Sword of Rupture, Ea (乖離剣・エア, Kairi-ken - Ea?) is the most powerful Noble Phantasm contained in the Gate of Babylon and the pinnacle of all those used by Servants.[1] Unlike all of his other nameless weapons that were able to be passed on to other wielders throughout history, it is a sword only Gilgamesh possesses, a unique existence that can only be possessed by him, that is suited only for a ruler's use and makes him transcendent.[2] Rider comments that the nature of the sword becomes more absurd as he views its power. It can be used as a close combat slashing weapon wielded much like a regular sword as shown in Fate/unlimited codes, and even with its dull tip, it can pierce directly through Rider's chest.[3]
It has an abnormal shape that doesn't match what would normally be classified as something specialized like a sword. It is something that was born before the appearance of the concept that the world calls a "sword", so it is not something that can truly be called a sword or have the shape of any known blade. While it has a grip, handguard, and is the same length as a longsword, the section that should contain a blade deviates from the normal form of an edged weapon. The "blade" itself and the tip of the sword, spun in a spiral shape, are dull. It has the shape of a cylindrical, drill-shaped pillar made up of three independently rotating segments engraved with crimson lettering that spin slowly in an alternating direction like querns, the middle segment spinning clockwise and the top and bottom segments spinning counterclockwise. The drill design was modeled after bedrock excavators used to drill underwater tunnels.[4] While Ea is categorized as a sword, its way of being is closer to a wand. Its three sections respectively represent the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. It exemplifies the world's way of being by having each one of them rotate in opposite directions. The "cosmos" is thus represented by matching all three of these representations. Everything together represents the universe.[5]

Gilgamesh using Ea and Enkidu
Gilgamesh considers it his greatest and most trusted treasure next to Enkidu, one of the few esteemed treasures, which is only used against those he deems worthy of facing it.[6] While he uses it against Shirou Emiya solely for the fun of showing off his treasure, he claims that he does not want to sully the sword against a lowlife for when he uses it against those he truly recognizes as fitting. He claims that only Saber and her Excalibur are worthy of fighting it during the Fifth Holy Grail War. Rider is accepted as a worthy opponent during the Fourth Holy Grail War, and Ionioi Hetairoi is considered a stage befitting its usage. He becomes enraged when Tohsaka Tokiomi even suggests that he use it to defeat the creature summoned by Caster. He loathes the thought of having to seriously use it against Shirou for a second time once inside Unlimited Blade Works. He will only use it for Hakuno Kishinami should he deem their cause worthy. Still, his hostility towards an Alter Ego born from Ishtar would be enough to unseal it immediately. He greatly admires the weapon, claiming to True Archer that it is no less than his other half, and often speaks to the Noble Phantasm as if it were a living being. During a once in a lifetime whim to not hold back his treasures while fighting the creatures spawned from Avenger during Fate/hollow ataraxia, he comments to it that it has an ugly job in destroying them. Still, its duty as a forerunner is to bestow upon them one lesson about the "Truth" of the World.

Shirou's senses going haywire due to seeing Ea.
The sword itself is nameless, with "Ea" simply being the name that Gilgamesh chooses to call it, and Shirou describes it as "the only sword that does not exist in this world." It is something that does not appear in any modern legends, crystallized during the Age of Gods at the beginning of the world. It is the primordial sword that is the actualization of the works of a god recorded before humanity came into being, and it is that which divided the formless into distinct heaven and earth in ancient Mesopotamia. It is a Divine Construct created by a god, unable to be replicated by Unlimited Blade Works, and its status as a unique existence means it cannot be reproduced in any way.[2][7] While Shirou is capable of determining every single Noble Phantasm from a vast number of different legends and origins brought forth from the Gate of Babylon, he is unable to tell the nature of Ea or even begin the process of analyzing it. Simply looking upon the weapon causes Shirou's senses to cease completely, and it makes even the greatest Noble Phantasms look like third-rate weapons. The names given to the sword and its ability by Gilgamesh were thought to be references to the Great God of Earth and Water, Ea, of the Mesopotamian and Babylonian myths, and the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma ElishWP.
Gilgamesh claims that the sword "knows the truth" of the World where it once existed, and by using its power, it is able to bestow its knowledge upon others. As it is "The Sword That Cut the World Apart", he calls it “something that knows the hellish planet before genesis”, the planet's primordial form before heaven and earth were split, where it was a land filled with naught but lava and gas and a hell of scorching heat and intense cold. Referring to it as hell, Gilgamesh states that it is the source of all legends of the land of the dead. The memory of the time before the existence of the planet, a place and time when organic existence had been impossible, is something possessed by all organisms, but it is no longer found in the imaginations or spoken memories of people. It is the first memory of life that is a genetically inherent and repressed knowledge which can only be shown to those looking upon the sword.
Quick Answers
Who is the only character that can wield the Sword of Rupture, Ea in the Fate anime?
What makes the Sword of Rupture, Ea unique compared to other weapons in the Gate of Babylon?
What is the significance of the Sword of Rupture, Ea in the Fate Enuma Elish storyline?
Why is the Sword of Rupture, Ea considered the most powerful Noble Phantasm?
How does the Sword of Rupture, Ea contribute to Gilgamesh's transcendence in the Fate series?
