The Life and Death of Toyo Harada is a six-issue prestige series published by Valiant Entertainment in 2019. The series is written by Joshua Dysart and features a lineup of all-star artists – including Cafu, Mico Suayan, Kano, Butch Guice, Adam Pollina, Diego Yapur, and Doug Braithwaite.
"The series marks the return of writer Joshua Dysart, who made his indelible mark on the Valiant Universe with groundbreaking work on Harbinger, Harbinger Wars, and Imperium, as well as the re-emergence of one of Valiant’s most larger-than-life characters: the Machiavellian mastermind known as Toyo Harada!"
The series is the third Valiant series to get a Glass Cover variant for its first issue. The glass cover is illustrated by artist Doug Braithwaite.[1] The Pre-Order Bundle features exclusive covers by Cafu in six massively expanded issues "with trade paperback-style extras and bonus content, including creator commentary, behind-the-scenes looks at the creation of the comics, process character designs and artwork, and first looks at upcoming issues – all for no extra cost!"
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #1
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #2
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #3
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #4
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #5
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #6
Trade Paperback[]
Cover Art Gallery[]
Trade Paperback[]
Promotional Art Gallery[]
Note: The first of Cafu's teasers is based on his cover for Imperium #12. The second and third are based on his interior art for the debut and final issue, respectively.
Harada's Reception Party[]
Pre-Order Bundle[]
- Harbinger
- Harbinger (Volume 1)
- Harbinger: Acts of God
- Harbinger (Volume 2)
- Harbinger: Omegas
- Imperium
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada
- Harbinger Renegade
- Harbinger Wars 2
- The Harbinger
- Spinoffs
This section is for footnotes and citations.
- ↑ First Look: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA #1 Glass Variant Cover Resembles an Antique Mirror (February 13, 2019 by The Valiant Voice)
- ↑ Valiant Entertainment Celebrates Toyo Harada at ComicsPRO 2019 (February 11, 2019 by The Valiant Voice)
External links[]
Note/Spoiler: The third link (from SyFy) contains a brief summary of the previous Harbinger and Imperium volumes that were also written by Joshua Dysart. What SyFy calls the "new team of deadly allies" are Harada's allies who already appeared in the aforementioned Imperium.
- Valiant Announces THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA #1 – A Six-Part, Prestige Series from Joshua Dysart, CAFU & A Rotating Cast of Superstar Talents! (February 23, 2018 by The Valiant Voice)
- In March 2019, witness the dawn of THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA... (Tweeted by Valiant Comics on August 7, 2018)
- Exclusive Preview: Valiant's The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #1 introduces new team of deadly allies (January 14, 2018 by SyFy Wire)