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Lloyd Shapley

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Lloyd Shapley
1980-yil Lloyd Shapley
Lloyd Stowell Shapley

2-iyun 1923-yil
Vafoti 12-mart 2016-yil(2016-03-12)
(92 yoshda)
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Otasi Harlow Shapley
Onasi Martha Betz Shapley
Mukofotlari Iqtisodiyot boʻyicha Nobel mukofoti (2012)
Bronze Star Medal (1944)
Golden Goose Award (2013)
John von Neumann Theory Prize (1981)
Veb-sayti econ.ucla.edu/shapley/

Lloyd Stowell Shapley (/ˈʃæpli/; 1923-yil 2-iyun — 2016-yil 12-mart) amerikalik matematik va Nobel mukofoti sovrindori iqtisodchi. U matematika iqtisodiyoti va ayniqsa oʻyin nazariyasi sohalariga hissa qoʻshgan. Alvin E. Rot bilan birga Shapley 2012-yil Iqtisodiyot fanlari boʻyicha „barqaror taqsimot nazariyasi va bozor dizayni amaliyoti uchun“ Nobel mukofotini qoʻlga kiritdi[1][2].

Lloyd Shapley 1923-yil 2-iyun kuni Massachusets shtatining Kembrij shahrida tugʻilgan, astronomlar Harlow Shapley va Martha Betz Shaplyning oʻgʻillaridan biri edi[3]. U Phillips Exeter akademiyasida oʻqigan va 1943-yilda harbiy xizmatga chaqirilganida Garvardda talaba boʻlgan. U Xitoyning Chengdu shahridagi Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari Harbiy havo korpusida xizmat qilgan va „Bronza yulduzi“ ordeni oldi[4].

Lloyd Shaple Stokgolmda 2012-yil

1981-yildan to vafotigacha Shapley Los-Anjelesdagi Kaliforniya universitetida (UCLA) professor boʻlib ishlagan va vafoti chogʻida u yerda matematika va iqtisod boʻlimlari bilan bogʻliq boʻlgan faxriy professor sifatida ishlagan. U 2016-yilning 12-martida Arizona shtatining Tukson shahrida son suyagi sinishidan azob chekib, 92 yoshida vafot etdi[5].

Shapley Kriegspiel beysbol jamosining ishqibozi edi[6].

The Economist nashriga koʻra, Shaply „oʻzini matematik deb hisoblagan boʻlishi mumkin, ammo u iqtisodiyotga qoʻshgan ulkan hissasi uchun uni unutib boʻlmaydi“[7]. Amerika Iqtisodiy Assotsiatsiyasi Shaply „oʻyin nazariyasi va iqtisodiy nazariyaning gigantlaridan biri“ ekanligini taʼkidladi[8].

Shaply oʻgʻillari bilan umuman Nobel mukofotini olishi kerakmi yoki yoʻqmi, deb bahslashdi. Uning fikricha, otasi, astronom Harlow Sharply bunga koʻproq loyiq edi.Oxir oqibat oʻgʻillari Shaplyni Nobel mukofotini qabul qilishga koʻndirishdi va Stokgolmga borishga hamrohlik qilishdi[9].

Mukofot va unvonlari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Tanlangan nashrlar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
  • A Value for n-person Games [1953], In Contributions to the Theory of Games volume II, H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker (eds.).
  • Stochastic Games [1953], Proceedings of National Academy of Science Vol. 39, pp. 1095-1100. doi:10.1073/pnas.39.10.1095
  • A Method for Evaluating the Distribution of Power in a Committee System [1954] (with Martin Shubik), American Political Science Review Vol. 48, pp. 787-792.
  • College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage [1962] (with David Gale), The American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 69, pp. 9-15.
  • Simple Games : An Outline of the Descriptive Theory [1962], Behavioral Science Vol. 7, pp. 59-66.
  • On Balanced Sets and Cores [1967], Naval Research Logistics Quarterly Vol. 14, pp. 453-460.
  • On Market Games [1969] (with Martin Shubik), Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 1, pp. 9-25.
  • Utility Comparison and the Theory of Games [1969], La Decision, pp. 251-263.
  • Cores of Convex Games [1971] International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 1, pp. 11-26.
  • The Assignment Game I: The Core [1971] (with Martin Shubik), International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 1, pp. 111-130.
  • Values of Non-Atomic Games [1974] (with Robert Aumann), Princeton University Press.
  • Mathematical Properties of the Banzhaf Power Index [1979] (with Pradeep Dubey), Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 4, pp. 99-132.
  • Long-Term Competition — A Game-Theoretic Analysis [1994] (with Robert Aumann), in Essays in Game Theory: In Honor of Michael Maschler, Nimrod Megiddo (ed.), Springer-Verlag.
  • Potential Games [1996] (with Dov Monderer), Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 14, pp. 124-143.
  • On Authority Distributions in Organizations [2003] (with Xingwei Hu), Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 45, pp. 132-152, 153-170.
  • Multiperson Utility [2008] (with Manel Baucells). Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 62, pp. 329-347.
  1. „Lloyd Shapley, a Nobel laureate in economics, has died“. The Economist. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  2. Roth, Al (12-mart 2016-yil). „Lloyd S. Shapley 1923– 2016“. Nature. 532-jild, № 7598. 178-bet. Bibcode:2016Natur.532..178R. doi:10.1038/532178a. PMID 27075091. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: date format ()
  3. „MARTHA BETZ SHAPLEY“. The New York Times (27-yanvar 1981-yil).
  4. „Lloyd S. Shapley – Interview“. Nobel Media AB. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  5. „Lloyd Shapley, a Nobel laureate in economics, has died“. The Economist. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  6. Hagerty, James, Lloyd Shapley: 1923-2016, Wall Street Journal, March 19-20, 2016, p. A7.
  7. „Matchmaker in heaven – Lloyd Shapley, a Nobel laureate in economics, has died“. The Economist (13-mart 2016-yil). Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  8. „Lloyd Shapley“. American Economic Association. 2016-yil 16-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  9. Hagerty, James, Lloyd Shapley: 1923-2016, Wall Street Journal, March 19-20, 2016, p.A7
  10. „Lloyd S. Shapley – Interview“. Nobel Media AB. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 11,4 11,5 „Lloyd Stowell Shapley – Vita“. UCLA. 2021-yil 10-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  12. „INFORMS – Fellows Class of 2002“. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. 2016-yil 14-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  13. „Distinguished Fellows“. American Economic Association. Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  14. List of Fellows of the American Mathematical Society, retrieved July 18, 2013.
  15. „Princeton alumnus Shapley wins Nobel Prize“. Princeton University (15-oktabr 2012-yil). Qaraldi: 13-mart 2016-yil.
  16. „Market Design“. The Golden Goose Award. 16-dekabr 2016-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 27-may 2015-yil.