
GodWP (全能者, Zen'nō-sha?) is the supreme being worshiped by the monotheistic Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


The Christian faith, the largest religion in the world, holds God as the only being worthy of worship, and considers its messiah Jesus to be the same being as God. The "Lord’s Teachings", the basis for the rites of the Holy Church that are humanity’s strongest magic foundation, are believed by the Church to originate directly with God. Many Western forms of magecraft operate on the presupposition of God's existence, but see him as merely a means to an end. To those who hold a genuine faith in God, such as the Church, this is unforgivable.[1] While they believe Jesus to be both a human and consubstantial with God, no true Catholics would see God inside themselves.[2]

While both the Church and magi such as Paracelsus acknowledge God as a unique being, and the existence of angelsWP as "messengers from God",[3] the true nature of such beings is unknown. The style of martial arts known as Jacob's Limbs is said to have been invented by Jacob as he wrestled with an angelWP. The Church regards demons as fallen angels that only the "substitutes of God" have the authority to vanquish. In particular, True Daemons are said to have been directly created by God.[4]

God's revelation and gift he granted to Solomon allowed Solomon to grant humans without any connection to a Divine Spirit the ability to perform magecraft.[5][6] This accelerated the decline of Mystery that brought about the end of the Age of Gods. The beginning of the subsequent Age of Man coincides exactly with the birth of Jesus and beginning of the Anno Domini era.[7]

Caubac Alcatraz believes that the universe is covered in God’s love, and that this love is absolute and must never be questioned. To him, God is an omnipresent essence and not something with a physical presence. He maintains that we must not see God in ourselves, and that God can’t take a human form or a form that humans can comprehend. That his thesis to prove his beliefs became a human being led him to conclude that God does not exist, and humans are all that exists in the universe.[2]


Notable acts of God recorded in the Abrahamic faiths include blessing Samson with incredible strength, granting Moses the tablets holding the Ten Commandments kept within the Ark of the Covenant and using David as his instrument by means of divine protection. In addition, prior to the events of Fate/Grand Order, God granted Solomon's human reincarnation a final revelation warning him of Goetia's plan to incinerate the Human Order, which drove him to join the Chaldea Security Organization and save the world from Goetia. Noah is also stated to have received a great many blessings from God due to being chosen by him.[8]

Saints are those who are regarded in the Christian faith as having performed miracles. Among the Saints are those who claim to have "heard the voice of God" or received revelations from him. Jeanne d'Arc is one such Saint, who receives the Revelation skill when summoned as a Servant as a consequence of her visions. While not a Saint, Kirei Kotomine is also said to have been granted "the right to recreate the miracles in the divine sacrament" in the form of Magic Circuits by God as a reward for his father's years of pious worship.[9]


  1. Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Volume 2: case. Twin Towers of Iselma (Upper) - Chapter 4 Part 2
  2. 2.0 2.1
    [v] TYPE-MOON Manuscript - Caubac Alcatraz, p.040-041

    Caubac Alcatraz

    Ranked 27 among the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors.
    His Idea Blood is a "failed product" or perhaps simply "unneeded".
    A vampire who was a believer to the church before turning Dead Apostle.
    The Crimson Moon made him lose heart shortly before the transition to AD, but the Crimson Moon also saw potential in him and gave him his pure blood, turning him into an Ancestor.
    Since then, he has been holed up in an underground cavern lamenting his vampiric transformation, since he was too ashamed to go see his pious companions, not to mention they would kill him on the spot if they saw what he turned into.
    Later a lot happened, leading him to build the great labyrinth of Alcatraz.
    Somewhen around the year 1000AD, he completed the Triten scripture.
    No one saw him ever since.
    The Holy Church and the vampire society believe that he built his castle to protect his written truth, the Triten scripture, and when he got that done, a random dimensional distortion turned the castle into some amazing labyrinth not even he can escape.
    He turned himself into an inorganic object out of hatred for his body's need to suck blood to extend his life.
    He takes the appearance of an ordinary padlock.
    In Mahou Tsukai no Hako, it was established that Hibiki is an artificial lifeform (the Triten) who turned human and got lost among the people there.

