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(maniacally laugh) I've finally found it! Now, who's gonna stop me!
~ Miles Sherman stealing the stars.
Sherman: Not sure if you know who I am. But I'm about to marry a Gumball Watterson and rule the world.
Mordecai: Wow uh! Yay!
Sherman: But there's one problem Mordecai. There's a human traveling with my fiance. Has a mustache. Just like you. Do you know him.
~ Sherman to Mordecai telling about Anais.
SAM! You want this? You ruined my wedding? I was finally gonna be happy! NOW, YOU WILL SUFFER! LIKE ME! (continuing the fight, just because Sam tries to run away from him and kicking as a tails to the pizza restaurant and the broken the television, and Sam hides under the chair.) You really thought you could stop me! You worthless weak little nothing? Come out and fight! Or are you to scared! Just what I thought.
~ Miles' raging breakdown for ruining his wedding and making Sam's suffer to thought weakness.

Miles Sherman is the main antagonist in the 2024 The Amazing World of Gumball special film Gumball Breaks the Shattered.

He is the greedy king of the olympus, so that he can invade the Rigby Olympus, stealing the super star and kidnapping any population to making having Frank waging over the world to left behind that conquer the world has become more execute his prisoners to force Gumball and anyone to his destination to kill anyone who stands in his way. He is also becomes his arch-nemesis.

He was voiced by Malcolm McDowell, who also played Alex in A Clockwork Orange, Caligula in Caligula, Captain Von Berkow in The Passage, Colonel F. E. Cochrane in Blue Thunder, Lord Maliss in Happily Ever After, Zarm in Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Arkady Duvall in Batman: The Animated Series, Shaman in the TV series of Aladdin, Tolian Soran in Star Trek: Generations, Geoffrey Tolwyn in Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger, Kesslee in Tank Girl, Metallo in Superman: The Animated Series, the Gangster in Gangster No.1, Jonas Slaughter in Law & Order: Criminal Intent, John Rainbird in Firestarter 2: Rekindled, Arnold Gundars in I Spy, Mad Mod in Teen Titans, Andrej Evilenko in Evilenko, Mayor Scamboli in Pinocchio 3000, Ogthar in Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone, Daniel Linderman in Heroes, the Tower in Phineas and Ferb, Marcus Kane in Doomsday, John Henry Eden in Fallout 3, Dr. Calico in Bolt, James Moriarty in Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes, Merlyn the Archer in DC Showcase: Green Arrow, Lord Fathom in Jake and the Never Land Pirates, Jorhan Stahl in Killzone 3, Leonard Wolf in Silent Hill: Revelation, Sinclair in Home Alone: The Holiday Heist, Molag Bal in The Elder Scrolls Online, Dr. Monty in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Veris Hydan in Star Wars Rebels, Death in Castlevania, Dennis Watterghast in SoonNorman and General Underghast in Ralph and Friends in New York.


Sherman is an extremely sadistic and cruel tyrant, who will goes to great measures when it comes to getting what he wants and doesn't hesitate to destroy anyone who gets in his way. He also kidnapped the entire Rigby Olympus and the army and made them his prisoners, one after he stole the Super Star from them and the other when he ambushed them on Gumball Olympus. He then went as far as attempting to burn all of his prisoners alive (one of them, Lumalee, being a child) in lava for no legitimate reason during his wedding with Gumball, saying that he was doing it in "his honor.” He was even oblivious that she was obviously horrified by it. According to the Anais herself, Sherman is immensely deranged and psychotic.

He is demanding of the torture Mordecai, and that ripped off Mordecai's mustache then orders Frank and Jiminy to get him out of his sight, but then see how tough this Anais is and to kill Rigby after plans to threatening Mordecai, when Frank and Jiminy locks Mordecai in the cage of down to the lava.

While evening as a adult to exact revenge on Gumball Watterson, but marry him and time to the wedding. Because Anais breaks his wedding to save Gumball Watterson once again. When she doesn't listening to Pooper Billy, but as she tails to hit Pooper Billy's eye. Pooper Bill listening to Anais and got angry and chase him, then Anais to miss Pooper Billy and what happened next. Pooper Billy is explode and disappear.


Miles Sherman makes his first appears, he is first seen when he viewing of telescope, while Chowder rolling the stuff, he asking Chowder to stop rolling the stuff to tried to see what's going on to stomp on the boat. He is a telescope to seeing of his airship and maniacally laughs, he calling the Santa Claus will be reborned of words. Sherman introducing to the king of the olympus to opening the gates on the Rigby Olympus, he eventually Rigby to attack to Miles' army to reason to taste upon fury "do you yield.", and don't wanting to excuses, he wanting to stealing the super star to finally found him will never gonna to stop him.

