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This article's content is marked as Mature Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Alto Scrapper contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you're 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | If you think about it, then ... it all started more than fifteen years ago. In the great times of the 80s of the last century. In my youth, I was blessed by the level of intelligence of 210 points. One could assume that I was at the peak of happiness, having received such power, and that I have nothing to fear in my life. However, my soul was constantly empty, as if something was constantly missing in it. No matter how much joy I bring to other people with my intellect, no matter how good I have my family, my soul was completely devastated by the feeling of what is called happiness. I did not understand what my problem is? However, the fact that I began to feel something positive in my weak and lonely soul, I realized soon after I wipe my hometown from the face of the earth, Homestad. I have tested a genuine sense of happiness that gave me determination and strength of mind, and filled my life with bright colors. But there was also a drawback, stuck specifically with me. I was limited in my resources and my own body. I understood about this quickly enough. I realized that I was not given to find a full -fledged concept of happiness while I remain a man. While I studied at the university, I began to develop my new body, which I gathered from the titanium, which I got through anonymous intermediaries in Texas. I successfully transplanted my brain into my new body, becoming much more than I was before. I was covered by an indescribably beautiful desire to kill everything and everyone, but be the problem only in this, because of which I cannot achieve happiness for myself, I would do it without any hardships. If at least someone interferes with me in achieving my goal, then they will simply eliminate them. You should not even think about it. In search of resources for my purposes, I got acquainted with a certain essence that called herself XANA. He was looking for allies who could help him protect himself. Before the abyss in the depths of the world called Lioko, he gave me his strength. And I immediately realized that in them lies my key to finding happiness. However, the fact that with them I received a symbol of XANA, who connected me with him, and did not allow me to break out of control, humiliated me and anger was in full swing in me every day. I began to wish to achieve my new evolutionary level of development, which will free me from the control of XANA. With the support of two of my allies, one of whom I created, I went for a certain scientist called Franz Hopper. Having tracked him in his own laboratory, I successfully killed him. And his little daughter, Aelita, I decided to reserve for my plans, and straightened her in Lyoko, completely erasing her memories of the past. But the fact that I could not free myself from the control of Ksan, prompted me even more desire to become better than I have already been. In the data of the Franz Hopper supercomputer, I learned that one of the components laid down in the creation of XANA was the so -called Annihilation Program. However, neither a way of removing her from XANA, nor a way to develop it on my own, to me to this day. All this knew only Franz Hopper I killed. I searched every resource of Franz Hopper, but I found nothing. After I and my creation, Alto Demolisher, were turned off, after Lyoko, along with Ksana, were turned off with a supercomputer in which they existed, I felt easy despair. But it lasted only until these annoying Lyoko Warriors. After I found out everything that happened, including the fact that XANA was in a coma recovery after Lyoko turned on, I set me two goals. To train on these Lyoko warriors so that through battles with them I can evolve and free myself from XANA’s control through my evolution, or find a way to get his Annihilation Program. And finally, my search for a way to find the concept of happiness for myself is over. Now, when this girl completely unlessly received a Annihilation Programm from XANA, I no longer make sense to restrain myself or need anyone's help. I will get it and through it I can achieve my incredibly great goal. Having gained Aelita Hopper, I will finally be able to find and comprehend the concept of true happiness for myself! | „ |
~ Alto Scrapper talks about himself and his goals in the episode "The Key". |
“ | Well, goodbye! | „ |
~ Alto Scrapper's most common phrase. |
Alto Scrapper (aka Maildom Jackson) is the main antagonist of seasons 1 and 2, as well as posthumous antagonist of seasons 3,4,5 and 6 of the Code Lyoko Reaperverse.
He is a former computer hacker, and as a result, an X.A.N.A.'s specialist of destruction, hacking and data breaches that planned to destroy the entire Earth and tried to kill the Lyoko Warriors.
Powers and Abilities[]
Alto Scrapper is an indescribably powerful entity, considered the strongest and most unstoppable villain to appear in the entire Code Lyoko multiverse. As the smartest and strongest villain in the series, he fought numerous methods against the Lyoko Warriors and gained vast experience and knowledge in combat. He was able to easily decipher the methods and skills of eliminating opponents on the battlefield and crush them in battle. As a user of all of XANA's abilities combined with his electrical abilities, he possessed immeasurable levels of strength and reflexes that were further enhanced by his Cyber Warrior physiology.
Overall abilities and skills allowed Alto Scrapper to defeat almost all of the Lyoko Warriors with minimal effort and then fight on par with XANA himself in his physical form in the Season 2 finale, who was considered the most powerful hero in the series until Alto Scrapper. Even when the Lyoko Warriors and X.A.N.A. temporarily awakened their new abilities, which increased all of their existing abilities far beyond their limits, he was still able to resist them all at once.