Enuma Elish[]
Unlike most other Noble Phantasms, the ability of the sword has its unique name instead of simply chanting "Ea" to use its function as a Noble Phantasm. The attack, Enuma Elish: The Star of Creation That Split Heaven and Earth (天地乖離す開闢の星, Tenchi Kairisu Kaibyaku no Hoshi?), signifies the overloaded state under which it releases its maximum output. While nominally listed as the Noble Phantasm in his status, Ea is the actual Noble Phantasm.[8][13] Originally, it had the Authority of nation-building.[14]
Borne of the winds drawn unto the revolution of the three cylinders of Ea, a spatial severance is formed by use of the Sword of Separation. Compressed and intertwined stratifications of wind become a virtual dislocation of space-time, annihilating any who would stand in opposition. Aside from holding an elimination rank "Armor Class" statistic of a sufficient magnitude to Anti-Purge Defense, or enacting mutual negation via a counterattack that inflicts the same order of damage, the damage rendered cannot be defended against.[15][13][11] Rho Aias projected by Archer can protect Shirou while Gilgamesh is holding back, but he still receives grave injuries.[16] Avalon is the only defensive ability shown to defend against it completely, something which Gilgamesh truly thought to be impossible.
There are several different variations that he has displayed, depending on the seriousness behind the attack. The level he utilizes against Saber in Fate/stay night is held back for most of the time. When he uses Enuma Elish at full power, even blocking with Excalibur, Saber is injured to the point that even Avalon struggles to heal her. However, it is blocked by Avalon during his final clash with Saber. It appears as a reddish torrent around the same magnitude of Excalibur, allowing it to clash with it. It still easily surpasses the Holy Sword, and Saber is only able to push it back for a brief moment, creating a boundary in space, even if she puts everything into the strike and stake her life on blocking it.
He uses it again in Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate/Zero, and Fate/strange Fake. Showing its power as an "Anti-World" weapon, it attacks everything in sight with a single strike. It cannot be said that what the blade cuts down is limited simply to "the enemy" as it is not a matter of aiming it, and it is impossible to even discuss as to whether it will hit its target or the practicality of the force behind it. Grinding at the laws of space with its power, it creates a rip in space that extends from not only the earth but also to the sky and atmosphere. It is a crack that distorts space to pierce the very nature of the World itself to show the "Truth." All that uses the cut space as a foundation is swallowed and crushed by the void, and the dazzling light only continues to grow as it continues to complete the destruction. Its use in a fight is not something that can be called a battle, but rather the wrath of nature itself.

Utnapishtim: Final Carving of Crashing Waves on Heaven and Earth
Performing the miracle of genesis, something that reveals creation - the beginning of everything, the attack opens an abyss capable of crushing anything. The center of the storm is not calm, but rather a hole to hell itself that returns all that enters its realm to the nothingness from which it originated. The wind pressure creates a vacuum that takes all things with form, the land, the atmosphere, and the sky, into the whirling void. The tumult of genesis takes everything that was nothing more than chaos, which could not form any meaning, and creates a new truth that divides and distinguishes Heaven, Sea, and Earth. Within the darkness where everything is returned to nothingness, only Ea is left to shine with brilliance like a Star of Creation amidst the destruction, the first thing illuminating the new world. The ability takes the world as a whole within the Reality Marble Ionioi Hetairoi, and cracks shatter and collapse it into the abyss like the ending of an hourglass. The entire world inside the Reality Marble would have been destroyed had the field not collapsed due to a lack of energy.
When Gilgamesh decides to use the full strength of Ea against Enkidu in Fate/Strange Fake, the World itself is sucked into the void created by the sword, and it begins tearing apart; Enkidu's own Enuma Elish, however, was able to hold the World together. The Sacred Prostitute once described the clash in ancient times as: "I felt as if the World was born seven times, and destroyed seven times."
He displays a different usage of it in Fate/EXTRA CCC, where he plants Ea in the ground, causing it to spin rapidly and instantly shatter the area where he is fighting. He is left standing far above the opponent with three enormous fields of force below him. Picking up Ea and lifting it above his head, the grounds are directed at the opponent and begin to rotate, causing a space-time ripple that causes space itself to fluctuate.[1] Calling out Enuma Elish and thrusting Ea downwards, the fields begin rotating to the point where they merge, dwarfing the opponent as they crash down. The ability instantly defeats the opponent within the game, regardless of their status. Enuma Elish is the strongest Noble Phantasm of Fate/EXTRA CCC as it has instant death by inflicting damage of 9999999 but requires the player to wait five turns and have the enemy health 30%
The attack power is based upon twenty times Gilgamesh's Strength statistic with a possible boost by adding his Mana statistic to his Strength statistic at random. The maximum output of the sword is four thousand damage, with equal or superior output to Saber's excalibur. This number can be further increased by the amount of wealth of Noble Phantasms contained in his treasury, with more wealth providing more power. Since Angelica's and Child-Gil's Strength is lower than Gilgamesh's, their version of Enuma Elish is weaker.[17]
In Fate/unlimited codes, Enuma Elish can be further strengthened by the Holy Grail into Utnapishtim: Final Carving of Crashing Waves on Heaven and Earth (天地波涛す終局の刻, Tenchi Hatōsu Shūkyoku no Koku?)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1
[] Fate/EXTRA CCC - Gilgamesh Matrix Class: None
Name: Gilgamesh
Master: [PC]
Noble Phantasm: Enuma Elish (The Star of Creation That Split Heaven and Earth)
Keyword: King of Heroes, friend
Strength: B, Endurance: C, Agility: C, Magic: A, Luck: A
Divinity: B (A+), Golden Rule: A, Collector: EXKeywords Enuma Elish (The Star of Creation That Split Heaven and Earth)
Gilgamesh's final Noble Phantasm which reveals creation--the beginning of everything.
The severing of space which comes from the Sword of Rupture, Ea, the sword crowned with the name of a god from Mesopotamian mythology.
The god, Ea, is believed to be the quasi-deification of the power of the planet which turned, smashed, and stabilized the surface of the earth when it was still covered in gas and seas of magma, during the primordial stage of the earth.
Many gods began building nations after the the primordial earth was stabilized into a world where living creatures could live, but Ea is a god who performed the act of building of planet before that.
Gilgamesh's sword, which is crowned with Ea's name, changes space itself by agitating space-time through the rotation of three layers of giant power fields.
