Boy Scout Lane, also known as Boyscout Lane, is an isolated road located in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. A number of ghost stories and urban legends have become associated with the road, including the fictional deaths of a troop of Boy Scouts. The area has been the subject of several paranormal investigations, and has been a 'haunt' for youths hoping to experience a paranormal event. The land surrounding Boy Scout Lane is now privately owned and is off limits to the general public.
The road, approximately 2,500 feet long and unpaved, was named after the Boy Scouts of America who once owned the land with plans to build a camp but never did. Local legends revolve around a tragic event involving a Boy Scout troop that lost their lives during a camping trip in the 1950s or 60s. Different versions of the legend describe various causes of death, including murder by the Scoutmaster or bus driver, accidental forest fires, or mysterious disappearances.
Visitors to Boy Scout Lane have reported experiencing an unsettling atmosphere, hearing mysterious footsteps and breaking branches, and seeing ghostly lights resembling lanterns or flashlights. Some claim to have seen apparitions of Boy Scouts hiking through the underbrush or phantom buses roaming the area. Handprints have also been reported on cars parked near the road.
Despite these stories, there is no factual evidence to support any of these events having occurred. The land surrounding Boy Scout Lane is now privately owned and off-limits to the public.