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Villains Wiki

I, am your exact opposites! What you love, I hate, what you hate I LOVE!! You know when you brush your teeth, and then drink orange juice? (Earthworm Jim: Oh I HATE that!) I love it! See what I mean?
~ Evil Jim to Earthworm Jim

Evil Jim is an evil-personified copy of the series' titular character Earthworm Jim. He is an mutated clone of Jim with a green coloration and a huge desire for doing anything evil for the fun of it.

He was voiced by Dan Castellaneta (who also voices Jim in the show) in a similar fashion to the Simpsons' Krusty the Clown and Darkwing Duck's Megavolt, both of which were also voiced by Castellaneta himself.


Evil Jim was made after an accident with a photocopier and toxic waste, creating an depraved and twisted version of Earthworm Jim. This Jim was corrupt to the max, vowing to destroy his original self and then, classically, take over the world. His attempts, however, were all flawed one by one. His first appearance was in "Conqueror Worm", when Jim sees him for the first time and turns himself in, thinking it was a case of "Jekyll and Hyde", only to be proven wrong and saved by Jim's sidekick, Peter the Puppy. The more appearances he made, Evil Jim became somewhat more sentimental and lonely (because of being the only evil twin in the universe), but also more maniacal. However, this leads to the creation of Evil Peter Puppy and Evil Princess What's-Her-Name.

Evil Jim was created solely for the animated series, but his popularity was enough to make him the main antagonist of the video game "Earthworm Jim: Menace 2 the Galaxy".


Evil Jim's powers are all evil versions of Jim's (for example, the Pocket Rocket he uses to get around and his Plasma Blaster), the only difference being that Evil Jim's weapons are all green in color.


Evil Jim is an almost perfect opposite of Jim. He is insanely evil and crazy, while Jim is insanely good and well-spirited. He claims to hate everything his good counterpart loves, but when Jim asks if his evil twin would enjoy losing, as he himself hates to lose, the clone simply replies with "Don't be so literal-minded." While good Jim hates the taste of orange juice if he drinks it right after bushing his teeth with toothpaste, Evil Jim loves it. While good Jim respects the law to the point he'd imprison himself to protect it, Evil Jim loves carnage.

While good Jim is melodramatic, uncouth, lively, prone to bouts of stupidity, rambles on, is unhinged on the outside, but calm, sometimes intelligent, and caring on the inside, Evil Jim is blunt, to-the-point, composed, refined, polite, calculating, smug, suave, calm, collected, classy, and pragmatic.

Deep down, Evil Jim is somewhat demented, and apart from total global dominance, he pretty much enjoys spreading needless chaos and destruction as a hobby of his. He has little to do in his spare time apart from making his good counterpart's life as unpleasant as he possibly can. Evil Jim speaks in a drizzly, nasally voice which is strikingly similar to that of Krusty the Clown, yet his speaking pattern is eloquent.

However, despite all of his villainous and sadistic qualities, Evil Jim has displayed signs of sentimentalism and loneliness, and showed genuine love to Evil Princess What's-Her-Name, as she's seen kissing him, despite What's-Her-Name not knowing what love is, and he was even poetic enough to go on a date with good What's-Her-Name (making Jim jealous of her going out with Evil Jim in the first place).


"I, Evil Jim, will conquer the world!"
~ Evil Jim
Uhm I have to warn you, this is gonna smart like the Dickens.
~ Evil Jim before a army of Earthworm Jims defeated Evil Princess What's Her Name, Evil the Cat, Evil Peter Puppy and Queen Slug for a Butt.


           Earthworm Jim Villains

Bob the Killer Goldfish | Chuck and Fifi | Doc Duodenum | Earthworm Kim | Evil the Cat | Evil Jim | Fatty Roswell | The Flamin' Yawn | Henchrat | Major Mucus | Numbers | Pedro Pupa | Professor Monkey-For-A-Head | Psy-Crow | Queen Slug-For-A-Butt