As he began to use more of his power from Requiem, Alto Scrapper managed to overwhelm both the Lyoko Warriors and XANA, although they were all enhanced with new abilities. As a testament to his power, it ultimately took the combination of attacks from all of the major characters in Code Lyoko to inflict any serious injury on him. In the end, Alto Scrapper's death was primarily the result of his sudden inability to control his indescribably powerful abilities and began to disintegrate due to his body's inability to physically control all of his powers, rather than due to the skills of all his opponents or the XANA Virus , with which he was “poisoned”.
Basic Abilities[]
- Electrokinesis and Energokinesis: Alto Scrapper can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons). He can also discharge large amounts of electricity to shock his opponents, potentially paralyzing them, burning them, and even stopping their hearts. His arsenal also includes abilities that allow him to summon lightning, manipulate it in the sky, and even create thunderstorms at will. Even if the enemy is resistant to electricity, the enormous heat generated by lightning passing through the sky, which is approximately 6 times hotter than the surface of the Sun, will pose a mortal threat to him. Alto Scrapper can exercise control over electronics and other devices powered by electricity, allowing it to remotely access, disrupt and control technology such as mobile phones, televisions, computers, traffic lights, etc. It can sense and even control data , stored on electronic devices, and even take control of the entire device solely through an electrical connection. Alto Scrapper also has the ability to use electricity for more varied purposes, such as enhancing senses through electroreception, the ability to sense natural electrical stimuli which can allow him to sense his surroundings by generating electrical fields and detecting distortions in those fields. Alto Scrapper can manipulate electric fields and all charge carriers (ions, electrons, protons, and positrons), allowing him to manipulate the force that holds atoms together within objects or flows through the nervous systems of living beings. At this stage, Alto Scrapper's manipulation of electricity becomes extremely dangerous and effective, essentially giving him the complete ability to control living beings and objects through precise manipulation of electricity and the electric fields within them. In the first case, he can read other people's thoughts through electrical signals produced by their brains and control their movements as if they were puppets by manipulating the electricity used by the nervous system to send signals throughout the body. In the latter case, he can move objects at breakneck speed, as if he were using telekinesis.
- Lighting Bolt Projection: Alto Scrapper can summon lightning from the sky or project it from his body (most commonly from his hands), using it to impale and/or severely burn his opponents to the point of death. Unlike regular lightning, he can use it as a concussive or even piercing force that is strong enough to affect even stronger and tougher creatures. Unlike the projection of electrical discharges, lightning is much more lethal in terms of voltage and speed, which also provides enormous temperature and kinetic force, averaging over 50,000 °C (5 times hotter than the surface of the Sun) with a voltage of at least 1,000 000,000 volts moving at 61,111 miles (97,536 km) per second. Alto Scrapper can easily regulate the discharge voltage and its speed.
- Materiokinesis: Alto Scrapper can manipulate matter using lightning and electricity: a substance or entity with mass that occupies space and fills the volume of the Universe. Since Alto Scrapper can manipulate matter through electricity and lightning, literally rearranging any matter in his path on a subatomic level, he can manipulate virtually "EVERYTHING" in the Multiverse. Alto Scrapper can manipulate matter to transform and remake an object's composition from solid to liquid to gaseous, change its size from microscopic to structural, or disfigure and reassemble an object's matter into another form. Alto Scrapper can teleport matter from nothing in his surroundings (buildings, houses, parks, cities or large areas) to another landscape, for example turning a city the size of Paris (or larger) into a volcanic field of flaming magma and dead trees with fire as leaves . Alto Scrapper can create and destroy matter; something that matter does not normally experience; He can also create abstract forms of matter that defy the laws of physics or erase it from existence. Although it has not been demonstrated, Alto Scrapper can manipulate planets, and even/possibly the universe itself, controlling everything they contain, turning himself into a cosmic entity of immense power.
- Gravikinesis: Manipulating gravity using electricity and lightning allows Alto Scrapper to increase or decrease gravity, be it the gravity of the environment or individual objects. Increasing gravity will cause everything in the area to become heavier, causing loose objects to fall to the ground and people to be immobilized or crushed depending on the amount of gravity applied. By doing the exact opposite (decreasing gravity), Alto Scrapper also has the Zero Gravity control skill, as all objects will float upward or allow Alto Scrapper to lift heavier objects with surprising ease due to the reduction in weight. With enough control and skill, Alto Scrapper can attract or repel objects regardless of direction, achieving an effect similar to telekinesis, completely ignoring or bending the laws of gravity, allowing him to walk on walls or ceilings, or manipulate orbital fields on anything. Alto Scrapper can cause weightlessness at will, or influence reverse gravity, anti-gravity. If desired, he can cancel the action of his whenever he wishes.