It's true power is not something to be used against a single living creature but against the world. Even among the many Noble Phantasms possessed by Servants, it is one considered to be at the top, the sword "which tore apart the world."
King of Heroes
Another name for Gilgamesh. It does not mean a king who is a hero but is used with the implication that he is the king over heroes.
The story of Gilgamesh, is who mankind's oldest hero, is copied within the mythologies of all the countries of the world. The origin of all myths, the model on which heroes are based...calling him such would not be an exaggeration.
More or less, the heroes of various myths are derived from Gilgamesh's legend. As such, Gilgamesh possesses the prototypes of the Noble Phantasms that heroes carry... the original treasures from before every legend was arranged. Though it may be a paradox, unless the original, Gilgamesh, possesses it, it cannot be handed down as the Noble Phantasm possessed by the later heroes who were derived from him.
When humanity was still small. Within the treasury of the king, who governed his kingdom and lived in as much luxury as he desired, was collected every single treasure in the world.
Inside that treasury, there is the treasured swords that saved later heroes, and there is preserved the cursed swords that stole the lives of heroes.
The reason that Gilgamesh is called the King of Heroes is here. Noble Phantasms are primarily one to a any single hero. Not only does he possess an approximately infinite amount of them, he also owns the "legends" that other heroes are wake against, as if it were natural. It should be impossible for an average hero to cross swords with him.
As a Heroic Spirit, he is an absolute warrior in battles against Heroic Spirits. While there are several heroes who hold the title of king, such as the King of Knights and the King of Conquerors, but in regards to being crowned with the title "King of All Heroes," in all of heaven and earth, he is the only one.
As he became a young man, Gilgamesh's violent disposition only grew. Of course the people of Uruk, but even the gods who dispatched him, were greatly perplexed by his violence.
"Gilgamesh is not fulfilling his original role." "That insolent creature needs someone to admonish him."
Having come to that conclusion, the gods sent a single life to the surface. Its name was Enkidu. It was a person made by a god and given her blood, the same as Gilgamesh.
It had neither a sex nor a fixed form. Enkidu, being made from clay by a god, was "Uruk's greatest weapon," able to change its shape at will. According to the god which was its mother's will, Enkidu confronted Gilgamesh before the temple of Uruk. With their exchanging of blows like a storm, their battle occurred within the city.
After that fierce fighting, they both collapsed to the ground without consideration for where, praised each other's valor, and became peerless friends.
Gilgamesh, who had been without equal, for the first time found someone he could call "a friend."
After that, while his vainglorious attitude did not change, Gilgamesh, remonstrated by Enkidu, softened his tyranny.
Gilgamesh, who had acquired someone who understood him in Enkidu, defeated the guardian of the forest and beast of the gods, Humbaba, and, as the most excellent king on the earth, took possession of every single treasure.
At this time, the dazzlingly powerful Gilgamesh was an existence that not even the gods could avert their eyes from.
A goddess fell in LOVE with this Gilgamesh. It was the goddess of fertility Ishtar. She proposed to Gilgamesh, but he quickly refused. Because he knew that how whimsical and cruel a witch who rendered men useless Ishtar was.
Ishtar, enraged by Gilgamesh's insults, as her revenge, clung to her father, the god Anu, in tears and released the greatest of divine beasts, "the Bull of Heaven," onto the earth.
"The Bull of Heaven" is a disaster of extreme magnitude clad in storms. When it appeared, a seven-year famine and destruction occurred on earth. In other words, the downfall of Uruk.
Against this divine beast which none could match, Gilgamesh and Enkidu worked together to stand against it and repelled it splendidly. Once again, the goddess lost face. Naturally, Isthar's rage had not lessened, and she requested death for either of the two of them from the gods. Because for one with a human body to kill the beast of the gods was a sin.
Ishtar's wish was granted, and one of the two, Enkidu, who was created by the gods, unable to defy that decree, slowly weakened and died.
...The sole person who understood the king, Enkidu. Just how large a shadow his loss cast over Gilgamesh is told in his lifetime afterward.
Enkidu is an autonomous weapon created from the clay of the gods. In SE.RA.PH. terms, he is close to an AI. As a result of being complete from birth, he neither grows nor evolves. He could take various forms as needed, but it is said his usual appearance was that of a 16-year-old person who could be seen as a girl or a boy with long hair which faintly shines a light-green color.01 - 『天地乖離す開闢の星』
02 - 英雄王
03 - 友人
少女とも少年とも取れぬ十六歳ほどのヒト型だったという。Skills 01 - Divinity [B (A+)]
A judgement regarding whether or not one's body possess the property of being divine.
Though he possesses the greatest rank of divine spirit aptitude, Gilgamesh himself hates the gods, so the rank has gone down.
02 - Golden Rule [A]
Not the bodily golden ratio, but one's destiny in regard to how much money follows one around in life.
At rank A, it's possible to call it a soul of gold. With this Goldy attitude, even while living like a multimillionaire, he won't have any money troubles during his life.
03 - Collector [EX]
The ability to acquire items of higher quality. It's the good luck of frequently obtaining even rare items, but because it only applies to Gilgamesh himself, it does not bless the Master.
Gilgamesh is a collector of treasure. "I collected all the treasures of the earth," is Gilgamesh's favorite phrase, but that is not a metaphor. He collected and stored away a sample of all the technology that was developed during his age and sealed them.
That which Gilgamesh stored, rather than being treasure, is "the origin of the intelligence of mankind" itself. If it does not exist in Gilgamesh's treasury, then it is "something produced by a new breed of humanity, according a completely new concept," "something made from the technology of the culture born from the intelligent life from another heavenly body," one of the two.
For that reason, of course he has airplanes and submarines. The desires of the people from before Christ are not different, and it would not do for the crafts of ancient times when magic was in good health to be inferior to the crafts of the modern age. People generally realize the "tools of hope" that they dream of, and each time that occurs, it ended with them being confiscated by the king's hand.
