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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki
           2023 Doctor Who logo Villains

Dalek Emperor | Supreme Dalek (Dalek Supreme | Supreme One | The Supreme) | Dalek Saucer Commander | Gold Dalek | Special Weapons Dalek | Dalek Time Controller | Dalek Time Strategist | Dalek Prime Minister | Rusty | Metaltron | Reconnaissance Dalek
Cult of Skaro: Dalek Sec | Dalek Thay | Dalek Jast | Dalek Caan
Factions: Dalek Empire | Dalek Supreme Council | Imperial Daleks | Renegade Daleks | New Dalek Empire | New Dalek Paradigm | Ironside Daleks
Dalek Collaborators: Anne Droid | Beaus | Bragen | Celation | Colony Sarff | Dalek Antibodies | Davros | The Editor | Gearon | George Ratcliffe | Jack Robertson | Jagrafess | Kara | Kiston | Lytton | Malpha | Mavic Chen | Mike Smith | Mr. Diagoras | Nyder | Ogrons | Sentreal | Theodore Maxtible | Trantis | Trine-E | Warrien | Zephon | Zu-Zana

Cyber Controller | Cyber Planner | Cyber-Leader | Cybermats | CyberMasters | Krail | Krang | Lisa Hallett | John Lumic | CyberKing | Ashad
Cyberman Collaborators: Eric Klieg | Kaftan | Tobias Vaughn | Packer | Ringway | Paul Hunt | Mercy Hartigan

The Master
Classic Era | "Child" | "Professor Yana" | "Harold Saxon" | Missy | "O"

Ice Warriors: Grand Marshal Skaldak | Grand Marshall | Lord Slaar | Lord Azaxyr | Sskel | Varga | Zondal | Turoc | Rintan
Others: The Flood

Weeping Angels
Angel Bob | Statue of Liberty

Pantheon of Discord
Sutekh | Celestial Toymaker | The Trickster | Maestro | The Mara | Krampus | Trickster's Brigade: Time Beetle | Fortune Teller | Krislok | Jackals of the Backwards Clock

Nestene Consciousness | Channing | Mickey Auton

Homo Reptilia
Silurians: Alaya | Restac | Morka | Icthar | Scibus | Tarpok
Sea Devils: Chief Sea Devil | Sauvix | Marsissus

Linx | Styre | Stor | Commander Stark | Stike | Varl | General Staal | Commander Skorr | Commander Kaagh | Commander Ritskaw | Commander Skaak | Commander Stenck | Svild | Irongron | Bloodaxe | The Scavenger | Luke Rattigan

Time Lords
Rassilon | Borusa | Omega | Tecteun | The Rani | The Meddling Monk | The War Chief | The Eleven | Morbius | Goth | Solis | Kelner | Hedin | Drax

Versions of the Doctor
The Valeyard | Time Lord Victorious | Dream Lord

The Division
Awsok | Gat | Weeping Angels (Rogue Angel)

Swarm | Azure | Passenger

Elder Gods
Fenric | Black Guardian

Death | Light | Mansell | Captain Wrack | Zellin | Rakaya

Mummy | Vigil

Bilis Manger

Mr. Finch | Mr. Wagner

The 456
456 Ambassador | Brian Green | Johnson | John Frobisher | Rupesh Patanjali

Shadow Kin
Corakinus | Kharrus | Rannus

Matron Cofelia

Clockwork Repair Droids
Control Node | Half Face Man | Repair Droid 7

Judoon Captain | Pol-Kon-Don

Order of St. Agnes

Family of Blood

Nephew | Uncle | Auntie

Great Intelligence
Padmasambhava | Robot Yeti | Staff Sergeant Arnold | Ice Governess | Whisper Men

Church of the Silence
Madame Kovarian | Colonel Manton | Headless Monks | Silents

Slitheen Family
Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen | Sip Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen | Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen | Glune Fex Fize Sharlaveer-Slam Slitheen | Florm Rox Fey Fenerill-Slam Slitheen | Kist Magg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen | Korst Gogg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen | Dax Fex Fize Slitheen | Bloorm Vungah Bart Slitheen | Rahnius Slitheen | Asquith Slitheen | Chris Slitheen
Blathereen Family
Leef Apple Glyn Slitheen-Blathereen | Tree Lorn Acre Slitheen-Blathereen

Bonnie | Brelarn | Broton | Elizabeth I Zygon | Sheriff Norlander

Ribbons | Flesh Moths

Androzani Major/Minor
Sharaz Jek | Morgus | Stotz | Krelper | Stark | Jek's Androids | Magma Creature | Smugglers

Adolf Hitler | De Flores | Karl | Miss Wyckham

Monarch | Persuasion | Enlightenment

The Brethren
The Host | Father Angelo

Empress of the Racnoss

Max Capricorn
Captain Hardaker | Heavenly Hosts

The Three Families
The Mother | The Cousin | The Gentleman | Charlotte Wills | Brian Friedkin | Jilly Kitzinger | Blue-eyed man | Jack's Kidnapper | Lyn Peterfield

Sil | Lord Kiv
Mentor Collaborators: Chief Officer | Quillam | Crozier | Frax | Matrona

The Pharm
Aaron Copley | Billy Davies

Helen A
Happiness Patrol | Kandy Man | Joseph C

Harries & Harries
Dale | Greg | Vic

Ood Operations
Klineman Halpen | Solana Mercurio | Kess | Bartle

Hyperion III
Vervoids | Doland | Rudge

The Psychic Circus
Gods of Ragnarok | Chief Clown | Ringmaster | Morgana | Robot Clowns | Bus Conductor | Captain Cook

