The baddest of a bad in the story: or at least ones notable enough to be the final confrontation for the protagonists. The Final Boss is the final villain that the protagonists face in their respective series. As they are usually the main antagonists, they are much harder to defeat than all of the enemies the protagonists have faced thus far (as always, there are exceptions), and will be prone to making a suitably grand entrance for their stature.
Usually, the final boss is the main antagonist or overarching antagonist of the game/story. However, this is not always the case. In rare cases, some Final Bosses have nothing to do with the story or events leading up to it.
All items (131)
- Sagat (TheGamerLover)
- Sanitized Lulia the Blue Wolf
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged)
- Shadow Empress
- Shrek (LuigiFan00001)
- Shurara (Hollow Knight: Painter's Madness)
- Shurara (LuigiFan00001)
- SMG4 Mario (All Day All Plush)
- Sonic (Miles.EPS)
- Spamton G. Spamton (A Different Snowgrave)
- Springtrap (Five Nights at F***boy's)
- Su Tart (Attack on Albert)
- Super Pupkin (Super Vadimka)