Twelve Forever Wiki

MtMB MtMB 29 March 2021

Well ...

I had to break my hiatus after seeing that some of the pages went downhill after being vandalized and not receiving the same attention active users would give to their "faves".

It also seems like a good time to get a mod or two here, because I will absent from wikis again.

What a good moderator should do?

  • patrolling new edits and activity, which can be spotted in recent changes page (shame the staff have removed simpler version of it)
  • tidying up normal but not very well put edits - this goes for both grammar and formatting (which I tried explain a bit before)
  • reverting malicious edits
  • blocking users/anons who repeatedly make malicious edits

Users who made the biggest amount of edits (after me) seem to left this wiki, so if you consider yourself a…

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Kiacopia Kiacopia 5 April 2020

Big Sister Forever

Esther's parents are having a baby soon, and Esther and her friends must wonder around Endless and find the coming baby a gift.

  • This episode is similar to Secret 
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Kiacopia Kiacopia 28 February 2020

The Daily FanFic

After a battle with the Butt Witch, Reggie decides to celebrate Todd's 13th birthday on Endless by bringing his girlfreind along (for the first time). Meanwhile, the Butt Witch  has some friends of her own.

The episode begins as the same settings as the end of Together Forever in which Reggie decides to bring  Todd's girlfriend, Gwen n to Endless after a battle with the Butt Witch. Reggie has a plan to make Todd's birthday better, she says that she created new features to Endless after the Butt Witch and Big Deal's damage. Now with the new features, Reggie decided take a tour with Todd, Esther, and Gwen on the new and improved Island. Meanwhile, in the Butt Witch's lair, the Butt Witch is recovering from the Pink Rock attack 

  • Our heroes get…

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MtMB MtMB 3 October 2019

Wiki Tips and Tricks

Hello, I'm MtMB, admin of this wiki. In this blog post I'm gonna show some tips and tricks which will make your and other users' process on contributing to the wiki (and not only on this one) much easier. More stuff will be added later.

  • 1 Editors

When you hit any of "Edit" buttons you are moving into editor mode of the page. The purpose is obvious.

Wikia (aka FANDOM) has 2 types of editors:

Visual Editor

Currently default editor for anons and new users, which is considered as the most user friendly. As its name implies, it shows how article will look w/o redirecting users to another page/adress or pressing other buttons. But its functionality is kinda fixed, it offers little formatting, sometimes it can also mess up templates or just page's code (…

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MtMB MtMB 1 September 2019

Vandal spread

Hello, admin of this wiki speaking here.

I understand your feelings and disgust toward recent news about the creator of the show, but vandalizing articles (and trying to make it look funny) really doesn't help, not the wiki and people who are working on it, nor the whole community.

For the time being anonymous contributions on this wiki are turned off (of course we had some wicked anon vandals before too). Article in question was reverted to an old version and is protected right now. We will think what to do about it later, as there is still no standard for articles about show staff, nor official statements.

I recommend you to focus on actual show while surfing and contributing to this wiki. Not to mention that the creator was removed from th…

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Roomtemperaturesoup Roomtemperaturesoup 26 August 2019

Twelve Forever Amino

I made this blog post to talk about creating an amino for Twelve Forever since I couldn't find one at first, but I've just now found one so this post is pointless. I would delete it but I'm not an admin so I can't, I guess it's just gonna stay up lol

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LinuxTux LinuxTux 22 August 2019

My review of Twelve Forever Season 1


LAST WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I just finished watching the 25 episode series and I love it. All the references and edgy jokes it's amazing. At the end how Big Deal actually caused some damage in the real world and at the end too that there was a huge flash of light. What could that mean? Could there be a new island? An extension of Endless? There is infinite possibilities! Cartoon Network really lost one on this but I think going onto Netflix probably gave Julia Vickerman and the others more freedom to work with like Reggie and Conelly and Todd and Gwen. More edgy jokes. Reggie calling Mr Christopher…

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Perlen297 Perlen297 22 August 2015

Main/Home Page isn't editable

This is odd, why I can't edit the main page?

Can you guys (only admins) try editing it?

nvm, it's already working for me

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Crystallized Cuteness Crystallized Cuteness 19 August 2015

This is cool

It's my first time being active at a wiki that has just recently been created. There's so much work to do. For some reason, I actually find it pretty fun editing articles. Everyone at the SU wiki who complains that everything is too perfect to edit needs to come here. ^_^

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Rosie043 Rosie043 18 August 2015

Similar Cartoon Styles?

This cartoon reminds me of that Teenage Robot or Invader Zim. Whyyyy?

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Vérité et Masques Vérité et Masques 16 August 2015

First Blog on the Wiki

AAAAYYYYEEEEEE! First blog on the wiki!!!!!

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