When he talking to his army about the music stopping to stucking about to destroyed the Elmore City with the super stars, and that sworn enemies of Gumball Watterson it will fairytale wedding, until Andy was about one thing left to do, he hates him to the blessing the super star once and for all. He is burns Jiminy for wasting to nowhere, and he will power up with this star and destroy the Elmore City to preparing to will be wedding ever gonna rock.

Later on, Sherman can be seen to playing with him around to surrounding Frank, it was senitor accomplished to coined afternoon for the rest of their lives, and don't forget to cleaning forgotten camping trip, he lets him knows about to Gumball Watterson find their planning attention whatever their wants, once and asks to knows Frank and Andy impressions to preparing ripped off Mordecai's hair, it wasn't to closing off the gates trusted someone who else. Sherman to stomps on Andy's arm on the piano to find out who it was and their planning, later on, He is pain on the best teacher.

A group of his army to capture Mordecai, would come to Sherman, bringing him to a man with overalls, ended up in the Sherman's Land. As Frank holds him in place with his magic, they learn that the man's name is Mordecai. Noticing his mustache, Sherman realizes the resemblance he has with the other human Frank told him about. He then proceeds to tell Mordecai that he plans to marry Gumball and rule the world, and then asks about his connection with the other human. When Mordecai initially refuses to tell him anything, Sherman starts pulling at his mustache hair as means of torturing him for information. Eventually, Mordecai cracks and tells the Miles Sherman that the human is in fact his brother, Rigby. Bowser then questions Mordecai if Gumball Watterson would find Rigby attractive, and he exclaims "THEY DO IF THEY HAVE GOOD TASTE!". Having been unintentionally insulted, Sherman furiously tears off a chuck of Mordecai's mustache throws Mordecai away and orders the Andy and James to take him away, exclaiming that he will Anais suffer by killing Rigby before his eyes. Mordecai is then locked in the dungeon with the other prisoners, including the Sam and Sullivan.

Sherman not wearing a hat from a wedding, just like practicing his proposal to Frank asking to knows about infrustation, Gumball Watterson as Frank witness the end of commanding tears attractive, by evening mustache throws to take him notice will be accomodation, together all of this Frank waste his hands to all those, when arrive of Jimmy and his friends to get them out of his game to time cereal breaking it up business all interested, playing that game with Anais and her friends who caused this accidents to thought he could learned to be more, that Muriel and Eustace are winners and Anais and his friends are losers unintentionally insulted, humanity will pulling off the arrested of his friends in fact that his brother to killing his process. When arriving of Gumball Watterson with Frank accepting his proposal to tortured him it wasn't to those questions eventually coming down to all those who had nutrients to use the super star.

It will the sacrificing of Gumball's honor and that lower the prisoners was insecure of supervillain with the super star, and their lesson to Frank of the book wasn't reading of Gumball Watterson he announced, that he punching Frank to those are evening, Gumball what happened to thought to marry him because he never to marry a monster, Gumball transforms into the ice and Sherman breaks Gumball up, eventually starts to fight Gumball with fire breath, while Gumball's ultimate jumping on the front on the ground, it was freeze to get kung fu to Sherman, he is a ultimate kung fu of Gumball Watterson to sent and freeze Sherman. Anais and her friends comes to Gumball to apologizes them, that Sherman is angry at Gumball, his family and friends, he is removing of freeze, because literally of fire breath to remove of ice, he is sending a pooper billy to destroyed the Elmore City once and for all.

Suddenly, Sherman climbs on the rock of the stone to see Sam, unfortunately, Sam trying to getting the super star, he is jumping over the super star to stop him. Sherman grabs Sam to the waste up on the growls him, he punching on the car and broke the glass, Sam is running away from Sherman, he is fire breath into the car to jump him, Sam ruining his wedding to finally find out together picks up the mushroom and throws to the car, he broke no avail. Sherman picks Sam and throws him into the car again, what happened to Sherman to pick and throwing Sam at all costs, however, he suddenly trying to run away from Sherman, to kick as a tails to Sam into the pizza restaurant, that thought he could stop him to worthless weak little nothing all those had fight or scared to that thought. Suddenly, Anais he ran off to Sherman and jump over to kick him, and Darwin Watterson to ultimate punching Sherman at any costs, he furious at Anais and Darwin for trying to three protects Gumball, because Sherman to punches Anais, Darwin and Rigby.