    « Our world was created by the Lord, and its surface is covered in His love. The way humans go hog wild over food and whatnot is also because of Lord's love. The Lord's love is like, super immeasurable to human beings. »

    Under the thoughts quoted above, he comprehended the Lord's love and wrote it down. That's what the Triten scripture is.
    The punchline here is there on proofread, he realized that he made a model of the universe.
    He obviously wasn't trying to create a model of the universe, but that was the final result of what he tried to make.
    By reaching the conclusion that the universe is direct proof of the Lord's love, Caubac established he was right and built his labyrinth in order to hide his super ultra awesome treasure literally anyone would desire.
    By the way, the labyrinth was made using the same techniques used to make Triten. For that reason, it's constantly expanding at the same speed that the universe expands. Super inescapable.
    Now, the following section is about progress caused by the events of Mahou Tsukai no Hako:
    Caubac had complete faith in Triten, but he took his eyes away for one moment and Triten disappeared from its storage and went to be human in some Japanese café.
    Triten was supposed to be his proof, Triten = the Lord's love, and yet the result of its evolution was a human being!
    No true Catholics would see God inside themselves.
    Caubac shat himself from shock when he learned about Hibiki.
    "In my attempts to prove God is real, I proved that He isn't."
    The following thoughts are the reasons why he considers Triten a mistake:
    - We must not see God in ourselves.
    - We must not pray for our own benefit. (Prayers are for the Lord's benefit. It's wrong to pray out of desire for salvation. You pray only for the Lord. Caubac's mindset is the same as Caren's.)
    - The Lord's love is absolute and must never be questioned. Therefore we must not wish for the Lord to exist in any form different from the forms described in the scriptures.
    God's Love = the world.
    The fact that we're alive is a manifestation of His love and no matter how much suffering there is in the world, it's all part of grand system of God's deeds (love).

    The world is a product of the Lord's thoughts.
    Upon closer inspection of the components of the human being (body, mind, and soul), Caubac had the idea that he could prove the Lord's love by replicating all these components in text form.
    He then started building his model from all possible accounts, probed into His whole Creation, gave it shape, and ended up with a model of the universe. (He didn't notice it was a model of the universe until it was complete)
    And the fact that this universe was functional (even if there was no life in it) was all he needed to go ultra-convinced on his assumption that the Lord's love was real and that it approved his project.
    Caubac built his labyrinth to protect this treasure. (Not because he was afraid of it being misused, simply because he was afraid of it being stolen from him)
    He believed Triten was the only thing he needed in the whole wide world.
    To be fair, that practically completed his purpose as a Dead Apostle as well, leaving him in a complete NEET state. He was right about Triten being the only thing he ever needed.
    But imagine the panic when he found out Triten was operating as a human being.
    It's the level of shock you get when your computer gets infected by a virus from a porn site.
    He made a perfect image of God, and then it turned human.
    Would that mean God is human?
    That God is made from humans?
    God eventually becomes human?
    None of these options were possible. There is no God in humans.
    But Triten became human.
    The conclusion here is that human beings were all there was to the universe.
    = God doesn't exist.
    After approaching this line of argument, Caubac practically stopped thinking.
    His strong will and proneness to delusion kept him on his feet, although in an unmoving state.

    « One more time. I need to see Triten one more time. I could have just made a mistake somewhere along the way. Or maybe Triten really is... No, forget that thought. »

    And so he started looking for Hibiki. That's the whole backstory for Mahou Tsukai no Hako.

    ※Completing his "Or maybe Triten really is..." sentence:

    « Triten was a model for the universe with no life in it. (The word "life" here refers specifically to intelligent lifeforms capable of self-evolution.)
    But in the process of its expansion, the universe birthed lifeforms.
    That is God's true deed.
    If Triten, an in-depth inspection of the Lord's love, birthed a human being, that's evidence pointing to the thought that the world is made from the Lord's love.
    I knew I was right!
    But... the problem is that by creating Triten, I kinda violated the creed that we mustn't create God. Actually, if a human can create God, then...  »

    He got lost in this labyrinth of thought.
    All that said, even if Hibiki is indeed Triten (God), Caubac would deny the notion on the logic that "God is an omnipresent essence, not something with a physical presence".

    « God's love exists.
    But it can't take a human form.
    It can't take a form humans can comprehend.
    He can't be alive. »

    Above is an example of cool speech he would to reject Hibiki's nature or pretend he never saw it.
    ...This is the story of how he ruined his own beliefs and came out of his 2000-year-long battle in total denial, but even after all this, he still prioritized the ideal form of God's love over his own happiness and salvation.

