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Alter Servant |
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The term Alter (オルタ, Oruta?) when used as an affix of a Heroic Spirit's True Name denotes them being summoned as a Servant with an altered aspect compared to their normal selves.
Alter Servants are Heroic Spirits "summoned with an alternative side or interpretation."[1] Compared to an Alter Ego that renders a persona as an independent entity separate from the original individual, Alters are the same Heroic Spirit regardless of the differences between them.[1] As heroes hold within them the capacity to have been merciless in their pursuits and those who were known to be cold-blooded could display virtuousness, Alter Servants can bring such hidden aspects to the forefront, but, differing from two aspects of a Servant being able to be summoned independently, Alters have been "mutated" somewhat so they no longer completely represent just another side of the Heroic Spirit.[2]
Some individuals cannot possess Alters naturally. Solomon, as appraised by his human self, "If the opposite of good is evil, and evil is the opposite of good, Solomon is 'nothing.' He would remain the same, no matter what."[3] For Jeanne d'Arc, she possesses no innate capability to be altered due to her capacity as a Saint, so Jeanne d'Arc Alter can only exist through the circumstances of a wish upon a Holy Grail[4], and the Lancer Jeanne summoned by Chiemon goes through a unique process due to the nature of her Master. This process involved Jeanne willingly taking on Chiemon’s burdens and hatred, resulting in her altered appearance and weakened will. However, unlike traditional Alters, this is not an inversion or corruption of her personality, as she retains her core identity, selflessness, and compassion.[5] Her transformation is entirely circumstantial and driven by her conscious decision to shoulder another's burdens, making her an exception to the usual Alter framework.
While Blackening Servants through Holy Grail Mud can produce an Alter Servant, not all blackened Servants gain the Alter affix.[6]
The status of being an Alter, possessing an "inverted state," is a quantifiable aspect of a Saint Graph that can be measured and identified.[7]
For those designated as Watchers of the Underworld by Camazotz in the South American Lostbelt, the process of Altering them requires the Servant to renounce the very core of their Saint Graph, betraying their beliefs and their lives through their own will. Xquic gives the examples of Kingprotea Alter giving up her love of humanity and becoming a cruel goddess, Beni-enma Alter giving up her vow to remain as a children's tale and becoming an adult, and Ereshkigal Alter giving up her dream of making Kur beautiful and becoming a ruthless goddess.[8]
Known Alter Servants[]
- Antonio Salieri is temporarily referred to as Amadeus Alter before his identity is revealed.[9]
- Alcides is initially offered to be referred to as Heracles Alter by Bazdilot Cordelion, but he rejects the idea.[10] While similar to an Alter, he is not exactly like one.[6]
- Before his True Name Revelation, Alessandro di Cagliostro pretends to be Cagliostro Alter.[11]
- BB initially makes the assumption that BB Dubai is her Alter or another BB from a future Moon Cell.[12]
- The female Hakuno Kishinami is briefly referred to as "Hakuno Alter" before the male Hakuno corrects Ritsuka Fujimaru and mentions that it'd be more accurate to call their situation a 'quantum fluctuation'.[13]
- Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya is referred to as Tamamo Alter by Tamamo-no-Mae due to her similarity to her tails but unfamiliarity with her actual identity.[14]
- Ushiwakamaru is blackened by Tiamat's Chaos Tide, which Kingu says is the same thing as the black mud of the Holy Grail,[15] meaning she was created the same way that Saber became Saber Alter. However she is never actually called "Ushiwakamaru Alter".
- William Shakespeare refers to himself as being "half-Alter" in the Shinjuku Singularity.[16]
The concept of Alter Servants began with Artoria Pendragon Alter in Fate/stay night. Nasu wished for players to be surprised after reaching the Heaven's Feel route, and Takeuchi wished to create a darkened version of Artoria as an antagonist.[17]
The term Alter was chosen because "Dark Saber" was deemed to "[not] flow well."[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2
[] Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel] II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.23[T]
Q: In the ending credits for this movie, the role played by Ms. Kawasumi was "Saber Alter". What are the definitions for "Dark" and "Alter" in this work?Q: In the ending credits for this movie, the role played by Ms. Kawasumi was "Saber Alter". What are the definitions for "Dark" and "Alter" in this work?
