Conserving and Celebrating the History of International Associations: 115 Years of UIA

Maison des Associations Internationales (MAI), Rue Washington 40, Brussels

Thursday 22 May 2025

In 1907, the Central Office of International Institutions was founded in Brussels to enhance collaboration between various international organizations, and to serve as a documentation centre. In 1910, at the First World Congress of International Organizations in Brussels, representatives from 137 international civil society associations and 13 governments formally agreed to transform the Central Office into the Union of International Associations (UIA). From its inception, the UIA was designed to help manage relations between international associations, study questions of common interest, facilitate the creation of new organizations, support international education and undertake a range of publishing and documentation activities. On 22 May 2025, an event in Brussels will reflect on the history of the UIA and its relation to wider histories of international cooperation. Alongside featuring a range of speakers, we will celebrate the UIA’s rich history with a reception, and you are cordially invited to this event.

9:30 to 15:15 (Workshop – Closed session)

Preserving and Using the Documentary Heritage of International Associations and Charities

UIA is hosting this workshop featuring archivists, academics and representatives from various organizations. The event will focus on the records of international associations, both in terms of their preservation and their relevance for researchers. For further details and registration, see our Eventbrite site. If you have any questions, please consult Daniel Laqua.

15:30 to 19:00 (Public Event, Room ‘Brussels’)

Celebrating the Past, Present and Future of International Associations


Welcome & Introduction

Cyril Ritchie, President of the Union of International Associations, First Vice President of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations


Welcome from Brussels

Speaker t.b.d. and Patrick Bontinck, CEO of


The UIA, Its Histories and the Data of International Life

Daniel Laqua, Associate Professor of European History, Northumbria University and Elizabeth Bloodgood, Associate Professor of Political Science, Concordia University


Keynote: International Organisations and Internationalism(s) in Modern History

Jessica Reinisch, Professor of Modern European History, Birkbeck, University of London


Thanks & Closing

Cyril Ritchie


Drinks Reception in the Bar (sponsored by

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