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GÜBY is the titular main antagonist of the analog horror series Learn with GÜBY.
He is an enigmatic entity that poses as the protagonist of an education show for children. The origins of said show are unclear, but it appears to serve as a vessel for him to attract children from across America, kidnapping them and performing deranged acts upon them.
In the TV show, GÜBY is a yellow-skinned humanoid with a bulbous bug-eyed head with square pupils, a skinny neck, and noodle-like limbs. He is always portrayed with a white T-shirt with blue sleeves. Some episodes in the series have him appear far more polygonal and distorted, with his limbs and head being elongated, and his back hunched at an agonizing-looking angle.
Occasionally, the show may distort and show various images, some of which include a caucasian man with brown hair. He’s seen wearing a yellow GÜBY mask with a wide grin and blue rings around large bulging eyes. He’s also dressed formally in a gray business suit and light blue tie. This man is implied to be GÜBY’s true identity or at the very least his creator.
At a glance, GÜBY appears to be a kind and harmless entity that is friendly to children. Several tapes in the series, however, paint GÜBY in a much darker light, saying incriminating statements such as how the colors purple and red remind him of a bruise and blood, respectively, demanding to a child that he brings him a credit card, malfunctioning when a child states their favorite shape is a circle, amongst other things.
Learning Numbers 1 to 10[]
The first episode has GÜBY reciting the numbers from 1 to 10. When he is done, he tells the audience that his favorite number is the number on a credit card and asks them to go retrieve one for him.
Learning Letters A to Z[]
The second episode has GÜBY reciting the English alphabet. When he finishes it, he then tells the audience about how letters can be used to spell words. He also states that his favorite words are "Help me!", which then cuts to a recording of one of his victims, which sounds like a little girl.
Learning Colors of the Rainbow[]
In the third episode, the show is much more distorted, with GÜBY only speaking in inaudible staticy noises, though what he is saying can be made out in subtitles. In the episode, he talks about various colors, and how they remind of things such as bruises and dirt, before he finally gets to talking about his favorite color red, which he says reminds him of blood. When he gets to this color, the show is completely distorted, with even the background music going mute.
Learning Basic Shapes[]
In the fourth episode, GÜBY appears in his distorted form and talks in an electronic voice. Throughout the episode he is talking about various shapes, with the shapes getting progressively unusual as the episode goes on. One of the "shapes" he mentions is a little girl as the show briefly cuts to what appears to be a report on her disapperance. Some of the other "shapes" such as a "car battery" and "broken lightbulb" also seem to indicate what he might have done to said little girl.
As he asks the audience about what their favorite shape is, the show gets heavily distorted, with it cutting to the disappearances of the various children that GÜBY had seemingly been reponsible for the disapperances of, as well as a few brief images and videos of himself.
Learning About Animals[]
The fifth episode seems to cut back to the ending of the fourth, with GÜBY about to say what his favorite shape is before the voice of a little girl interrupts him by saying that her favorite shape is a circle.