Chad (slang)
Zamonaviy internet jargonida „Chad“ atamasi oq tanli erkakni anglatadi, u odatda stereotipik tarzda muskulli, jinsiy faol, sport bilan shugʻullanuvchi va yaxshi daromadga ega boʻlgan shaxsdir[1][2][3]. Bu atama alfa/beta erkaklarning farqlanishi bilan bogʻliq va birinchi marta 4chan xabarlar taxtasida mashhur boʻlgan[4][3][5][6]. Internetda ommalashishidan avval „Chad“ atamasi Chikago shahri shimolidagi boy va sport bilan shugʻullanuvchi erkaklarni tasvirlash uchun ishlatilgan.
Kelib chiqishi
[edit | edit source]Ushbu atama 2010-yillarda „Chad Thundercock“ nomi ostida 4chan xabarlar taxtasida paydo boʻlgach, virusli memga aylangan[3]. Chad odatda oq tanli, odatda sariq sochli erkak sifatida tasvirlanadi[1][7], u yaxshi ishga ega, sport bilan shugʻullanuvchi, jinsiy faol va yaxshi jismoniy imkoniyatlarga ega[2].
Yana qarang
[edit | edit source]Manbalar
[edit | edit source]- ↑ 1,0 1,1 Gibson, Rebecca. Cyborgs, Ethics, and The Matrix. Springer Nature, 2024 — 12y-bet. ISBN 978-3-031-61010-3. „Chad Thundercock or Nordic Gamer, is a memeable character sketch based on a drawing of a very stereotypically masculine man who gets with a lot of women and is tough and stoic. Square jawed, usually blond haired, muscular, and well-endowed.“
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Donovan, Joan; Dreyfuss, Emily; Friedberg, Brian. Meme Wars: The Untold Story of the Online Battles Upending Democracy in America. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, September 20, 2022 — 90-bet. ISBN 978-1-63557-864-5. "…the archetypal sexually active, athletic, gainfully employed white male, dubbed „Chads“…
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 xu, Shi-. The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies. Taylor & Francis, March 29, 2024 — 489-bet. ISBN 978-1-003-84912-4. "The categories of „Virgo“ and „Chad“ emerged in 2016 from the publication of a meme on the social network 4chan. These names designate two stereotypical profiles of people or groups based on the +/- virility trait: the Chad or alpha male, heterosexual, white, attractive and popular; and his counterpart the Virgo or beta male."
- ↑ Hines, Alice „How Many Bones Would you Break to get Laid?“. The Cut (2019-yil 28-may). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 3-oktyabr.
- ↑ Ali, Rasha; Oliver, David; Haneline, Amy „What is a VSCO girl? OK, boomer. A parents' dictionary to teen slang words, sksksksksk“. USA Today (2019-yil 15-noyabr). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 3-oktyabr.
- ↑ „Incels: Inside a dark world of online hate“. BBC News (2018-yil 12-may). Qaraldi: 2023-yil 4-avgust.
- ↑ Jordan, Jan. Women, Rape and Justice: Unravelling the Rape Conundrum. Routledge, March 14, 2022 — 144-bet. ISBN 978-0-429-84973-2.
Qoʻshimcha adabiyotlar
[edit | edit source]- „Lincoln Park Chad Society“. 2006-yil 5-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
- „Lincoln Park Trixie Society“. 2000-yil 17-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.