The offensive skill Gilgamesh uses, "Gate of Babylon," shoots the treasure he collected like this like arrows. The gate to the golden capital opens, and his treasures are shot out from his treasure cellar.
This is a digression, but after the Noble Phantasms that are shot out are used, regardless of how far it has gone, it turns to Gilgamesh's treasure cellar. "Hah. I possess a Noble Phantasm which excels at the task of retrieval," says the person himself.01 - 神性 [B(A+)]
02 - 黄金律 [A]
03 - コレクター [EX]
とは本人の弁。Setting Source
The demigod king who ruled over the Sumerian city-state of Uruk in the time before Christ. Not just a legend but also a real person, the king written of in mankind's oldest epic, "The Epic of Gilgamesh."
Possessing great divinity as two-thirds god and one-third human, without anyone to match him in this world, he was perfected as a transcendent being who attained everything in the world.
In his childhood, he was adored by the people as the ideal ruler, but as he grew, possible due to being treated as almighty, his consideration for the people waned, and he came to rule Uruk with absolute power.
However, simply being oppressive does not make one a tyrant, he made Uruk prosper properly, found a friend he could speak with, and in personally subjugating the phenomena that would harm the people, that heroic quality cannot be doubted.
He is the heroic figure who defeated the bull so large it was cloaked in the heavens and rendered the civilization of this fortified Sumerian city unshakeable.
The following is historical fact, which differs from "The Epic of Gilgamesh." According to a fragment of an inscription found in an archaeological excavation of the historical ruins of this Sumerian city, Uruk was a city-state that existed on the shore of Persian south of Mesopotamia, and he was the fifth king of that city's first dynasty. It obtained assets through ocean trade and subjugated the region of southern Mesopotamia. He was victorious in the fight against Aga, king of the Kish who controlled the north made strong the city-states of Sumer. However, as a result the reckless deforestation of the woods due to the building of ships, their agricultural land was destroyed.
For that reason, Gilgamesh, seeking the giant tree, the Lebanon Cedar, launched an expedition all the way to far-away Phoenicia (modern day Lebanon), fought against the people of woods, called Humbaba, gained victory against them, and brought that massive tree back with him.
According to "The Epic of Gilgamesh," it seems that Gilgamesh, after the loss of Enkidu, fell into depression, his previous vigor gone.
The fact that Enkidu, whose strength had not been inferior to Gilgamesh's own, could die, was the shock that Gilgamesh received.
Gilgamesh, who was tormented over anxiety of death, finally set off on a trip to the realm of the death in search of perpetual youth and eternal life.
It was said that there lived a sage who had lived since placing a large amount of animals upon an ark before the coming of a deluge that assailed the earth.
This sage was said to be the only one of the earth escape from death and live until the present. Seeking him, Gilgamesh set across wilderness alone.
At the end of that long journey and many hardships, Gilgamesh finally managed to reach the realm of the dead. There, he met the sage, Utnapishtim, spoke with him, and in the end, Gilgamesh attained the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life.
Gilgamesh came to rise above the "death" that had taken even Enkidu.
His heart's desire fulfilled, during his triumphant return to Uruk, Gilgamesh stopped by a spring. He cleansed himself; it seems he wanted to test the fruits of his labor while in perfect condition.
However. While he was bathing, unexpectedly, a snake with an empty stomach sniffed out the smell of the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life.
By the time he noticed, it was too late. Panicked, Gilgamesh emerged from the spring, all that remained there was the skin that snake had shed.
Having lost the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life in this way, Gilgamesh was irritated for a long interval, but afterwards, he made his way back to his own castle, Uruk.
While the Gilgamesh after this was severe, he ruled his state quietly, entrusted to to the next king, and went to his eternal rest.
Without telling anyone of the whereabouts of the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life.
Mankind's oldest king of heroes, Gilgamesh. Discord with the gods, the journey for the perpetual youth and eternal life, a deluge which covered the world. In that epic is the basis of every legend.
The truth of his epic poem, which has many uncertain points concerning fine details exists on the other side of the veil of romance placed upon it by the present day.
This is another digression, but the snake is reborn with a new body every time it sheds its skin because it stole and ate Gilgamesh's spirit herb... is what is said. It seems that the way the snake goes about its life appeared to the ancient people as a kind of perpetual youth and eternal life that was not available to humans.01 - 出典
02 - 出典
古代人は蛇の在り方に、人間にはない不老不死を見たという事だろう。 - ↑ 2.0 2.1
[] Fate/Zero Animation Visual Guide II: The Fourth Holy Grail War Glossary: Sword of Rupture Ea [Noble Phantasm] Sword of Rupture Ea [Noble Phantasm]
Gilgamesh’s secret treasure and final resort. A sword he only draws against those he has deemed worthy. Ea is said to be the sword used to “split open the world ” during the creation of heaven and earth. Its maximum power is equal to or greater than that of Saber’s Excalibur. Gilgamesh claims to possess the origin of all noble phantasms, but unlike his other noble phantasms that were passed on to other heroes throughout history, Ea, Sword of Rupture is a sword only Gilgamesh possesses, a unique existence that can only be possessed by him. For that reason, even Unlimited Blade Works (Infinite Creation of Swords) cannot recreate it. The origin comes from Mesopotamian mythology about the Great God of Earth and Water, Ea, who was split between heaven and earth. The reason the sword has a drill-like appearance is that apparently drills used to bore tunnels in the bedrock of the ocean floor were used as a model.乖離剣エア 【宝具】
ギルガメッシュが「格」を認めた相手にのみ抜き放たれるという、切り札となる秘蔵の一刀。天地開闢の折に“世界を切り裂いた”とされる剣であり、最大出力時における威力はセイバーのエクスカリバーと同等か、それ以上とも言われる。あらゆる宝具の原典をもつギルガメッシュだが、他の英雄がもち得る他の宝具とは違い、乖離剣エアだけは彼のみがもち得る唯一無二の存在。そのため、「無限の剣製(アンリミテッドブレイドワークス)」でも複製することはできない。その由来はメソポタミア神話において、天と中に分かたれた大地と水の神エア。なお、この剣のドリル状となった独特なデザインは、海底トンネル掘削時に使われる岩盤削岩機がモデルにされている。 - ↑ Fate/Zero Volume 4: Flames of Purgatory - Act 16 Part 4 -03:59:04
- ↑
[] Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: The Star of Creation that Split Heaven & Earth [Noble Phantasm], p.066 [T] The Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth [Noble Phantasm]
Enuma Elish.