     それ以降は吸血鬼になってしまった自分の身を嘆きつつ、かつての仲間たち(信者たち)に合わせる顔がない、 そもそも会ったら殺してしまう、という事で地下洞窟に引きこもった。
     聖堂教会、および吸血鬼社会において、コーバックは「自らが書き上げた真理の書・聖典トライテンを守るため に居城を改築していったら、いつのまにか次元のゆがんだ大迷宮になってしまい、本人さえ出られなくなった」 とされている。
     「魔法使いの箱」において、ひびきは人工生命(トライテン)が人間になって紛れ込んだもの、という設定が加 わった。
     「この世は主が創造したもの、地下は主の愛で包まれている。人間が暴徒化してヒャッハー食料だー、とかやる のも神の愛。神の愛のカタチとかマジ人間には計り知れない」という思想のもと、主の愛を理解し書き留めたも のが聖典トライテンである。
     「主の愛の存在証明」=「宇宙」という結論に達したことでコーバックは自分の正しさを認識し、同時に、この 誰もが欲しがってやまないであろう超絶カッチョイイお宝を隠れそう、と迷宮を作り上げた。
     ここから魔法使いの箱から進化。トライテンに絶対の自信を持つコーバックだが、ちょっと目を離しているうち にトライテンが保管庫から消失し、日本の喫茶店でなんか人間になってしまっていた。
     トライテン=主の愛、証明であるのに、そのトライテンは進化結果として人間になりやがったので ある!
     自分は神を証明するつもりで、神がいないことを証明してしまった、 と。
     トライテンの言う「私は間違っていた」の理由として、「自分の中に神を見てはならない」「自分のために祈っ てはならない」(祈りは主のために。救いをもとめて主に祈る、はダメなのです。あくまで主のために祈るので す。カレンと同じ境地)「主の愛を絶対とし、疑わない。なので教典にある以外の主のカタチを願ってはいけな い」という考えがある。
     僕らの生きているのは神さまの愛の具現であり、世界にはどのような苦しみが満ちていようと、それもまた大い なる神の御業(愛)のシステムの一つなのである。
     人間の仕組み(魂・肉体・精神)を突き詰め、きちんと書物にすれば主の愛を明確に提示できるの ではないか。
     そう考えってあらゆる記述、モデルを作り始めたコーバクは、森羅万象をつきつめてカタチにし、結果的に宇宙 のモデルケースができてしまった。
     で、この宇宙が(たとえ生命がいないとしても)正しく機能していることこそが、世界には「主の愛」が存在し 、容認されているのだと超思いこむ。
     つーかほとんど死徒としてゴールしたようなものなので、完全ニート状態。彼にはトライテンさえあれば良かっ たのです。
     主の愛をつきつめたトライテンが人間を生むのなら、それはたっぱりこの世界主の愛そのものであることを証明 する材料になる。
     けど……問題は、そのトライテンを自分が作ってしまったコトで、神を作ってはいけない教義に反しチャったよ な俺、つーか人間が作れる神ってことは……
     ……それは彼の二千年にわたる戦いの全否定、自らの信念を自らで台無しにする事になるが、それでも彼は「自 分の幸福、救い」より「理想的な神の愛」を優先したのである。

  3. Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Blue and Silver Volume 5: Knight of Fate Arc - Act 2 Part 3-A
  4. [v] Fate/hollow ataraxia - Heaven's Feel - 1/ Heaven Feel's Backnight I

    That which is called Prana is merely a fuel for the purpose of activating Magecraft; by itself, it can wield no effect.
    However, there do exist exceptions to this rule, whereby -- restricted to those circumstances in which Prana itself comes to bear qualities that approach the nature of Magecraft -- it is let to take a 'form' (カタチ, katachi?, lit. "shape").
    For example ――― it is rumored that the Einzberns bestowed a personality unto the Holy Grail.
    If said personality is possessed of Prana, it would from its birth come to bear the Thaumaturgical Trait (魔術特性, Majutsu Tokusei?) of "Wishgranting" (願いを叶える, negai wo kanaeru?).
    Should its vital processes and the faculties that it holds as a Holy Grail come into direct junction, it would likely be able to give 'form' to the Miracle (奇跡, kiseki?) of "Magecraft" merely by the release of Prana.

