which kills a massive number of passengers and he doesn't care, although he did save his house.
  • In "Playing Tic Tac Toe," he dissociates into two identical people and plays tic tac toe as "O" and "X". The "O" player cheats to win, so "X" attacks him. After a brutal fight, "O" defeats "X" with a hammer, leaving him with bloody hands and stuffing him in the trash bin to rot.
  • In "Eating Something Spicy," he somehow pulls the Sun out of orbit, so that he can eat it in his Cup Noodles. After realizing the entire solar system is about to crash on Earth, he is forced to put it back in place. Later, when he puts the world's hottest pepper in his Cup Noodles, and eats it, he accidently burns down the entirety of Los Angeles.
  • In "Learning The Violin," he invites Rob Landes to his house to teach him the violin, but Mr. Butter struggles, so he builds a machine for his arm so he can play the violin automatically. It almost works, until he starts beating up his teacher and a comedic violin bow sword fight follows, then Mr. Butter outright slams his teacher against the wall over and over, causing him to get injured and leave in anger.
  • In "Changing A Light Bulb," his lightbulb explodes, so he hires 7 lightbulbs to compete for his replacement. However, the competition is a death match. He accidentally drops one, then in the other 5 competitions, except for painting, lightbulbs either win or die. He also accidentally steps on the 6th lightbulb, so he kills 5 or 6 lightbulbs in this episode, or make them kill each other.
  • In "Learning to Golf," he accidentally hits and kills a man with his golf ball, but apathetically does a hit and run. He then accidentally steals a squirrel's nuts and gets attacked, so he knocks the squirrel unconscious. He then kills a hawk with golf ball to save the squirrel. Although this is all self-defense, it's still rather extremist.
  • In "Surviving an Alien Planet," while writing a comic, he makes the fictional protagonist be blown up by dynamite. This backfire, as the fictional protagonist turns out to be real, who then crashes into his house, steals his drawing tools, and passes him the dynamite from before.
  • In "Hunting A Ghost," he leaves the Staff of Unspeakable Evil to die in a haunted house, after the latter ruins his shot of the ghost.
  • In "Learning Math," he accidentally kills his mirror version and he spills blood everywhere but doesn't care.
  • In "Learning Advanced Math," he teaches himself math in comedic ways, but mutilates one of the imaginary numbers to squish it onto his paper, just like in "Learning to Draw."
  • In "Making Ice Cream," he chased an ice cream truck for ice cream, but it exploded and he was apathetic about the driver. He then built a machine to make his own ice cream. He tried to eat it but it came to life, so he had no choice but to feed it sprinkles. He tried to eat the ice cream again, but then it grew eyes and became sentient. So he ditched eating the ice cream and raised him as his own son, teaching him math and helping him walk. Later, the ice cream gets accepted into college, but right before they depart, Mr. Butter betrays the ice cream and eats him, starting with one big bite and finishing him offscreen, then running from the police. This is also the only episode where his name, Mr. Butter, is ever seen.
  • In "Making a Movie Speed Run," he takes a one day only opportunity to make his own movie, so he writes his script and hires a homeless man to act as The Staff of Unspeakable Evil and Squirrel help. However, they shoot the man with a flamethrower and actually kill him for the play, and are happy that they are done. But Mr. Butter unfortunately doesn't get his film in on time and the hosts crush the film in a door.
  • In "Static Electricity," he accidentally blows up the entire city after testing out static electricity on a doorknob.
  • In "Giant Water Balloon," he threw water balloons in random directions to splash people. It got more serious when the balloon got super big, covered the whole city and popped, flooding it with water. Mr. Butter pushes a man underwater and kills him instead of saving him, then wakes up and realizes it was all a dream, still not having sympathy for the man.
  • In "Crazy Clay Boy," he seizes the Clay Boy, and attempts to mold it into a bowl. When he fails, he forces the Clay Bowl to shapeshift against its will. Soon he snatches the Clay Boy's paddleball and uses it as bribery again the latter, so that he can eat his cereal out of it. After all that fails, he becomes aggressive, snatches the Clay Boy and mutilates it into a bowl, before killing it in the oven, showing no sympathy over its demise.
  • In "Speed Challenge," he breaks into Area 51, assaults and knocks out a nearby guard for his ID keycard, and loots the building of a mysterious prism.


Mr. Butter's personality is extremely erratic and moves between good and evil very quickly. Each episode starts out with him just trying to do something normal, but as soon as his engineering skills and arrogance kick in, he is defined by the chaos that follows. He usually commits many heroic and villainous acts in the same episode. He has apathy towards others (sometimes) and makes genuine friends and loses them very quickly. He doesn't understand the consequences of his actions so he is able to be extremely heinous while still being a scapegoat. Even though some of his "crimes" are self-defense, he still goes too far, and has a few crimes that are completely unjustified. His moral agency is weak, but he does have some.


The videos are always told from a first person viewpoint, so most of the time we can only see Mr. Butter's hands. His face has never yet been shown. In the few times that his body is shown, he wears a casual shirt, pants, and taped shoes.


He does not have any legible quotes and mumbles all the time. However, his only dialogue piece is listed above.


Coming soon!

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