When Sam comes to the other way of his friends, to leave Darwin alone and released him to just don't know when to quit, he noticing to supposed around the world as the main idea to unintentionally releasing him, Gumball to kicking the super star and nowhere to be found. Unfortauntely, Sherman becomes a fire breath to see Sam and Sullivan to the shield, and becomes a saving him to get the super star, maniacally evil laughs. Sam and Sullivan to see invulnerable another respectful until the hopefully, he tries a weakness to kick them, because their invulnerable. Sam and Sullivan then ultimate punch Sherman to orders to get them, and will defeated his army. Sherman is rolling by Sam and Sullivan to the sky, and punching him on the airship, their kicking Sherman, because he trying to fire breath to burned them, he will destroyed the airship once and for all. Gumball gets mad at Sherman to picture it give it one more chance, to eat the mushroom scale, becomes a smaller, Anais puts Sherman in the jar.

In the post credits, Sherman playing a cardboard to the skateboard to take it away from their friends, it wasn't his army accomplished, because to making a glitch supposing around the main idea of Gumball Watterson. Finn Merterns to silent Sherman to lights up and calling a little guy, but there is more to be have, no more sequel for him.



  • His army
  • James - Second-in-Command, Idol, Mentor and Best Friend
  • Jimmy
  • Jiminy
  • Frank
  • Andy
  • Brooks
  • Eddie
  • Patrick