    The "Incarnated Demons" (受肉した魔, juniku-shita ma?) spoken of by the Holy Church also follow this convention.
    Those beings created as fiends before existing as organisms exercise a Magecraft of an order beyond human ability.
    The Thaumaturgical Circuits that Magi (we) bear are little more than spurious nerves (疑似神経, giji shinkei?, lit. "pseudo- / quasi- / virtual nerves") -- fabricated (作り上げた, tsukuri-ageta?) in the shadow  (ura, lit. "shadow / reverse / behind"?) of the nerves that we possess as of existing as humans; a faculty extrinsically affixed (後付, atozuke?, lit. "attached after").
    However ――― fiends possess nothing so much as 'spurious nerves.'
    To them, the entirety of their vital processes serve as faculties that exist for the purpose of calling forth fiends.
    It appears that the Holy Church refer to such beings as "True Daemons" (真性悪魔, shinsei akuma?).
    Distinct from those imposters (偽物, nisemono?) that clad themselves in the Ideations of Man (人間の想念, ningen no sounen?) and come into being (成る, naru?) via "Unit Designation" (個体名, kotai-mei?, lit. "unit name"), they are authentic "Daemons" brought forth by the Lord, who were as they were before being Named (名付ける, nazukeru?) by Man.



  5. [v] Fate/Grand Order - Solomon (Caster) Profile [T]

    Solomon - Caster

    Illustrator and Voice actor
    Illustrator: Takeuchi Takashi
    Voice Actor:

    Strength: E
    Endurance: E
    Agility: B
    Magic: A++
    Luck: A++
    Noble Phantasm: A++

    Character details
    An individual from 1011~931 BC.
    The Third King of Ancient Israel
    The great king who made Ancient Israel prosper the most.
    Employing 72 demon gods, and also the first individual who build the Temple of Israel.
    He performed excellent political measures as a king, but beside that also have many anecdotes as a magus.

    Level 1 Bond
    Solomon married with the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh, but it has been said that, later, God appeared while he was dreaming on his bed and said "you are qualified. Speak your wishes. I'll shall grant it".
    Rather than gold or political power, he sought wisdom more than anything. God was satisfied. For that answer itself was proof that he had the qualifications to attain "true wisdom".
    When he woke up, Solomon had ten rings inserted on both hands. It was the proof of the wise man recognized by God. Later, it would be called Ring of Solomon, the source of the magecraft that employs angels and demons.

    Level 2 Bond
    Chaldea’s heroic spirit summoning; its first successful example.
    The Grand magus that participated and achieved victory on the Holy Grail War of Fuyuki, secretly summoned by Marisbilly Animusphere.

    The wish he entrusted to the Holy Grail was “to become human”.
    Through the power of the Holy Grail, he did not “incarnated as a heroic spirit”, but instead was reborn as a new human that had no relation to King Solomon.

    Such was Romani Archman.
    A quite ordinary young man, who wished to live as an “individual” that did not have anything of peculiar.

    The man who began his second life was unable to know the “happiness, fulfillment as a human” that was never given to him in his previous lifetime.
    Because the future of “mankind’s demise”, which he caught a glimpse of right before becoming human, stole any kind of freedom from him.

    Level 3 Bond

    • Territory Creation: A

    Creates an advantageous encampment to oneself as a magus.
    Having built the Temple of Israel, he is regarded as a greatest authority in regards to Territory Creation.

    • High-Speed Aria: C

    A technique to hasten magic aria. Despite being fast, sometimes he makes a mistake due his worrywart nature and ruins everything.

    • Item Construction: C

    Produces devices that carry magical power. Maybe because he has specialized in contracts, his Item Construction ability is of average level.

    Level 4 Bond
    Introverted, self-assured and passive.
    A laid-back king, without a hint of seriousness.
    The gist of his personality is “self-assured”, but this is simply the power to “no read the mood”.
    Thus, he is merely making statements on a self-assured manner, and his nature is that of a chicken. Although serious, he is not earnest and is constantly living at 80% power.
    He properly ascertained people, properly established laws and properly governed the country. Despite lacking in vigor, he was loved and respected by the masses as a wise, gentle king who was full of love.

    ...yet, none of those traits came from Solomon’s own will.
    Having been ordained as a king from the moment he was born, Solomon had no choice but to hear the voice of God and act accordingly.
    His psyche is dispassionate and (having been deprived of the freedom to sympathize with the joys and sorrows of people) inhuman.

