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Villains Fanon Wiki
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Tails wants to give a warning: This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Blockman is the secondary antagonist of the One Last Escape fanfic franchise, which is based on the role-playing game Ao Oni. He is the secondary antagonist of One Last Escape and a posthumous character in The One Very Last Escape.

It is another Oni that lives in the haunted mansion that serves as a subordinate to the Ao Oni to eat people whenever necessary, such as ordering him to catch humans if the Oni himself couldn't, due to his high dashing speed. During the story, he is ordered to attack Kana and Ryoba, but ultimately befriends Kana due to getting attached to her and redeems himself to help Satoshi, Yoichi, Kana, Ryoba and Kazuya escape the mansion, but ends up getting eaten by his own master after refusing to attack them.

It is later revealed that Blockman is part of a near-extinct type of species and was a rectangular-type demon.

Read One Last Escape here


At first glance, Blockman seems to be a wrathful demon and being quick to attack whenever he sees any humans in the mansion and becomes very hostile as soon as he lays eye on them, such as attacking Kana and Ryoba in the Archive Room as soon as he sees them.

However, despite all of this, he becomes easily distracted by any toys humans throw, such as Kana throwing a key and Blockman immediately getting the key for her. He also has tendencies of whining like a puppy, meaning he has traits of a dog.

He also becomes attached to Kana and is implied that he thinks of Kana as his new owner. This causes Blockman to redeem himself and show the gang's way out of the mansion. However, his ultimate sacrifice led to a sympathetic death, which leads Kana to break down in tears, despite knowing Blockman for a few minutes or so.


Blockman first appears in the archive room where Kana and Ryoba reunite with each other at the mansion. They notice Blockman after he trills. After a few seconds of staying still and trilling, the Blockman starts trilling in a distorted way and starts chasing Kana and Ryoba in an attempt to chase them with his speed. However, since he can go one direction only, he keeps banging into walls. After a few seconds of chasing the two in the archive room, the two open the door and dash out to the second floor. Ryoba then notices that Blockman stopped, much to their confusion. Blockman stands still until Kana calls him Domo and Blockman starts chasing the two again.

After a number of evasions from Blockman, Kana and Ryoba arrive at the room in the second floor the former hid in for a while and lock the door just in time, preventing Blockman from coming in. Blockman then bangs the door as hard as he could and after a few failed attempts, Blockman whines, to which Kana empathizes with him and as a result opens the door and makes Blockman go after a key that she threw. Believing this is a hallucination, Ryoba still believes that Blockman is vicious, much to Kana's protests. Kazuya then steps out and questions Kana and Ryoba what the blue block demon is. Ryoba demands Kazuya to shoot Blockman down but this is all prevented by Kana and saying that he is genuinely innocent. However, Kazuya isn't convinced and doesn't trust Blockman just because he is one of the Onis. Kana then dismisses this as getting no information on how to escape.

Later on, as Satoshi finds an exit via the underground floor, Satoshi and Yoichi call out to the others, only for Blockman to lounge at them in an attempt to devour them. Fortunately, Blockman is stopped by Kana and saying that the two are their friends and not strangers. Noticing that Kazuya is gone, Blockman sniffs him out in order to track him down and find Kazuya down. Blockman notices the scent at the bathroom and Kazuya comes out and the five go on their way to the exit.

Unfortunately, the five are prevented by the Oni from escaping and the Oni says Blockman was using them all this time, much to Kana's refusal of accepting it. The Oni orders Blockman to attack, but Blockman couldn't, as he has grown attached to Kana. Blockman, not wanting to eat the five, ultimately refuses to attack them and while the Oni seemingly comforts him, the Oni bites Blockman so hard that it causes him to shriek. After three strong bites of the Oni, Blockman is cut in half, while his upper half is eaten by the Oni, meeting his undeserved demise.

Villainous Acts[]

  • Tries to go after Kana and Ryoba to attack them for the Oni.
  • Nearly mauls Satoshi when he informs Kana and Ryoba about the exit.


  • Blockman was never intended to appear in the fanfic but was added anyways because the author wanted more elements of the story.

External links[]