- Electro-Cryokinesis: Alto Scrapper is able to use low temperatures to unleash lightning bolts that, in addition to delivering a shock blow, will also freeze the opponent upon contact. He can also create freezing-explosive ball lightning, or an electrified freezing blizzard.
- XANA's Abilities: Alto Scrapper possessed absolutely all of his master's abilities, as they are an exact copy of all of XANA's abilities. For example, Alto Scrapper can create, shape and manipulate data/digital information from systems and networks, transform real objects/entities into data and vice versa. Alto Scrappers can also create and manipulate statistics, which automatically become real. For example, he learned to materialize any XANA monsters directly in empty space whenever he wishes without any problems. Additionally, since these abilities were combined with his ability to manipulate energy, Alto Scrapper eventually developed complete immunity to XANA's control over him and his mind and body, just as he acquired complete immunity to the XANA Virus.
- Material Enhancement: Alto Scrapper, while in the real world, retains all the power, efficiency and destructiveness of all his abilities by strengthening himself with the matter of the world spaces around him, including the earth on which he stands, and the air and sky spaces in which he is located, and basically any matter he touches with his body, thus never losing the power, effectiveness and destructiveness of all his abilities outside of Lyoko.
- Nigh-Absolute Digital Regeneration: Even in his base form, Alto Scrapper has the fastest and most advanced regeneration of any Cyber Warrior in the entire Reaperverse, recovering so quickly that attacks seem to do no damage to him at all, and he has never been truly killed by any of the heroes. When Yumi broke his lower jaw and when Ulrich blew the top of his head off, he instantly healed with ease, even believing the fatal attack to be a friendly gesture. He has also demonstrated his flawless regeneration abilities on multiple occasions. Most notably, in his base form, Alto Scrapper has nearly overcome weakness and death from brain damage, as shown when he completely rebuilt his body from scratch moments after it was erased into nothingness and materialized in the real world. After being caught in the middle of a massive explosion in an abandoned building, which he accidentally caused himself, Alto Scrapper was able to instantly regenerate his body after receiving what would have been fatal damage to a normal Cyber Warrior, flying nearly a thousand meters away from the blast site, and falling another hundred meters down to hit a hard metal floor. He also managed to bypass the stone, metal, and glass shards that entered his body and brain, which should have slowed his healing rate and killed him. With this level of regeneration, Alto Scrapper is also able to temporarily make his brain intangible to any physical attacks. One of the downsides to this ability is that while he can regenerate his brain from scratch, it still has its drawbacks, in that he can still die from brain damage if that damage is of a piercing nature.
- Picnokinesis: Alto Scrapper can manipulate the density of his body by changing the hardness of his body, change his size, make all of himself or certain areas of his body intangible, and create a pressure difference in a liquid (gas, liquid, plasma) to induce a current and use it to move solids Alto Scrapper can even control the electrical charge density, which is the amount of electrical charge per unit volume. This in turn allows him to manipulate electromagnetic fields. Due to his nigh-absolute level of digital regeneration, Alto Scrapper is also able to temporarily make his brain intangible to any physical attacks. Due to the fact that his brain can extrasensorily track all opponents around Alto Scrapper, his brain can automatically make itself intangible seconds before Alto Scrapper is dealt a fatal blow. At the same time, Alto Scrapper's mental processes remain intact and continue to function even in a state of intangibility. One of the downsides of this ability is that although he can make his brain temporarily intangible, the intangibility only lasts for thirty seconds, and this is enough for Alto Scrapper to only have time to remove all attacks from his brain. Also, if both Alto Scrapper's mind and his brain are maximally concentrated on something, then his brain will simply not be able to track the presence of opponents around Alto Scrapper, and simply will not have time to make itself temporarily intangible a few seconds before the enemy attacks itself. Although, it is worth noting that, unlike all other CyberWarriors in the Reaperverse, who die almost instantly after brain damage, Alto Scrapper is able to remain functional and sane for several more minutes after brain damage.
Requiem Form Abilities[]
- Absolute Digital Regeneration: By transcending his native multiverse, Alto Scrapper Requiem is able to instantly heal from absolutely anything: gamma ray bursts, spiritual annihilation, conceptual attacks, narrative influences, supernovas, quasars, etc. Almost anything that could pose a threat to Alto Scrapper Requiem will be healed to the point that it will seem as if it never happened. At this level, his regenerative healing factor becomes intelligent enough to instantly detect potentially dangerous objects and repair damage before they are damaged. Alto Scrapper Requiem always remains at the peak of performance and condition due to his healing factor constantly restoring his body to the most optimal state. Furthermore, at this stage of regeneration, Alto Scrapper Requiem is nearly impossible to hinder, prevent, or negate in any way possible. The only thing that nullified his regeneration was his transition to a new evolutionary stage (it is assumed that he could have reached the level of mastery of the Unified Energy), which ultimately nullified his regeneration, forever cutting him out of the timeline of the entire Code Lyoko multiverse.