    Level 5 Bond
    After becoming human, Solomon finally acquired the human nature called romance.
    At his roots, he is a realist and a pessimist.
    Despite uttering wishful thinkings as a mood-maker, he seems somewhat shameless due to inwardly thinking of them as pipe dreams.
    While he likes humans, because of his chicken side that “does not want to see something sad”, he maintains a superficial socializing with anyone. In exchange, he can get along with anyone.
    An archetypal “everybody’s friend(1)”.
    He has a bad habit of, when caught in a dilemma, ending up choosing to either “stick to observing without making any decisions” or “running away” so that “the status quo is preserved”.
    Since Roman himself is reflecting on such weakness of his, if someone in his surroundings were to just say a word - “Please, do your best” - he will somehow get a hold of himself and show a decisive judgment fitting of the king of magecraft.

    Incidentally, because the first impression that any Servant ends up getting about Roman is “I don’t get the reason, but he is at fault here”, they unconsciously complained at him.
    The only ones who did not find fault at him were those who were no Servants, crackpots and Berserkers that do not perceive evil as evil.

    "The Time of Parting Has Come, He Is the One Who Lets Go of the World"
    Rank: D  Type: Anti-Unit
    Are Nova.
    The first Noble Phantasm of King Solomon.
    Rather than Goetia, this is a Noble Phantasm possessed by the true King Solomon.
    A poem of farewell in which he relinquishes of all the exploits accomplished, all the miracles performed, all the magecrafts established until then.

    Upon invoking his Noble Phantasm, Solomon sends all the graces bestowed by God back to heavens and loses the eyes that gaze at the world.
    The result is King Solomon’s death.
    From another angle, this also means the self-destruction of the 72 demons.
    It can also be described as a safety device prepared by Solomon, in order to destroy “magecraft” when it becomes an evil for humans in the distant future.
    When this is employed as a Noble Phantasm, all traces of King Solomon are extinguished from this world.
    ---even from the Throne of Heroes.

    (1): the original uses an expression that can also mean “faultless beauty”

    ソロモン - キャスター





    マリスビリー・アニムスフィアによって秘密裏に召喚され、冬木の聖杯戦争に参加し、これに勝利を収めた冠位 の魔術師。







    結果的に強気な発言をしているだけで、根はチキンである。真面目ではあるが真剣ではなく、いつも八割の力で 生きている。
    よく人々を見定め、よく法を定め、よく国を治めた。やや気概が足りないところはあるものの、賢く、優しく、 愛の多い王として民に敬愛された。


    人間好きではあるが『悲しい事は見たくない』というチキンなので、誰とも表面的な付き合いに留めてしまう。 そのかわりに誰とも仲良くなれる。

    ちなみに、サーヴァントであれば誰もが第一印象でロマンを『理由は分からないがコイツが悪い』と感じてしま う為、無意識に文句を言ってしまっていた。

    ランク:D  種別:対人宝具


  6. [v] Fate/Grand Order - Solomon (Grand Caster) Profile

    Solomon - Grand Caster

    Illustrator and Voice actor
    Illustrator: Takeuchi Takashi

    Strength: E
    Endurance: E
    Agility: B
    Magic: A++
    Luck: A++
    Noble Phantasm: A++

    Character details
    An individual from 1011~931 BC.
    The Third King of Ancient Israel
    The great king who made Ancient Israel prosper the most.
    Employing 72 demon gods, and also the first individual who build the Temple of Israel.
    He performed excellent political measures as a king, but beside that also have many anecdotes as a magus.

    Level 1 Bond
    Solomon married with the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh, but it has been said that, later, God appeared while he was dreaming on his bed and said "you are qualified. Speak your wishes. I'll shall grant it".
    Rather than gold or political power, he sought wisdom more than anything. God was satisfied. For that answer itself was proof that he had the qualifications to attain "true wisdom".
    When he woke up, Solomon had ten rings inserted on both hands. It was the proof of the wise man recognized by God. Later, it would be called Ring of Solomon, the source of the magecraft that employs angels and demons.

    Level 2 Bond

    • Revelation: B

    To hear the "voice of heavens" and take optimum action.
    "Instinct" is a sixth sense for battles, but Revelation accommodates all matters concerning the achievement of an objective (for instance, to choose the most suitable path during a trip).
    Solomon received a revelation only once, but based on said revelation he established a phenomena operation technique--- that is, a magecraft that could be performed even by the hands of a common man (up until then, magecraft was the work of only those who stand in row to god).

