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You've arrived at last, the hero/heroine who prevented me from being bound returns to my fold. I have much to thank you for, little one. When you die, I will raise you and you can take your place by my side. You'll serve me soon enough.
~ Potema

Queen Potema Septim, also known as the Wolf Queen, is a minor antagonist in the action role-playing high fantasy video game franchise The Elder Scrolls, first appearing as an optional boss fight and major antagonist in the 2011 video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Potema Septim was the daughter of Emperor Pelagius Septim II who ruled over the city of Solitude in the Haafingar hold of Skyrim as Queen during the Third Era. Centuries after her death, an attempt to resurrect the Wolf Queen was halted by the Last Dragonborn, who killed the group of necromancers responsible and defeated Potema's spirit.

She is voiced by Claudia Christian, who also voiced the Fairy Godmother in the video games.


Princess Potema Septim was born in the sixty-third year of the Third Era to Prince Pelagius Septim, the heir to the throne of the Empire of Tamriel, and his beautiful wife Quintilla. As a newborn, she was presented to her grandfather, Emperor Uriel Septim II, who remarked that Potema had a predatory aura to her. Septim had an elder half-brother, sixteen years her senior, named Antiochus Septim, whom she was not close with. She grew up in the confines of the Imperial Palace, located in the capital of the Empire the Imperial City, and was not given much attention from her parents.

As her grandfather had recognized, Potema Septim was cold-hearted and calculating even at a young age. She was tutored in history and politics, by a scholar named Asthephe, although her studies didn't prove a challenge for her because she possessed a brilliant mind. She spent quite some time sneaking around the Imperial Palace, using her skills to pick locks and blackmail members of her own family. Potema's parents later went on to have two more sons, the Princes Antiochus Septim and Magnus Septim, when she was ten and twelve years old respectively.

By the age of fourteen, Potema's beauty and political import earned her many potential suitors. Her hand in marriage was eventually given to King Mantiarco, the ruler of the Nordic Kingdom of Solitude. Although she entered her husband's court as an outsider, she quickly asserted herself as a true Queen. Her husband loved her dearly, and so gave Potema all the political power that was within his capability to give.

When her father passed away, Antiochus became the new emperor. During this time, he had a daughter named Kintyra. Shortly after, Potema's husband died, and her son became heir. Potema decided to use to opportunity to make the residents of Tamriel distrustful of the empire.

When her half-brother died and his daughter ascended the throne, Potema attempted to challenge Kintyra's rule, but was brushed off. This caused Potema to build an army and wage war. According to Falk, her war campaign nearly ruined the empire. Her son was eventually captured and killed, which at this point many of Potema's followers abandoned her.

At this point, Potema started to practice necromancy and began using Wolfskull Cave for her rituals, using it to command a army of undead. She died later on.


When the Dragonborn arrives at the Blue Palace in Solitude, they overhead a representative of Dragon Bridge asking the Jarl to send troops to investigate Wolfskull Cave on account of mysterious lights and disappearance. When they spoke to Falk Firebread, a steward, they says the he was initially planning to let it go, believing animals or bandits to be the cause, but allowed the Dragonborn to investigate. They also learned that Wolfskull Cave was used by Potema for her necromancy, giving the cave it's namesake.

The Dragonborn then investigates the cave, fighting off hordes of undead creatures. When they reach the deepest reaches, they discovered that necromancers were attempting to summon Potema. The Dragonborn was eventually able to stop and defeat the necromancers, and all was assumed.

Sometime later, however, the Dragonborn was given a letter from Falk asking them to meet him. Once there, Falk reveals that while they were able to interrupt the binding and prevented her from gaining a physical form, her spirit form escaped, and retreated into her Catacombs located in the Temple of the Divines. From there, she started to call upon more undead minions.

Falk advised the Dragonborn to speak with Sytrr, the caretaker of the Hall of the Dead. There, he tasked them with adventuring into her catacombs and finding her remains so he can sanctify it.

Upon entering the catacombs, the Dragonborn hears the voice of Potema, announcing her intention to kill the Dragonborn and make them a member of her undead army. The Dragonborn then proceeds to travel through the catacombs, fighting and killing creatures such as Draugrs and Vampires in the process.

Eventually, they finally made it to Potema's Sanctum, where they confront Potema herself. Potema summoned an army of Draugrs to combat the Dragonborn, all while firing purple energy throughout the room. Once the Dragonborn killed every Draugr, Potema retreats to the room behind her where her skull remains. The Dragonborn then faces off against Potema's ghost herself. After a difficult battle, the Dragonborn emerges victorious, claims Potema's Skull, and hands it over to Sytrr, ending the Wolf Queen reign.


Potema was a powerful sorceress in life, and was well-known for being a powerful necromancer. This can be seen as most of the enemies the player encountered in her caves are either undead or necromancers. She can fire a purple energy that can resurrect anything that hits it, and drain the Dragonborn of both health and Magika.

Aside from necromancy, Potema is also capable of using destruction spells such Lighting Bolt and summoning Atronachs.


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Daedric Princes | Dremora

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Lord Harkon | Arch-Curate Vyrthur

Frostbite Spiders

Umaril | Meridia | Celemaril Light-Bringer

Aldmeri Dominion
Thalmor (Elenwen | Ancano)

Imperial Legion
General Tullius | Legate Rikke | Anumidium | Imperial Captain

Morag Tong

Thieves Guild
Mercer Frey | Vex | Nicolas | Guildmaster | Gray Fox |

Mythic Dawn
Mankar Camoran

Dark Brotherhood
Astrid | Cicero | Night Mother | Arnbjorn | Festus Krex | Gabriella | Nazir | Veezara |

Blackwood Company
Ri'Zakar | Jeetum-Zee | Commander Ja'Fazir | Sergeant-of-Sharpshooters Geel | Lieutenant Rana | Ajum-Kajin | Hears-Voices-in-The-Air | Sings-Like-Thunder | Maglir | Jee-Tah | Oleed-Ei

Glenmoril Witches
Agnes of Glenmoril | Melisande | Ettiene of Glenmoril Wyrd | Isobel | Fallaise

Ulfric Stormcloak

Volkihar Clan
Lord Harkon

The Forsworn

Penitus Oculatus
Emperor Titus Mede II | Commander Maro

Silver Hand
Krev the Skinner

Legion Zero
Captain Regilus

Vivec | Almalexia | Sotha Sil

Sixth House
Dagoth Ur | Akulakhan

Dragon Priests
Miraak | Ahzidal | Hevnoraak | Morokei | Otar the Mad

Kagrenac | Anumidium | Animunculi

Snow Elves
Arch-Curate Vyrthur

Ash Creatures | Spriggans | Werewolves | Hagravens | Draugr | Minotaurs | Grummites | Elytra

Jagar Tharn | Woodborne | Mannimarco | Numidium | Admiral Amiel Richton | Potema Septim | Orvas Dren | Mathieu Bellamont | Hieronymus Lex | The Gauldur Brothers | Calixto Corrium | Amaund Motierre | Drahff | Hewnon Black-Skeever | J'datharr | General Falx Carius | Dram | Hajvarr Iron-Hand | Deeja | Grelod the Kind | Uncle Leo |