The cutting of space with the Sword of Rupture, Ea.
Air pressure faults, compressed and smashed against each other, become a pseudo-fault in time and space that pulverizes all who oppose it.
With output matching or even exceeding Excalibur, it is without a doubt the sword that "cut the world".
Strictly speaking, the Noble Phantasm is actually Ea, while Enuma Elish is the name of Ea's maximum output state.
…By the way, the sword's drill shape is modeled after the bedrock excavators used when making underwater tunnels.
Though normally you'd think of a drill as something that tapers down to a point like a spear, the drills used to bore out enormous holes actually look more like numerous overlapping gears.
The way the blades rotate individually and shave away at the bedrock… just imagining it is so cool!天地乖離す開闢の星【宝具】
ドリルといったら槍のようにとんがったものを連想するが、巨大な穴を作るドリルは円盤(ギア)が複数 重なったような形状をしている。
三枚の刃が個別に回転し、岩盤を削っていく様は想像するだけでカッコイイ。 - ↑ Fate/Grand Order material I - Gilgamesh (Archer), p. 110-115, translated by Master of Chaos at Beast's Lair.
- ↑
[] Fate/complete material II: Character material - Weapons: Ea, p.133 User: Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh’s favored Noble Phantasm, the Sword of Rupture Ea. Of all his countless Noble Phantasms, this is one of the few that he trusts implicitly.
The blade is divided into three parts, all of which rotate individually. Honestly, calling it a sword at all is a bit of a farce. When it goes into overload, gaseous energy shoots out of the seams between the segments.
The space-cutting technique fired from this overloaded state is called “Enuma Elish”, and boasts destructive power on the same level as Excalibur.
The name “Ea” is taken from one of the gods appearing in Babylonian mythology, of which the legend of Gilgamesh is a part, and the name “Enuma Elish” comes from the Babylonian creation myth.エア
ギルガメッシュが愛用する宝具、乖離剣エア。数多くの宝具を所蔵する彼が、特に信頼している宝具のひとつ である。
刀身が3つに分離していて、それぞれの部分が個別に回転するという、剣と呼ぶには異様な外見を持つ。さら にオーバーロード時には、隙間からガス状のエネルギーが大量に噴き出してくる。
この剣のオーバーロード状態から放たれる空間切断技"天地乖離す開闢の星(エヌマ·エリシュ)"は、エク スカリバーと同程度の破壊力を誇る。
ちなみに"エア"は、ギルガメッシュの伝説が語られるバビロニア神話に登場する神のひとりであり、"エヌ マ·エリシュ"はバビロニア神話における創世記の名前である。 - ↑
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134
Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW?
Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW? The highest level of NP (sword types) is probably Ea, but while it might be impossible for Shirou, could Archer make it? Also, under the meaning of weapons, to what extent can he make modern weapons? Must it be only blade types or can he make guns and mobile weapons?
A: Divine constructs like Ea and Excalibur are non-replicable. There might be some degraded NPs with similar performance in stock though. Also, since sword is becoming his origin, the weapons that he has stored are fundamentally limited to close combat.Q:"無限の剣製"における複製の限界はどのあたりでしょうか? 宝具(剣系)の最上位はおそらく乖離剣だと思いますが、士郎では無理でもアーチャーなら複製可能でしょうか? そして武器という意味では、現代兵器はどの程度まで複製可能でしょうか?刀剣類までなのか、銃や機動兵器なども可能なのでしょうか?
A:"乖離剣"、"約束された勝利の剣"といった神造兵器の複製は不可です。似たような性能の、型落ち宝具ならいくつが貯蔵があるかもですが。また、剣が彼の起源になりつつあるので收められる武器は基本、白兵戦縛りになります。 - ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Gilgamesh, p.024-025 [T] Gilgamesh
Class: Archer
Master: Kotomine Kirei
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sex: Male
Height: 182cm
Weight: 68kg
Armament: Armour
Noble Phantasm: EX
The great king depicted in mankind’s oldest epic – “The Epic of Gilgamesh”. He was an actual king who ruled Uruk, the capital city of ancient Mesopotamia during the Sumer Dynasty 5000 years ago.
A despot who possesses high divinity with 2/3 being God and 1/3 being human, and believed he was invincible. However, answering the call of people who were oppressed by Gilgamesh’s tyrannical policies, Enkidu, a man created by the goddess Aruru, was released to fight against Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh and Enkidu met and battled as enemies, but soon they began to recognise each other and rule the nation together. Gilgamesh gradually began to change after finding a friend who he considered to be an equal, and Uruk became unprecedentedly prosperous. Gilgamesh, as the greatest king, eventually acquired all the treasure on the earth.
The goddess Ishtar wooed Gilgamesh, but was rejected bluntly. As a result, Ishtar unleashed the Bull of Heaven in a fit of rage, wrecking havoc on earth. After her failure, Ishtar complained before the Gods and caused the weakening and eventual death of Enkidu, who could not resist the will of the Gods that created him. The death of Enkidu significantly impacted Gilgamesh, and as a result he set out for the underworld in order to acquire the potion of immortality. However, the potion was drunk by a snake, and Gilgamesh died in despair.