    Level 3 Bond
    King Solomon accomplished only one miracle, but, on the other hand, that exemplifies his prudence.
    It is better to be made known to the people that "the king is receiving God's protection" only once. Because any more miracles than that will either frighten or corrupt the people.
    Even without using magecraft, Solomon had his reputation as King of Magecraft spread to the neighboring countries and left this world as a wise king.

    Level 4 Bond

    • Evocation: EX

    A magecraft that evokes spiritual bodies from the past, or possibly from the future.
    Solomon's evocation - which tells about the spiritual existences called "72 demon gods" and establishes them as capable familiars - is worthy of the name of King of Magecraft.
    There is an art for employing demons among the knowledge that King Solomon left behind, but said manuscript would later be named Lemegeton or Goetia.

    Level 5 Bond

    • Ring of Solomon: EX

    The rings inserted in his ten fingers that were given by God.
    The proof of a king, the founder of magecraft.
    In case all ten rings are together, any and all magecrafts performed by mankind are negated and placed under his subordination.

    • Clairvoyance: EX

    It has been said that Solomon's clairvoyance can see through the past and the future.

    "The Time of Birth Has Come, He Is The One Who Master Everything"
    Ars Almadel Salomonis.
    King Solomon's Third Noble Phantasm. The "|" of original sin.
    At a first glance it looks like a ring of light that encircles the Earth, but in reality it is an aggregation of some hundred millions lines of light.
    Each one of these lines carry extreme damage values comparable to Excalibur, an A Rank Noble Phantasm.
    Unfortunately, there is nothing on the surface of the Earth that surpasses the heat value of this Noble Phantasm.

    ソロモン - グランドキャスター











  7. Lord El-Melloi II Case Files material - Secret Files, File 02: Chronology of the Clock Tower
  8. Fate/Grand Order Arcade - Nemo/Noah's profile translated by Justiciar_Jyggalag at Reddit
  9. [v] TYPE-MOON Fes. Official Pamphlet 10th Anniversary Q & A Booklet:
    Q: Kirei's wife Ortensia is covered with wounds in the design draft, is it because she has a body similar to Caren's? Also, Command Spells appeared on Kirei due to the fact that he somehow possesses Magic Circuits despite being born in a non-magus lineage. Does this mean Caren also has Magic Circuits?

    Q: Kirei's wife Ortensia is covered with wounds in the design draft, is it because she has a body similar to Caren's? Also, Command Spells appeared on Kirei due to the fact that he somehow possesses Magic Circuits despite being born in a non-magus lineage. Does this mean Caren also has Magic Circuits?

    A: Kirei's wife is an albino, and is immunodeficient. As a result, she can die from even a tiny wound, thus her body appears tattered. What Caren inherited is the aspect of "prone to be plagued by illnesses". This is truly an ordeal given by God.
    About the Magic Circuits, a normal person rarely acquires Magic Circuits. You can consider such cases sudden mutations. However, Kirei is not of this type. Kirei's Circuits were a gift from the divine sacrament, rewarding his father Risei's years of pious worship. Kirei was born with "the right to recreate the miracles in the divine sacrament". This "right", in other words, was the Magic Circuits. Caren did not inherit the Circuits.

    Q:綺礼の奥さんであるオルタンシアさんが設定画で手当ての跡だらけなカレンと同じ体質だからなのでしょ うか。あと、綺礼に令呪が現れたのは元々魔術師の家じゃないけどたまたま魔術回路を待っていたということで 、カレンにもあるんでしょうか?

    A:奥さんはアルビノで、免疫機能が欠如した人でした。なので些細な傷でも死に繋がるし、体もボロボロで した。カレンに受け継がれたのは”病魔に憑かれやすい”という在り方。神の試練ですな一。
    魔術回路ですが、これは一般人にも稀に待って生まれる人がいます。突然变異と思ってください。綺礼はその類 ではありませんが、父・離正が長年の信仰によって得た秘蹟の恩恵で、” 秘蹟を再現する資格”をまって生まれました。秘蹟を再現する資格、なんで言ってますが、ようは魔術回路です 。カレンには受け継がれていません。

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