- Immeasurable Speed: In Requiem form, Alto Scraper's speed has the ability to overcome natural speed limits, including sonic, supersonic, hypersonic, light, and even speeds beyond comprehension.
- Enhanced Gravikinesis: In Requiem form, Alto Scrapper makes himself the center of a reverse gravity phenomenon, increasing the range of his ability from a specific area to the entire planet Earth. Within the radius of this ability around Alto Scrapper, gravity shifts so that people and objects are pushed away from him. Thus, any loose object will fall away from Alto Scrapper as if the Earth were a giant cliff, but will then return to normal once it is far enough away. Likewise, anyone above Alto Scrapper will fall upward (shown in the episode "Zero Gravity Zone"). Alto Scrapper himself, in Requiem form, is no longer affected and can move freely around his opponent. By default, Alto Scrapper's gravity always pulls him toward the surface beneath his feet, allowing him to stand on any surface. Moreover, he can freely levitate in space while in an object due to the omnidirectional gravitational force.
- Enhanced Materiokinesis: In Requiem form, Alto Scrapper can bend matter to affect reality through its interconnectedness, warping the physical plane to alter the layers of totality. For example, he can distort matter and connect Earth and Lyoko into one intertwined world.
- Interdimensional Portal Creation: In his Requiem form, Alto Scrapper revealed the ability to create and close portals to other Code Lyoko universes at will. With this ability, Alto Scrapper planned to destroy the entire Code Lyoko multiverse.
- Symphokinesis and Sonokinesis: In his Requiem form, Alto Scrapper can infuse music with physical attacks, using musical sound waves to influence and disorient opponents and enhance attacks. He is also able to infuse sound with physical attacks, using sound waves to influence and disorient opponents and enhance attacks. For example, he can use any desired melody, and using its sound rhythms, to project sound attacks throughout the Earth, causing catastrophic destruction in the form of all kinds of mass attacks created by Alto Scrapper's imagination, or using his lightning and electricity for this.
- Retained Ability Enhancement: One of Alto Scrapper's most dangerous abilities in Requiem form is that when he enters a new evolutionary stage, he retains every single one of his previous abilities. Moreover, they will all correspond to the power level of the evolutionary stage that Alto Scrapper is at. As a result, in Requiem form, absolutely all of Alto Scrapper's previous abilities had such a level of power at this stage that they could easily spread mass destruction throughout the entire Earth.
- Immunity to travel to the past: This is the "Blocking Phenomenon", which is that as long as Alto Scrapper is alive, no one will be able to return to the past using the Supercomputer. If someone tries to do this, then Alto Scrapper will automatically distort the space-time continuum, completely blocking the Supercomputer’s ability to activate a return to the past. However, the most dangerous point is that even if Alto Scrapper in the form of Requiem dies, his destructive abilities are completely preserved, and will continue their destructive activity until they destroy the entire Earth. The ability to return to the past using the Supercomputer after the death of Alto Scrapper in the form of Requiem will return to its previous state. This “Phenomenon Blocker” has one drawback that is extremely fatal for Alto Scrapper. If Alto Scrapper in Requiem form dies, then if someone tries to activate a return to the past using the Super Computer, then Alto Scrapper will not return back restored and with his memory intact, being forever erased from Code Lyoko's natural timeline. XANA expressed the opinion that this phenomenon is due to the fact that since Alto Scrapper became Requiem, he thereby went beyond the locks of the natural rules of the Code Lyoko multiverse, and how, as a result, he no longer obeyed its laws and the laws themselves did not affect him. Also, all entities created by Alto Scrapper who died before and after he became Requiem, and after being activated by the Super Computer to return to the past, will also be erased from the Code Lyoko multiverse timeline, as they will also be considered to have gone beyond the natural rules multiverse Code Lyoko, like their creator (this is what happened after Alto Demolisher died before Alto Scrapper turned into Requiem).
- Thorns of Sacred Lightning - Alto Scrapper uses concentrated lightning from his body to create multiple spiky, thin tentacles to entangle and repel the opponent's attack.
- Compass Twisted - Alto Scrapper releases lightning from his body, which moves his opponent faster than the speed of sound in a full 360° to his liking. For the enemy, it will look like Alto Scrapper is teleporting from one place to another, although from a distance it will be visible that he is standing still when the ability is activated.
- Free Lightning - Alto Scrapper, levitating in the air, strikes empty space, directing a powerful lightning towards the enemy, shooting it from his fist, or generating it next to him.