Gilgamesh battles by shooting the originals of all Noble Phantasms like bullets via Gate of Babylon. The tactic yields excellent destructive power to magic energy efficiency. Since every Noble Phantasm is a bullet, the real magical energy used is merely the activation cost of Gate of Babylon. Because he possesses the originals of all Noble Phantasms, he can assault the weakness of any Servants. As a result, Gilgamesh has the advantage over most of the Servants in combat.
Because he has absolute self-confidence, he is able to calmly show himself before his opponents. However, depending on mood, he is also fine with scoring kills by raining Noble Phantasms behind the enemies’ back. The will of the king cannot be simply gauged by the concept of tactic.
Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: E
Magic resistance gained through the class ability of Archer. However, since Gilgamesh did not have any abilities that can resist magecraft, it remains at the minimum level of E. Its effect is merely light damage mitigation against sorcery rather than full neutralisation. The cause of his low Magic Resistance is probably related to his Master, Kotomine Kirei’s lack of magical energy. In reality, during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh’s Magic Resistance was elevated to C with Tohsaka Tokiomi as his Master.
Although his Magic Resistance is low, Gilgamesh is able to neutralise most sorceries due to having many items that defend against sorcery, such as the golden armour. The defensive powers of these items are quite high, as Rin’s sorcery was completely repelled.
If magi attempt to use large-scale sorceries and act as “mongrels” that impede the king, Gilgamesh will simply unleash a raging wave of Noble Phantasms and completely crush them without giving them the time to cast spells. (Translator’s Note: Gate of Babylon and Sword Spam are now officially categorised as a form of Magic Resistance.)
Independent Action: A+
With an Independent Action rank that sets him completely apart from the rest, Gilgamesh is able to operate without a Master. With a rank of A+ that exceeds even A, the support of a Master is unnecessary even while unleashing a large amount of magical power. It is an ability that bends the rules and allows for the continued materialisation of Servants even after the conclusion of the Holy Grail War. After being summoned as Archer during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh remained materialised for 10 years until the Fifth.
Since the Fourth Holy Grail War, the ability to freely operate without regard for the Master remained unchanged. However, the ability to remain materialised after the Holy Grail War was not gained until he was showered by the content of the Holy Grail. At the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh was absorbed for a while after being showered by the black mud spilled from the broken vessel of the Holy Grail. However, Gilgamesh could not even be digested by the mud that was filled with “All the World’s Evil – Angra Mainyu”. On the contrary, he was given a flesh body and regurgitated back into the present world. As a result, Gilgamesh was completely incarnated and continued to survive as an existence with a physical body. Also worth mentioning is that, thanks to the changed shape and personality granted by the potion of youth, the super egotistical Gilgamesh was able to live in the human society for 10 years without much trouble.
Personal Skills
Golden Rule: A
Being fated a life that is filled with riches. Gilgamesh lives the life of a nabob and has no money troubles. In the legend, he claimed all the world’s treasure as his own. The originals of Noble Phantasms preserved in his treasury were collected during this period. Although this ability seems unrelated to battle, it plays a great role in arming Gilgamesh.
Upon seeing Gilgamesh’s golden figure, Rin half-jealously called him “Gin-Pika” (Gold-glitter).
Charisma: A+
Often praised as the greatest king, Gilgamesh’s ability to command and lead great armies is excellent. Charisma is a rare talent, and a B rank is sufficient to lead a nation, but Gilgamesh has a rank of A+. At this level, it is not a matter of popularity or skill, but closer to something like sorcery or curse. An army led by Gilgamesh will have a tremendous increase in abilities.
An egotistical Gilgamesh radiating with self-confidence will sure boost the morale of his army to an extremely high level.
Divinity: B (A+)
Due to being 2/3 God, Gilgamesh possesses the highest level of divinity among the many Heroic Spirits. His level exceeds even Herakles, who is the son of Zeus and ascended to the Pantheon after death. However, Gilgamesh despises the Gods because they killed his friend Enkidu, unleashed the Bull of Heaven onto the earth, and caused him much trouble. As a result, his Divinity decreased.
He is the half-man-half-God King of Heroes born from the union of King of Uruk, Lugalbanda, and goddess Rimat-Ninsun. (Translator’s Note: Wait what? Half and half?)
Noble Phantasms
The Star of Genesis which Separates the Heaven and Earth – Enuma Elish
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-World
Range: 1~99
Maximum Targets: 1000 Persons
The sword that cuts and divides the World, with output matching or even exceeds Artoria’s Excalibur. Its power will further increase given the support of Noble Phantasms within Gate of Babylon. More correctly speaking, “Sword of Rupture – Ea” is the Noble Phantasm, “Enuma Elish” is the state under which Sword of Rupture – Ea unleashes its maximum output. By generating wind pressure strata, the attack crushes the enemies by simulating spatial rends. In addition, the names “Sword of Rupture – Ea” and “Enuma Elish” are all given by Gilgamesh. They are thought to be references to the Great God Ea (Enki) of the Mesopotamian and Babylonian myths, and the Genesis Epic of the Babylonian myth, Enuma Elish.
The most powerful sword that cannot be duplicated by Unlimited Blade Work. Gilgamesh calls it “something that knows the hellish planet before genesis”.
The three cylindrical blades spin in different directions, generating air pressure strata. Its power will not be neutralised even when colliding with Excalibur.
Gate of Babylon
Rank: E~A++
Type: Anti-Personnel
Range: -
A key-like sword that connects to the “Golden Capital”. The spatial connection with the treasury allows for easy access to the items within. The rank changes to E~A++ because Gilgamesh put all the originals of Noble Phantasms into the treasury. In other words, E~A++ reflects the rank of the items in the treasury. If the treasury does not contain a wealth of valuables, then it will not be a useful Noble Phantasm.