Gavrok | Arrex | Callon | Keillor

Kane | Belazs | Kracauer

Morgaine | Mordred | The Destroyer

Tzim-Sha | Remnants | SniperBot

Lilith | Mother Doomfinger | Mother Bloodtide

Mars Probe 7 Conspiracy
General Carrington | Reegan | Bruno Taltalian | Sir James Quinlan

Morax King | Morax Queen

Dots (Mantraps) | Lindy Pepper-Bean

Operation Golden Age
Charles Grover | General Finch | Mike Yates | Professor Whitaker | Butler

Eric Stahlman | Harry Slocum | John Bromley | Private Wyatt

Sisters of Plenitude
Matron Casp | Hame | Jatt | Corvin

Republican Security Forces
Brigade Leader Lethbridge Stewart | Director Stahlman | John Benton

Interplanetary Mining Corporation
Captain Dent | Morgan | Wilfred Norton

Inter Minor
Kalik | Orum | Drashigs

Sycorax Leader | Roboforms

Shoal of the Winter Harmony

King Hydroflax | Scratch | Mr. Brock | Dr. Sim

The Bane
Mrs. Wormwood | Bane Mother | Cal Kilburne | Davey | Bane Kindred |

Night Travellers
Ghostmaker | Pearl

Solomon's Crew
Solomon | Solomon's Robots

Tegana | Acomat | Malik

Global Chemicals
BOSS | Jocelyn Stevens | Hinks

Tlotoxl | Ixta | Tonila

Yartek | Alternate Twelfth Doctor

Lobos | Ogrek

Weng Chiang
Mr. Sin | Li H'sen Chang | Tong of the Black Scorpion

Robot Knights
Sheriff of Nottingham

Rosanna Calvierri | Francesco

Mr. Smith

Ancient Lights
Martin Trueman

Rago | Toba | Quarks

War Lords
The War Lord | Security Chief | Smythe | Von Weich | Chief Scientist

Aaron Copley | Abbot of Amboise | Abzorbaloff | Adam Mitchell | Adam Smith | Alex Hopkins | Ancient Haemovore | Androvax | Animus | Antibodies | Arcturus | Ascaris | Axons | Axos | Azal | Baltazar | The Beast | Beep the Meep | Becka Savage | Bert Walker | Boneless | Brynblaidd Cannibals | Captain Blade | Captain of Zanak | Captain Pike | Carrie | Catherine de Medici | Centurion | Cessair of Diplos | Chameleons | Charlie Duffy | Cheetah People | Cherub | Chessene | Chief Caretaker | Childeric | Colin Maloney | Commander Millington | Count Grendel | Daniel Barton | Dervish | Death's Head | Didius | Drahvins | Drathro | Dregs | Eckersley | Ed Morgan | Eddie Connolly | Eelek | El Akir | Eldrad | Elijah Spellman | Emperor Nero | Emojibots | Ettis | Eugene Tacitus | Fairies | Fearmonger | Fendahl | The Fisher King | Flemming | Forester | Futurekind | Gagan Rassmussen | Ganymede Systems | Garvin | Gell Guards | Gelth | George Cranleigh | Giles Kent | Goblins | Graff Vynda-K | Grand Serpent | Gray | The Gunslinger | Haemovores | Harrison Chase | Harry Mailer | Hawthorne | Hetocumtek | Henry Van Statten | Hepesh | High Priest Clovis | Hilda Winters | Horatio Chinn | Ilin | Jaeger | Jerak | Joshua Naismith | Julius Grayle | John Hart | Joinson Dastari | Josiah Samuel Smith | K1 Robot | Kahler-Jex | Kal | Kantrofarri | King Richard III | Koquillion | Kraals | Krasis | Krasko | Kroagnon | Kroll | Krotons | Krynoids | Lady Adrasta | Lady Cassandra | Lady Peinforte | Lance Bennett | Leandro | Lieutenant Koenig | Livilla | Locusta | Lord Sutcliffe | Lucius Petrus Dextrus | Lupton | Maaga | Macra | Mandragora Helix | Manish | Mark Goodson | Mark Lynch | Marshal of Solos | Marshal Tavannes | Marshmen | Mary | Master Brain | Master of the Land of Fiction | Maurice Caven | Medusa | Meglos | Mehendri Solon | Melanicus | Mestor | Metebelis Spiders | Midge | Midnight Entity | Minotaur | Mona Lisa | Monoids | Monoid One | Mr. Magpie | Mr. Seyton | Mr. Webber | Neville Catchlove | Nicholas Valentine | Nightmare Man | Nilson | Nimon | Nobody No-One | Noma | Not-Things | Oak | Oswald Danes | Pangol | Peg Dolls | Prisoner Zero | Professor Zaroff | Pting | Purity | Quantum Archangel | Quill | RamĂ³n Salamander | Raston Warrior Robot | Rex Farrel | Richard Lazarus | Richard Maynarde | Roger ap Gwilliam | Ruby White | Rutans | Scaroth | Scorby | Seb | Sebastian Grayle | Sentris | Sevcheria | Sex Gas | Shockeye | Sir George Hutchinson | Dr. Skagra | Skithra | Skovox Blitzer | Smilers | Smithers | Solicitor Grey | Solow | Spencer | Styggron | Suzie Costello | Sven | Tekker | Terileptils | Terileptil Android | Tetraps | Thawn | The Borad | The Child | The Collector | The Ergon | The Figure | The Foretold | The Gravis | The Great One | The Hath | The Malus | The Myrka | The Oracle | The Shadow | The Skarasen | The Wire | Tia Karim | Time Zombies | Timewyrm | Toclafane | Tractators | Trask | Tryst | Urak | Vashta Nerada | Vardans | Vespiform | Villengard Corporation | Virus of the Purpose | Viyrans | Weed Creature | White Robots | Winifred Gillyflower | Wirrn | WOTAN | Zagreus | Zarbi