Nasu: Dark is when "something that was white is contaminated and turns black". Basically falling to the Dark Side. In Fate/stay night, it just doesn't flow well to say "Dark Saber" so that later got the "Alter" title. Originally, "Alter" would be an affix for when "that Heroic Spirit is summoned with an alternate side/interpretation". No matter how different they are, they are the same Heroic Spirit.
Takeuchi: When a Dark Servant is called Alter, it just looks cool on paper, too. By the way. Alterego is also categorized as an alternate take, but is it okay to understand that it's different and separate from Alter?
Nasu: Alterego is when "one persona of that Heroic Spirit gains independence as a separate entity" so it is categorized as a separate individual. Altria and Altria Alter are the same person, but "BB" and "Passionlip" are different people, right?
Takeuchi: It just gets confusing because there is an Alterego named "Okita Alter".? <>
武: - ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Cú Chulainn Alter Interlude I: A War of Only Two
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Salomon: The Grand Time Temple - Section 11: Throne of the Light Band
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order material III - Jeanne d'Arc Alter profile
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Fate/Samurai Remnant material
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Ryohgo Narita Twitter 10:08 PM JST · Apr 3, 2018
- "I will ask Mr. Nasu and Mr. Mita later if the criteria for Atalanta Alter's alternator is FGO only or the rule of the entire Fate series. Well, he's not exactly Alter or Lily in fake."
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Shinjuku: Malignant Quarantined Demonic Realm - Section 8: Empress Christine
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Nahui Mictlan: Golden Sea of Trees Travelogue - Section 17: Yayauhqui, the Fourth Underworld Border
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Anastasia: Permafrost Empire - Section 1: Empire of Beasts
- ↑ Fate/strange Fake Volume 3 - Prologue VIII: "The Star Performers' Feast (Part 1)"
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Id: Wastehole of the Unsalvageable - Section 16: The Flame of Hatred Eternally in My Heart
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Archetype Inception: Succession Battle for the New Prime Species - Section 1: The AI Trapped on the Moon
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Archetype Inception: Succession Battle for the New Prime Species - Section 13: The Cake Shop With Huge Orders
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Beast IV: L profile
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Babylonia: The Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts - Section 9: The Mother of Demonic Beasts
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Shinjuku: Malignant Quarantined Demonic Realm - Section 2: Millennium Trap
- ↑
[] Fate/complete material II: Character Material - Characters: Saber Alter, p.015 Nasu Kinoko & Takeuchi Takashi • Character Discussion
Saber Alter
>The catalyst for Saber's birth
Nasu: Our motivations for creating Saber Alter were pretty simple. We were looking for a way to surprise the players who had played through both Saber's and Rin's routes. Also, Takeuchi said he wanted to transform the heroine into an antagonist/ saying, "l want a dark Saber."
Takeuchi: While working on old "Fate", which is the source work for "stay night", Nasu told me about the plot twist where an enemy gains Master status over Saber and turns her into an enemy character. I thought it was a really fun idea, and I wanted to explore it in "stay night".
Nasu: There was a plot twist in old "Fate" where all of your friends get taken to the enemy side one by one, leading the situation to degrade into the worst possible scenario. I thought this storyline would work for the route where Sakura is the heroine, so I jumped on the idea when Takeuchi suggested it. But even I had to admit that seemed like the most obvious way to go, so I asked Takeuchi to create a dark version of Saber.奈須 きのこ&武内崇 • キャラクター別対談
奈須: 黒セイバーを登場させたのは、単純にセ イバールートと凛ルートをプレーしたユーザ ーさんに大きな驚きを与えたかったのと、 武 内君が「ヒロインを敵役に回したい。 セイバー を黒くしたい」と言ったからなんです。
武内: 「stay night」 の原作に当たる“旧 「Fate」 の段階で奈須から聞いてた構想で、 敵 側にマスター権が奪われてセイバーが敵に回 ると教えてもらっていました。 当時でも面白 いと感じていたので、 当然 「stay night』 で もそのネタを入れるべきだと。
奈須: 旧 「Fate」 にあった”仲間が次々と敵に 回っていく、事態がドンドン悪いほうへ悪いほ うへ転がっていく”というのは、桜がヒロイン となるルートでいけるだろうと思ってその意 見に飛びついたんですけど、 僕もそれが至極 当然な流れだと感じていたので 「じゃあ黒いセ イバーをデザインしてよ」 と武内君に依頼しま した。 ちなみにゲームを作る際に旧 「Fate」を 再構成していたのですが、 そもそも旧 「Fate」 には凛ルートはなかったんですよね。