- Star Lightning - Alto Scrapper creates an electric five-pointed spinning star that shoots five bolts of lightning at the enemy, optionally changing the angle of the lightning to reach the enemy.
- Pentagram Lightning - Alto Scrapper creates an electrical, five-pointed spinning pentagram in front of him that fires five straight bolts of lightning at his opponent.
- Electric Leg Style - Alto Scrapper's attacks that use his legs.
- Electric Bucket Spin - Alto Scrapper performs a lightning-fast somersault in place, delivering a high-speed downward kick to the opponent behind him, slamming the opponent into the ground.
- Pulse Shock Barrage - Alto Scrapper unleashes a flurry of kicks at the opponent, which additionally inflicts pulsed and electric shocks on the opponent. The attack is powerful enough for the enemy to be able to break through several concrete walls with his body.
- Shock Hand Style - Alto Scrapper's attacks that use his hands.
- Wave of Millions Sparkling Claws - Alto Scrapper punches his opponent, sending millions of wave-like electrical discharges towards the opponent.
- Double Electrical Therapy - Alto Scrapper slams both hands at the opponent at the same time, creating two powerful electro-shockwaves.
- Vibrostrike of Thousands Lightings - Alto Scrapper slams his palm into the ground, creating powerful vibrations that knock the opponent off their feet, after which he releases a thousand electric lightning bolts from the ground, dealing damage to the enemy in an area. Alto Scrapper can change the angle of attack of lightning if desired.
- Wasp Style - Alto Scrapper's attacks using wasps infected with the XANA virus.
- Terrible Discharge. Killer Wasp - Alto Scrapper directs a wasp infected with the XANA virus towards the enemy, after which it shoots electric lightning from its two compound eyes. Moreover, the number of lightning bolts released is equal to the number of facets in the wasp’s eye, that is, several thousand (this also applies if the wasps attack the enemy in a swarm). It follows from this that the attack of even one wasp is fatal to the enemy.
- Humming Wasp Thunder - A swarm of wasps forms in the air in the form of a giant network, which they form by connecting their bodies with electrical discharges. Then the wasps, using their wings, simultaneously create a sound vibration wave in the environment, which causes severe damage to the enemy in the ear area. The result is a powerful attack across the area, during which all the wasps simultaneously shoot electric lightning from top to bottom from their two compound eyes.
- Gathering on the Rumble of Thunder Wasps - a swarm of wasps lines up in the air in the form of a giant circle, after which the wasps simultaneously shoot electric lightning at one point from top to bottom from their two compound eyes. The wasp swarm can change the angle of attack of lightning if desired.
- Riot. Fearless Heat Lightning - Alto Scrapper creates a ball of lightning in his hands that upon close contact with a target, first melts it slightly and then explodes on itself, destroying the target in the process. Alto Scrapper can redirect an explosion, concentrating its blast on a specific target.
- Improvised Style. Shining Shocker - Alto Scrapper fires concentrated lightning bolts from the fingers of his pistol-shaped hands.
ends on how close the enemy is to the point of activation of the ability.
- Swamp Tormentor - Alto Scrapper grows reeds with tall grass in a matter of seconds over a large area, which has a sufficient level of sharpness to inflict a deep wound on the enemy. Most often used in combination with "Null Earth Pulse" to make it more difficult for opponents to find their target, as well as to make it more difficult for opponents to escape from quicksand.
Alto Scrapper - an indescribable sadist, torturer and psychopath with absolutely no respect or compassion for human life, Alto Scrapper took indescribable pleasure in torturing and destroying the human race, and took even greater pleasure in torturing the Lyoko Warriors with any of the almost endless means available to him thanks to XANA .
He was not limited to phsical torture at all, and his battles with the Lyoko Warriors almost always involved some degree of emotional and mental torment: for example, he killed Milly Solovieff and Tamiya Diop in front of Yumi, throwing them off a roof and hanging them, only in order to enjoy Yumi's emotional pain, as he knew that in her heart she cared very much for innocent souls, although on the outside she remained cold and based on trust, having previously falsely stated that she would spare their lives if the Lyoko Warriors surrendered. At one point, he even killed Yumi's parents with laughing gas, and also used zero gravity to send Ulrich's parents into space, only to then turn off the weightlessness and drop them to the ground from a great height.
Alto Scrapper in absolutely all respects is purest evil in its most monstrous manifestation, a living personification of base instincts and the human need for murder and sadism, the embodiment of people’s violent impulses for war and an allusion to the inner insane desires of humanity for chaos, discord and violence. When about him not busy following XANA's orders, he spends most of his time daydreaming about the monstrous acts he wants to do to the people and Lyoko Warriors, often falling into a deep meditative sleep, and once awakened, Alto Scrapper drifts through the subsequent conversation with XANA, thinking about the sight of innocent children being sprinkled with red before the eyes of their mothers, as well as the divine to his ears screams of horror, pain and the sounds of sobbing from mental anguish among people.
