They made us monsters. They made us for war... well it's a war they're going to get.
- -- Bloodshot
“BLOODSHOT ISLAND” sails into the sunset with a sanguine-stained epilogue!
Ray Garrison and a battered team of survivors have made their escape from BLOODSHOT ISLAND…only to drift straight into shark-infested waters! Marooned in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no defenses except the relentless will to survive, will the highly trained team of killers aboard this life raft band together…or throw each other to the prehistoric predators below? And, if they don’t kill each other first, will mother nature finish the job?’’
With “BLOODSHOT USA” on the horizon, it’s time to sink or swim as New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (Moon Knight) and rising star Tomas Giorello (Batman & Robin) toss Valiant’s band of nanite-fueled soldiers into the deep end!
Bloodshot Island, Epilogue[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Nazi Party (Flashback only)
- Project Rising Spirit (Behind the scenes)
- Red Circle Murder Cult (Flashback only)
- Donald Chester (Flashback only)
- Harlan Cady (Flashback only)
Other Characters:
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Mentioned only)
- Crazy Crew (Flashback only)
- Beardo (Flashback only)
- Chief (Flashback only)
- Ranger (Flashback only)
- KGB (Flashback only)
- Magic (Flashback only)
- Sharks
- Bloodshot Island (Mentioned only)
- Colorado (Flashback only)
- Pacific Ocean
- Soviet Union (Flashback only)
- Vietnam War (Flashback only)
- Virginia
- Pentagon (Flashback only)
- World War II (Flashback only)
- Battle of the Atlantic (Flashback only)
- Writers: Jeff Lemire
- Pencilers: Tomas Giorello
- Inkers: Tomas Giorello
- Colorists: Diego Rodriguez, Andrew Dalhouse
- Letterers: Dave Lanphear
- Cover Artists: Stephen Segovia (A), Adam Gorham & Michael Spicer (B), Andres Guinaldo & Pete Pantazis (C), Brian Level & Jason Lewis (1:10), Robert Gill & Allen Passalaqua (1:20)
- Editors: Warren Simons, Danny Khazem (Assistant), Kyle Andrukiewicz (Associate)
- Editor-in-Chief: Warren Simons
This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
Oh, I know plenty, sonny! If I'd given up every time things look grim, well, let's just say we'd all be speaking German now.
- -- Tank Man
Back then I didn't have none of them tiny robots in my blood, like I do now. The thing that kept me going was good old American pride, boys. Unlike you crybabies, I volunteered for Project Bloodshot. I knew exactly what I was doing and I knew exactly why I was doing it.
- -- Tank Man
I didn't choose to be like this. They made me like this. They turned me into a freak. But what's new? They're always using brothers as cannon fodder. Why should I be any different?
- -- Viet Man
I was selfless. The Bloodshot experiments made me the perfect Communist. And for a time, I fought in many secret battlefronts. Conflicts that did not make it into history books, but that shaped history itself nonetheless. Then, in 1986, I was taken prisoner. Your "Uncle Sam" got me, Tank Man. And, for them to change me... they did not need propaganda. The experiments had made me a machine. All they had to do was to literally reprogram me. After that I was American. Bloodshot had come home.
- -- Cold Man
When I woke up on the island with the rest of you, all of that was gone. No more allegiance to Russia or America. No more... anything. Now it is even worse. Now I am just... just empty.
- -- Cold Man
They made us monsters. They made us for war... well it's a war they're going to get.
- -- Bloodshot
Cover Art[]
Textless Cover Art[]
- Bloodshot
This section is for footnotes and citations.