The favourite Noble Phantasm within the Gate of Babylon is the chain which has captured the Bull of Heaven – Enkidu. It is an anti-deity Noble Phantasm that increases in strength as the target’s Divinity increases. It was able to completely seal Herakles. - ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3
[] Fate/Zero material - Servant Status: Archer, p.014-015 Class: Archer
Master: Tokiomi Tohsaka
True Name: Gilgamesh
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 182cm/68kg
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
■ Magic Resistance: C
■ Independent Action: A
Personal Skills
■ Golden Rule: A
■ Charisma: A+
■ Divinity: B
Noble Phantasm
■ The Gate of Babylon: King's Treasure
Rank: E~A++
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: -
■ Enuma Elish: The Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
Range: 1 ~ 99
Maximum number of targets:1000 peopleCLASS アーチャー
■ 対魔力:C
■ 単独行動:A
■ 黄金律:A
■ カリスマ:A+
■ 神性:B
■ 王の財宝
■ 天地乖離す開闢の星
セイバーのエクスカリバーと同等か、それ以上の出力を持つ“世界を切り裂いた”剣である。 - ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3
[] Fate/EXTRA material - SERVANT Parameter and Skills: SERVANT GILGAMESH, p.019 SERVANT GILGAMESH
- Master: Main protagonist
- Identity: Gilgamesh
- Gender: Male
- Height, Weight: 182cm/68kg
- Alignment:Chaotic Good
- Strength: B
- Endurance: B
- Agility: B
- Mana: A
- Luck: A
- Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
■ Independent Action: EX
Personal skills
■ Golden Rule : A
■ Divinity: B (A+)
■ Collector: EX
Noble Phantasm
■ Enuma Elish: The Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-World
Range: 1 ~ 999
Maximum number of targets: 1000 peopleギルガメッシュ
- マスター:主人公
- 真名:ギルガメッシュ
- 性別:男性
- 身長・体重:182cm/68kg
- 属性:渾沌・善
- 筋力:B
- 耐久:B
- 敏捷:B
- 魔力:A
- 幸運:A
- 宝具:EX
■ 単独行動:EX
■ 黄金律:A
■ 神性:B(A+)
■ コレクター:EX
英雄王の蔵にないものがあるとすれば、それは“新人類が生み出す、まったく新しい概念によるもの” “他天体の知的生命体による文明技術によるもの” のどちらかとなる。
■ 天地乖離す開闢の星
レンジ: 1~999
エア神はまだ地球が原始状態だった頃、マグマの海とガスとに覆われた地表を回し、砕き、安定させた星の力が擬神化したものとされる。多くの神は原始地球が安定し生命が住まう世界となった後で国造りを始めるが、エアはその以前、星造りを行った一神とされる。 - Master: Main protagonist
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4
[] Fate/Grand Order material I - Enuma Elish Enuma Elish.
The creation of a spatial severance (空間切断, kuukan setsudan?) by the Sword of Separation (乖離剣, Kairi Ken?), Ea.
Compressed (圧縮され, ashuku-sare?), intertwined (絡み合う, karami-au?) stratifications (断層, dansou?) of wind (風圧, fuuatsu?, lit. "wind pressure") become as a virtual (擬似的な, gijiteki-na?, lit. "quasi-, pseudo-, virtual") dislocation of space-time (時空断層, jikuu dansou?, lit. "space-time stratification / fault / dislocation"), annihilating any who would stand in opposition.
Aside from holding an armor class (アーマークラス?) of sufficient magnitude to Anti-Purging (対粛清, tai-shukusei?, lit. "resisting Purging"), or enacting mutual negation (相殺, sousatsu?) via an attack that inflicts the same order of damage, the damage rendered cannot be defended against.エヌマ・エリシュ。
対粛清アーマークラスか、同レベルのダメージによる相殺でなければ防げない攻撃数値。 - ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Fate/EXTELLA material - Gilgamesh, p.010
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2
[] Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei! Volume 1, p.127 - Archer (2nd) Archer
Include (Limit Expansion)
Install (Phantasm Summon)
The ability of humanity's most ancient hero Gilgamesh is obtained. Once, the king who obtained every single treasure in the world's warehouse stored every Noble Phantasm's original. Proper Heroic Spirits have no chance against Gilgamesh. It is appropriate to call him the apex of Heroic Spirits however...
[Noble Phantasms]
Gate of Babylon: King's Treasure : E~A++
Connects to the golden capital Babylon and pulls out all the Noble Phantasms stored in its treasury. True form is a key-sword.
Currently, the treasury is in the middle of a turf war, split into that of the Gil-card using Angelica and Ko-Gil. Nonetheless currently, the Noble Phantasms Ko-Gil takes out are fundementally low rank ones. That number cannot be compared to the total.
Enuma Elish: Star of Creation that Separated Sky and Earth: EX
Not exactly the Noble Phantasm name but refers to the sword of separation Ea’s full release form. It is considered the planet creating weapon that in the distant past separated the sky and earth. Through compression via alternating inversion a windstorm beyond human understanding faults, dislocating space and time pulverizing the target along with the world.
Enkidu: Chain of Heaven: Rank Unknown
Extremely rare Anti-God weapon that increases in toughness with the target’s Divinity. The details are unclear on how Gilgamesh came to naming this after his ex-friend however he trusts this Noble Phantasm more than Ea.
In the manga it became an inexhaustible, freely stretching, flying, surprisingly convenient tool.
Arrow Protection Amulet: D-
An amulet that Ko-Gil wore. The designed is modelled after solar eclipses. The wearer’s evasion rate is greatly increased and D rank and below projectiles are nullified. The more attacks it nullifies the more gold splinters. Before long the amulet is no more.
Also if thrown at the enemy it emits the light and heat of a small sun. The magnitude of this power is proportional the amount of the amulet that is left.