His indescribable hatred of absolutely everything that exists on Earth stems from his delusional prejudice that he must erase everything that exists in order to satisfy God's desired need for the death of someone, that is, the need for himself. Watching someone else's death, he felt superior to everything on Earth, thinking that he had comprehended the truth in achieving absolute happiness for himself.
Alto Scrapper is a sadistic psychopath of the worst kind who enjoys the pain and suffering he brings to all things. As a former computer hacker, Alto Scrapper used his intellect to hack various objects that could destroy countless lives of all things. as test subjects for their cruel experiments. XANA confirmed that Alto Scrapper, at age 20, wiped out his hometown of Homestead from the face of the Earth by disabling the main computers and blowing up a nuclear power plant, ultimately killing 80,738 people, including his entire family, as pure entertainment for his loved one. He even once hacked and launched a nuclear missile from the USA nuclear stockpile onto an inhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, blowing up the island as a test for his skills in hacking government facilities. Before becoming a hacker, Alto Scrapper, at the age of fifteen, developed an electronic tune that, when listened to, gradually drove people crazy, to the point where they all committed suicide. For Alto Scrapper, there is only one kind of happiness: looking down on those innocent and kind souls who are about to experience heartache and hopelessness.
Furthermore, his delusional sense of omnipotence is such that he compares himself to the type of gods who are able to manipulate the plot not with their superpowers, but with the power of words and their exceptional intellect. It is also obvious that his exceptional intellect is one of the reasons why he seeks the end of everything in the first place, as he looks down on humans and all other living beings, deeply considering them all to be pathetic and beneath his existence in terms of intelligence. He even feels pity for them all in a hypocritical manner, mockingly lamenting the fact that they do not deserve to exist on an equal footing with him. His condescending attitude towards humans was also shown when, in the Season 2 finale, he was indirectly self-disintegrated by the combined efforts of the Lyoko Warriors, XANA, and Ephemerium, feeling deeply insulted at being killed by the very beings he thought so little of. His extreme arrogance is at its most obvious here, as he, in his death throes, refers to the Lyoko Warriors, XANA, and the Ephemerium as inferior life forms, while referring to himself as the perfect and chosen being who was destined to gain knowledge and understanding of the concept of true happiness through the homicidal killing of the entire Code Lyoko multiverse. This analogy is indicative of his complete inability to feel empathy or remorse for his actions, given that none of the murders he has ever committed (directly, by proxy, or indirectly) have been the result of accidents, but were carefully planned and calculated acts of pure evil. Additionally, when he recalls XANA's immense power that eventually made him an unspoken servant, he states that this is the reason why he feels it is his duty to reach an evolutionary stage that will allow him to surpass XANA, genuinely envious of his power and ability to be free.
Behind the myriad facades he puts on the Lyoko Warriors in terms of how much he likes them in terms of their tenacity and desire to continue fighting against him, Alto Scrapper has an incredible amount of hatred for resistance and the unwillingness of his victims to die. He always strives to see his victims' deaths through to the end, showing a deep hatred for those who do not want to die when he wants them to, and this hatred was most evident during his encounter with the Lyoko Warriors, XANA, and Ephemerium. He stated that they should not think about others and do whatever they want, while at the same time thinking that they are not losing anything to themselves by doing certain things, because they will be chosen to be unique in their own way and have the concept of true Happiness in their lives, which will exist in complete solitude and complete renunciation of their humanity and absolutely all limitations to their beings. This trait also complements his manipulative nature, bending many of his followers to his will to do his bidding, as long as he can thus ensure that none of his victims will escape his power and will be able to die exactly when Alto Scrapper himself wants them to.
Alto Scrapper has also shown himself to be a corrupting force, openly bringing out the worst in all of his subordinates by playing on their emotions and personality traits without resorting to brainwashing or the removal of their free will, as most of his followers who are under his control find his cult of sadism towards humanity, his concept of true happiness, and his propaganda of superiority over humans appealing, as he encounters many of his subordinates at their lowest point in their cruel natures. Notable examples include successfully subduing Alto Demolisher and encouraging his maniacal desire to hurt others and become superior to all humans; playing on Titanium Target's fanatical divine chosen one complex; the philosophy he taught to Thrust, who was madly loyal to his philosophy of renunciation and shedding his past, claiming that he must triumph over his "parasitic past" by learning the concept of true happiness.