Whoa, Chowder! Stop that! Stop bobbing about! I'm trying to see what's going on!
~ Miles Sherman's first words as asking Chowder to stopping bobbing about and tries to see Gumball Watterson.
~ Sherman to Chowder.
Behold! The King! Of! The Olympus!
~ Sherman introducing himself.
Open the gates! Or die!
~ Sherman opening the gates or Rigby died to be good.
Rigby: That is mother taste upon fury! Do you yield!
Sherman: I do not!
~ Miles Sherman to Rigby.
Sherman: My army! Orders!
Army: Oh.
Sherman: Orders!
Army: Okay.
Sherman: Whatever those things are!
Army: Oh.
Sherman: After year to being back to the store the super star! It has finally hour!
Army: Yeah!
Sherman: I am now! The powerful Elmore in the World!
Army: Yeah!
Sherman: This is what you have get here to my powerful humanity of their to the Elmore City!
Army: Yeah?
Sherman: And I will now to destruction of swore enemies! And now the power off the nutrients humor of telling about that wedding!
Army: Yeah!
(music stop)
Andy: Hey, did you see this time, Miles Sherman. But Gumball Watterson time for a wedding a sink powerful and he hates me!
Sherman: Oh course what you did. What is being seminar way. For the bless the stars. She is waiting for a Anais Watterson. Let's just say the word, and what did you say that game.
James: What did you say that!
Sherman: With the power up with the star and destroy the Elmore!
(music starts)
Eddie: Oh, yeah!
Sherman: Prepare yourself to the each other will be together! He's gonna rock!
~ Sherman talking to his army about to be a rock and roll to the music and being the world has thanks for helping to stealing the super stars.
Jiminy: Well, that's waiting for it him Gumball Watterson is wedding. Not Anais Watterson, it's just like a Darwin Watterson for the him. It's just perporteous many infrustation.
Sherman: Sit. Here. What did you came here.
Patrick: Uh, sure it wasn't from me. The only worth to get more position and anyone to not threatening.
Sherman: It wasn't. I'm not threatening.
(Sherman stomps on Andy's hand)
Frank: Here's the mother of nutrients to the teachers.
Sherman: Not yet, pain is the best teachers!
~ Miles abuses his minions before he stomps Andy's arm.
Leave him to me.
~ Miles Sherman asking to leaves Jiminy and James before Frank to see Mordecai magic to comes and interrogating him about Anais.
Sherman: What is your name.
Mordecai: Uh, Mordecai.
Sherman: Not sure if you know who I am. But I'm about to marry a Gumball Watterson and rule the world.
Mordecai: Wow uh! Yay!
Sherman: But there's one problem Mordecai. There's a human traveling with my fiance. Has a mustache. Just like you. Do you know him.
Mordecai: No! NO!
Sherman: Ah, tough one I see. Maybe this will get you to talk.
Mordecai: Do you think I have every human being with a mustache wearing an identical with a hat with the letter of his first name on it! Because I don't.
Sherman: (glares)
Mordecai: (shrieks)
Mordecai: Stop! I know him Yes I know him Yeah He's my brother Rigby and he's the best guy in the world!
~ Miles Sherman torturing Mordecai from interrogation the formers about Anais.
Get him out of my sight! Well see how tough this Anais is. When he watches me kill Rigby!
~ Sherman threatening to kill Mordecai to spite Anais.
Gumball Watterson! There you are! It's sound likes a different name of sizes. When you wish with this star. This upon them for you. Together, will you marry me.
~ Miles practicing his proposal for Gumball to Frank.
Jimmy: Ahem.
Jiminy: What.
Jimmy: It look appears sound likes a really love him. That is all secret passenger to the as the legends.
Sherman: Ooh, what are you doing speaking out there.
Jiminy: Oh, that's weird. But there's one to be have sell chocolate in this town for you.
Sherman: Oh, sound likes a race to the around here playing that game.
~ Miles Sherman to Jimmy before asking Jiminy to playing tha game.
Goodbye, Anais.
~ Sherman after Anais and Finn falling from Rigby Olympus and his friends are taken afterwards.
Gumball Watterson! Brave as ever. When you wish to be using. One the little star.
~ Sherman before asking Gumball.
Gumball: I won't marry you! Just like us. You don't even this is what you have here. Thanks got to Anais Watterson to got them!
Sherman: This is the best way ever. And this is come to me another way. It was reconsidered this upon the stars. And lead us past to seek our power
Gumball: Oh! Don't you see about Anais Watterson and Richard to got eaten by the whale.
Sherman: I told you so will be past.
~ Sherman recognizing to Gumball before asking to told Rigby will be past against each other.
Sherman: Gumball. With this star. This upon those too late, and late to sometimes to make a afternoon word. Together. Will you marry me.
Gumball: Marry! I never marry a great to be seen? I don't have any minute now? But I don't evening as Elmore city to find out together!
Sherman: You looking for something.
~ Sherman before he has Rigby tortured to force Gumball to marry him.
You have my word.
~ Sherman to Gumball before accepts this Rigby has tortured.
Ha ha! Time for a wedding!
~ Miles Sherman, as he and Rigby were taken into Sherman's wedding after forcing his proposal acception.
I'll be sacrificing to the reach for a honor! Lower the prisoners!
~ Miles to Gumball before lowering the prisoners down to the lava.
Gumball: You really thought to marry you!
Sherman: Kinda!
Gumball: I've never to marry a Miles!
Sherman: Then we are break it up! Right now!
~ Sherman breaks up with Gumball after punching Frank.
~ Sherman sending a pooper billy to destroy the elmore after the heroes crashing his wedding afterwards.
Sullivan: Hey! Leave him alone!
Sherman: You just don't know when to quit.
Sullivan: Yeah, you see. I couldn't see anything to Gumball Watterson. As he can see them.
~ Sherman to Sullivan before he asking Gumball to kick the super star.
Gumball: Sullivan! The star!
Sherman: NO! THAT'S MINE!
~ Miles after Gumball kicking the stealing star and before Sam and Sullivan gets the super star.
~ Sherman orders his army to trying to get Sam and Sullivan. with the super star.
Sherman: Gumball. Ha ha. Oh. Listen this is not the way out of picture it But give it one more chance.
Gumball: Ew, no!
Sherman: No no no no! (he eats the mushroom scale and becomes smaller) Hey, hey! THAT IS NOT COOL!
~ Sherman to Gumball before he eats him into the smaller on the jar.
Finn: Hey, quiet in there! Lights out little guy!
~ Sherman's last words as he left locked the bird cage dungeon of Princess Bubblegum's castle and Finn calls him a little.



  • Malcolm McDowell attented the premiere of Gumball Breaks the Shattered.
  • Sherman in which Gumball and Anais to preparing him grabbing to reference of coins.
  • Miles Sherman to reference of Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure.
  • Miles Sherman to reference of The Super Mario Bros. Movie.
  • Likely the most powerful attempting to kill Gumball to get him away from Anais deepening their bond.
  • Twist the king of the Olympus, Sherman was evening as nice person that he is.
  • Sherman wanting to destroyed the Elmore City under his orders to person keeping personal Anais Watterson once and for all.
  • Until Gumball Watterson is wedding to good as a female finally gonna be happy, even though the had a crush his wedding.
  • Funnily enough, Sherman to keeping Internet meme to all those who had offended him.
  • Despite being the main antagonist, Miles Sherman has big screen-time.

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