
Garden ((ガーデン)?) is a Spell from the Age of Gods that can only be used by the avatar of Mystery.[1]


The Garden is regarded by Totorot as one of Aesc's trump cards, a Bounded Field that can trap nightmares.[2] It is also used by Proper Human History Morgan le Fay.[1]

There are different kinds of Gardens:[3]

  • Sweet Dreams (甘き夢?)[3]
  • Dark Abyss (昏い淵(くらふち)?)[3]
  • Lost Will (失意?) - A powerful cursed artifact that traps the target in a dream somewhere between real World and the Inner Sea of the Planet. According to Artoria Caster, it is a a cold and unforgiving Garden that whittles away the hearts of its visitors by stripping away their delusions and torturing them with self-loathing. The target can escape from it if they endure it until the end or if the artifact is smashed to pieces from the outside. Even Baobhan Sith doesn't have enough Magical Energy to use it without Morgan's support. Due to this, using it causes her body to start rotting and one of her fingertips to fall off.[3] When someone overcomes their Lost Will like Ritsuka Fujimaru did, they gain the ability to wake up from the Insect of the Abyss' eternal dream.[4]
  • The Innocent (罪なきもの?) - Also known as Garden of Avalon, is the tower where Merlin is said to be imprisoned.[5][3] According to Sherlock Holmes, it is a great Bounded Field in the form of a sarcophagus Spell inscribed with the words "Only those free of sin may pass".[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Avalon Le Fae, The Moment a Planet is Born, Act II Intro
  2. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Avalon le Fae: The Moment a Planet is Born, Fragment/7
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Avalon Le Fae, The Moment a Planet is Born, Section 21: Lost Will
  4. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Avalon Le Fae, The Moment a Planet is Born, Section 30: A Midsummer Night's Dream
  5. Garden of Avalon - Prologue: At the Garden
Bounded FieldConceptual WeaponMagic (Second MagicThird MagicFifth Magic) • Magical Spells (AstromancyGradation AirFlash AirTuning) • Marble PhantasmMystic CodeMystic Eyes (Mystic Eyes of Death Perception) • PsychicReality Marble
BicornCentaurDaemonDead ApostleDemonDemon BoarDivine SpiritDollDragonD'yavol TronFairyFamiliarGazerGiantGolemHomunculusHumanHydraLamiaMagicianMagusMixed-BloodOniOuter GodPhantasmal SpeciesSoul EaterSphinxSpiritsVampireUltimate OneTenguTrue AncestorWitchWizardXianYaga
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Main works
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Fate/Grand Order series
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Other Works
The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Case Files of Lord El-Melloi IIDominate Grail WarFate/Apocrypha (AnimeManga) • Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA (Anime) • Fate/LabyrinthFate:Lost EinherjarFate/PrototypeFate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky SilverFate/RequiemFate/Samurai RemnantFate/strange Fake (MangaWhispers of Dawn) • Fate/type RedlineFate/unlimited codesFate/unpublished materialFate/Zero Next EncounterGarden of Avalon
Parody Works
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