Cloth of Invisibility: E
The prototype of all Noble Phantasms that “hide the figure.” Things covered or enclosed by this cloth cannot be observed through magecraft and optical means. Against those who solely rely on magecraft to search for enemies, it is incredibly effective. However, sound, smell, body temperature and tracks, etc, are oversights so it is situational.
The cloth has a very complex weave. The the weave is estimated to have reached five dimensions. The complete reproduction of this cloth is impossible for humans.アーチャー
人類最古の英雄・ギルガメッシュの能力を得る。かつて、この世の財のすべてを手に入れた王の宝物庫には、あ らゆる宝具の原典が收められている。まっとうな英霊ではギルガメッシュに対して勝ち目はない。英霊の頂点と 呼ぶに相応しい英霊だが...。
王の財宝(ゲート・オブ・バビロン): E~A++
現在、宝物庫はさながら国取り合戦のように、ギルカードを使うアンジェリカと子ギルによって二分されている 。とは言え現状、子ギルが取り出せる宝具は基本的に低ランクのもので、その数も総数とは比べるべくも無いよ うだ。
天地乖離す開闢の星(エヌマ・エリシュ): EX
正確には宝具名ではなく、乖離剣エアの全開状態を指す。遥かな太古、世界を切り裂き天と地とを分けたとされ る星造兵装。圧縮され交互に反転する人知を超えた暴風の断層は、時空断層を伴い世界ごと対象を 粉砕する。
天の鎖(エルキドゥ): ランク不明
極めてレアな対神兵装で、捕縛対象の神性が高いほど硬度を増す。どういう経緯でギルガメッシユのかつての友 の名を冠するに至ったかは不明だが、彼はこの宝具をエアよりも信頼している。
漫画中ではその演出上、無尽蔵に伸びて縦横無尽に飛びまわるビックリ便利道具となっております 。
子ギルが身につけていたお守り。日食を象った金細工で、装備者の回避率を大きく向上させ、Dランク以下の飛 び道具を無効化する。攻撃を無効化すること金細工の日の欠けは大きくなっていき、やがて欠けが日の大きさに 達し消失する。
また、敵に投げつければ小さな太陽のことく閃光と熱を発する。その威力は、日の欠けの大きさに 比例する。
身隠しの布: E
古今東西で見られる「姿を隠す」宝具の原典。この布をかぶせるか、括ったものは魔術的・光学的に観測不能と なる。索敵等を完全に魔術に頼っている者に対して、時に絶大な効果を発揮する。ただし音や匂い、体温や気配 等はだだ漏れなので、状況によっては用を成さないことも。
極めて複雑な織りをした布で、織りの方向は少なくとも五次元に達していると推測される。この布の完全な再現 は人間には不可能。 - ↑ Fate/EXTELLA - Enuma Elish Description: "本来は国造りの権能。神の名を冠した乖離剣エアから放たれるかって混沌とした世界の天地を分けた一撃。"
- ↑
[] JP Wiki - Enuma Elish Borne of the winds drawn unto the revolution of the three cylinders of Ea, the stratification of the compressed, conflicting currents of the resulting storm produce a virtual dislocation of space-time, capable of inflicting incredible damage.
- ↑
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130
Q: In the end of the Rin route, was it Shirou that projected Rho Aias in the Shirou vs Gilgamesh fight?
Q: In the end of the Rin route, was it Shirou that projected Rho Aias in the Shirou vs Gilgamesh fight? Or was it Archer? In "Fate/side material", it's said that it was projection magic from Archer, but in the story, there was the depiction of Shirou "pulling the shield from the hill". Does this mean that this switched to Archer's scene?
A: This has been easy to misunderstand, but the part about Archer supporting Shirou was the time before Shirou pulled out Rho Aias, before Shirou came to his realization. After Shirou's monologue about his surprise that he was still alive after taking Gil's attack, "If I survived, there must have been a reason why I survived. But that was simply something I didn't have any control over." That was the "Rho Aias" that Archer made to help Shirou in a way that wouldn't let Gilgamesh know there was someone else waiting to ambush him.Q:凛ルートのラスト、士郎対ギルガメッシュ戦において"熾天覆う七つの円環"を投影したのは士郎なのですか?それともアーチャーなのですか?『Fate/side material』ではアーチャーによる投影魔術となっていますが、物語中では士郎が「丘から盾を引きずり上げる」と描写されていました・・・・・・。これ自体がアーチャーの描写に切り換わっていたのでしょうか?
A: これ、勘違いされがちなのですが、アーチャーが士郎をフォローしたのは士郎が"熾天覆う七つの円環"を出す前、まだ悟りを開いてない時の話なのです。
これがアーチャーの、ギルが自分という伏兵がいる事を悟られないように手を貸した"熾天覆う七つの円環"なのです。 - ↑
[] PRISMA material/pre - Encyclopedia: Enuma Elish [Noble Phantasm], p.24-25 Enuma Elish [Noble Phantasm]
Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth.
A freaking strong Noble Phantasm. An official cheat that will one-hit KO almost every Heroic Spirit if shot from the beginning.
If it’s Gilgamesh himself, he won’t draw it recklessly due to personal restraints, but Angelica-san, who didn’t know a damn about the dignity of a hero, fired it quickly. Shirou attempted to offset it by mobilizing all the swords within the Bounded Field, and failed. He succeeded in attenuating it considerably, but was defeated with the breaking of the Bounded Field. At this time, the wound inflicted in the space of the Great Cavern by Ea did that to the location and became like this, and Illya’s world and Miyu’s world were shifting or something like that. As expected from an Anti-World Noble Phantasm!
A simple method of calculating the output is STR×20, in short, the power will increase the higher the Strength. It’s a real relief that Angelica isn’t beefed. By the way, when Child Gil shot it against Illya, it was considerably weaker than the original.天地乖離す開闢の星【宝具】