When his central goal is at stake and it starts to go wrong, his extreme anger and violent intent that overwhelms him is so incredibly strong that it can take on physical manifestation. In the series, the extent of his rage is seen after Aelita managed to materialize on Earth, which Alto Scrapper himself wanted to do to her later than what eventually happened, resulting in a destructive energy wave being released from him that wiped out dozens of monsters within a radius of hundreds of meters due to Alto Scrapper's seething frustration over the fact that his formation of the execution of his central goal did not go according to plan, causing his rage to emerge from him and take the form of a destructive weapon.
“ | Alto Scrapper: Well, finally. Now I see you. Elizabeth Delmas: [screams off-screen] Help! Help! |
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~ Alto Scrapper to Lyoko Warriors in the episode "Attack of the Zombies". |
“ | Kids, it's hard for me to describe to you how much I like chaos. Kids, let me tell you, it's hard to describe how much I LOVE chaos. I love genocidal murder, I love mass destruction of the mind, I love child abuse, I love mass destruction, I love psychological torture, I love mass brainwashing, I love environmental destruction, I love luxurious unethical experiments. Chaos in the form of suicide, serial murder, terrorism, cruelty to animals, discord between states, the use of nuclear weapons, vandalism, kidnapping of someone or something, the spread of an outbreak, the death penalty. I love any kind of chaos manifesting on Earth, regardless of its source or the nature of its reproduction. I like to make people suffer and feel an indescribable feeling of pain as I slowly and painfully tear off their skin, as if from an animal from which I want to make a beautiful fur coat. My black heart, like the darkest night, leaps with joy every time I personally fire bullets into the heads of those who have become a casual witness of my wonderful deeds. I like to watch how a human soul, in danger of suffocating from a piece in its throat, desperately clings to life, feeling how every second its strength leaves it. It is difficult for me to describe in words how pleasant this spectacle is when many people do not have time to escape from a building engulfed in flames, and begin to burn alive and scream in despair and pain without a single chance of salvation. I love it when my razor-sharp clawed hand slowly and surgically removes the necessary organs from my victim's body to sell them on the black market for a high price with a sense of satisfaction. The strings of my heart sing every time I see how my instruments of torture cause pathetic and frail animals to experience terrible pain, knowing that they cannot do anything to me. Innocent and defenseless souls sobbing tears of fear and despair from the feeling of their inevitable death at my hand, this is an amazing moment that I will never miss to see with my own eyes. And there is certainly nothing more delightful and pleasant than placing my hand on the heads of innocent and defenseless children, who all fall dead from fear, like pitiful pieces of flesh, while they are mowed down by my face of death. And when one sweet and innocent girl tried to follow me, following me through the deadly quagmire only for her to slowly begin to fall into the murderous quagmire, desperately trying to get out of it and screaming and begging for help as best she could, I experienced a truly and the most amazing ecstasy. I like it when bioterrorists threaten to unleash terrible diseases on Earth and interfere with the natural course of life itself. I feel indescribably sad when those brave men who are trying to defeat me gain courage and come at me fearlessly and proudly, and then commit suicide from the grief of losing their loved ones, whom I personally killed in order to witness such an attack of despair. I love the thrill of seeing my victims desperately resist their fate of being killed by me personally. I love to see the power of natural elements that slaughter thousands of people who, like insignificant insects, are trying to save them from the inevitable, eventually coming to the understanding that their fate is already sealed...Know, kids, I long to create and see chaos. I strive to create with my own hands an unimaginable “Hell on Earth” that will give me an understanding of the universal concept of happiness, which I have been deprived of since birth...Nitroblast. Alto Demolisher. Now I want to ask you specifically - do you want to create primordial chaos with me? Do you want unparalleled, all-consuming, all-satisfying, omnipresent chaos as much as I do? The chaos that we will give to this pathetic little world is like a dying gift on the Day of Death. Chaos that will make us happy to the depths of our dark and hopeless souls. Chaos, which will be subject only to us alone. | „ |
~ Alto Scrapper to Lyoko Warriors, Nitroblast and Alto Demolisher about of his love of chaos in the episode "Is Anybody Out There?". |
“ | A most magnificent answer, my faithful companions! Then chaos will be with each of us! The three of us are the hand of the Lord, which raises the Punishing sword over the entire Earth and are waiting for the moment when we deal a fatal blow to all that exists. However, after almost twenty years of our inaction and hiding in the shadows of the weaklings who must die, the standard cataclysm, be it nuclear war, earthquake, tornado, tsunami, global warming or massive forest fires, is no longer able to satisfy our thirst for blood and need for violence. You and I must create CHAOS! The most large-scale chaos in the history of everything on Earth! But you and I are just part of the same conclave. Just a professional elite, numbering not even five people. However, I am confident that each of us battle-hardened professionals is equal in number to one billion ordinary human professional soldiers. This means that if we count all three of us, then roughly speaking, our strength is equal to the strength of half of all humanity on Earth. Let's bring down from heaven to the sinful earth all those who hoped to avoid our wrath. Let's grab them and make them scream with an endless sense of pain and make them burst into tears of dying despair. Let's remind them all what the term "End of the World" really means. Let's make them feel complete hopelessness and all-consuming despair in the face of the inevitable end, which decides the fate of everyone in its path! Let us remind them that they are all destined for a fate worse than death or exile to the depths of Hell! | „ |
~ Alto Scrapper to Nitroblast and Alto Demolisher in the episode "Is Anybody Out There?". |
- Almost every episode contains at least one phrase from Alto Scrapper, which describes his views on certain things among people. Also, in each episode there is at least one phrase from Alto Scrapper, which confirms his indescribably cruel nature and his attitude towards everything on Earth.
- In the Reaperverse, Alto Scrapper became the purest and living embodiment of XANA, or rather his desire to destroy everything that exists. He is also the living embodiment of all the centuries-old cruelty of humanity in all its aspects, including the lust for blood and war, the desire for genocide, the insatiable need for sadism and violence. But it is worth noting that although he became the purest and living embodiment of XANA, there is only one, but a huge difference, which was that XANA was an Artificial Intelligence, which, no matter how similar in character it was to a human, is still limited in the manifestation of his personality (by the way, XANA himself admitted this). But Alto Scrapper, from the very beginning, was a man (or rather, his brain in the body of a cyber warrior) who had the full ability to express the full range of his emotions and possessed complete free will.
- Being, in fact, the most evil in the entire Code Lyoko Reaperverse, Alto Scrapper has committed all Seven Deadly Sins during his entire appearance in the series:
- Pride: Having been born with an IQ of 210, Alto Scrapper initially considered himself superior to everyone around him and always looks down on people, even his subordinates, considering them all beneath his greatness and intellectual might. He even privately considers himself a god of the type who can manipulate the plot of everything that happens on Earth with his intellect alone.
- Gluttony (which is sometimes interpreted as Selfishness or Excess): He is a complete egotist whose idea of finding and understanding the concept of true happiness is entirely selfish, as he was going to get rid of all of his followers and allies if his plan to destroy Earth (and then the entire multiverse) was successful, simply because of the belief that finding and understanding the concept of true happiness is something only he is allowed to do.
- Envy: He deeply envies and hates XANA, as he had all of XANA's abilities, but was also limited in that anyone who obeyed XANA had to have his symbol on them, which allowed XANA to access the memories of his allies if he so desired. As a result, Alto Scrapper views this as an infringement on his status as a free god of Earth, and sought to reach an evolutionary stage that would remove XANA's restrictions from him, which resulted in him constantly attempting to kill the human population in every episode.
- Lust: Alto Scrapper is extremely perverted in the sense of inflicting any and all possible pain on all people, especially his enemies, always taking extreme pleasure in the physical and mental suffering of people, which he openly admitted to in his speech telling the Lyoko Warriors how much he loves chaos. At one point, he directly stated that he was sexually aroused by Aelita drowning in quicksand while screaming for help. In the episode "X.A.N.A.'s Kiss", he went as far as to sexually harass Aelita and Yumi, under the guises of Jeremiah and Ulrich, simply to sow discord among the Lyoko Warriors. Although he is officially asexual in sexual orientation, this is in fact just a psychological convention of his character (as he spent part of his past showing no interest in romantic relationships), as Alto Scrapper was willing to go as far as rape just to see if such actions could give him an understanding of the concept of true happiness. And while he never went that far in the series itself, this is actually explained by the fact that he was simply concentrating on realizing his main goal, and tried not to get too distracted by various secondary matters.
- Wrath: While he is almost always in a carefree and hypocritically friendly state, he can easily lose his temper if anything threatens his central goal, instantly dropping the facade of carelessness and killing anyone who stands in his way. His anger even manifests itself in physical attacks, as when he is in a state of extremely rare absolute rage, he literally erases everything around him with destructive energy waves.
- Greed: Despite the fact that he was very positive towards his subordinates, and also went so far as to bequeath to his friend Thrust the rule of Earth based on his preferences, but in practice his friendliness and positive attitude towards the members of his alliance is nothing more than a very subtle pragmatism, since in his heart he did not see them as anything more than pawns that should serve his central goal. He also planned to kill all of his subordinates simply out of sheer unwillingness to share with them the discovery and understanding of the concept of true happiness.
- Sloth: While he almost always confronts the Lyoko Warriors, this only applies to fighting them in the real world, as he often doesn't bother to engage them in battle in Lyoko to retake the Tower he activated, preferring to let his allies do all of that work for him.
External Links[]
- Alto Scrapper on the Hate Sink Wiki
- Alto Scrapper on the Ultimate Evil Wiki
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Conclave of XANA Organic Guards of XANA Dead Discharge Others |