Will Ghosts Season 2 get into any mythology or rules, like why Hetty’s husband was unable to pass through the vault door? –Craig
Co-showrunner Joe Wiseman told us that while in Season 1 they tried to keep some things “vague,” “we have talked about other sort of supernatural rules-bending, or revealing things that we can’t do.” For example, “We’re going to start exploring the idea that the ghosts get to leave the property, and whether they will be successful or not,” Wiseman said. Also, “We’ve thought of ways to bring back some of the ghosts that maybe we wouldn’t think you’d be able to see again,” though for now all of the above are “just ideas that we’re talking about in the writers room.”
CBS announced a Drop Dead Diva reboot in September, but there haven’t been updates since. Is it still in development? I loved the original. –Phil
Sorry, Phil, to dash your Drop Dead dreams, but sources tell me that CBS is not moving forward with the project after all.
Any word on Season 3 of Upload? –Gary
Series lead Robbie Amell told me that he is well aware that fans were a bit deflated by the oft-delayed Season 2’s low episode count (7), and he hopes that Season 3 can be a make-good of sorts. “[Upload creator] Greg [Daniels] has been hard at work on Season 3 for a long time,” Amell said. “He thought up the show years ago when he was working on Saturday Night Live, so he has a lot in the tank for the show.” And while there “was a bit of a COVID issue” with Season 2, “where it took the same amount of time to make less episodes,” he said, “Fingers crossed we can do a bit more” in Season 3.
I love Transplant and really hope it will be renewed for another season at least. It’s such a good cast and good show.
Me, too! I didn’t even know it had returned this past Sat, so it was nice to wake up Sun to a DVR surprise! 😍
The fact that NBC exiled it to Saturday makes me think they are done with it. Why move it to Saturday when they have nothing else to speak of that has new episodes right now?
I agree…but at least we got 2 seasons. 👍
That is my fear as well. But since it is renewed in Canada for at least one more, I hope we’ll get to see it somewhere (legally) in the U.S.
I agree. Transplant is great, from the actors to the stories we don’t always get to see.
I hope it gets picked up in the US.
I love this show.
Transplant is a phenomenal show! I love all the characters including the prickly ones. It is great to see Bash’s story, the present one and his past. It makes you realize some of what many immigrants survived.
Heartland airs on CBC in Canada not CTV.
I had 1/3 of the name right, which in metrics is nearly 50%! Fixed.
What about Magnum. I can’t believe they left it the way it was and now nothing more. Dang!!
Covered last week….
I feel with ya … but they did achieve brilliance with casting, stories, filming, directing, acting! If NBC had any brains at all, they would pick up the series. Maybe, TV movies will make a comeback.
Any information about Criminal Minds’ 16th season???
CM ran 15 seasons & concluded in 2020…
But in February 2021 it was renewed for a 16th season. In Feb 22 was announced it is in active devolpment….
And then Paget Brewster tweeted shortly thereafter that it was DOA. 🤷♀️
Without Spencer no need for criminal minds.
I loved Drop Dead Diva and wish they would reconsider rebooting this series.🇨🇦😍😢🤞
Agree, I’d love to see it come back also!
Really hope Al gets picked up, and B positive, they would be perfect for Fox with Call me Kat
I think more they could be used to restart USA network series, again. I loved the blue sky days. Also the previous TNT would be a good fit.
Looking forward to The Orville a lot, and CSI:Vegas and Blood & Treasure and Upload.
Remember this is The Orville’s last season. It will not be renewed, so no hoping out there.:(
I love David Ramsey and I love John Diggle, and I’m pessimistically hopeful there’ll be some resolution of that maybe-Lantern-maybe-not thread someday.
But man, if GOTHAM KNIGHTS is the kind of superhero business that whatever the CW becomes wants to stay in, maybe we’re all better off letting JUSTICE U go. Especially Ramsey.
The thing I most want spoiled is the FOX fall schedule. When are they going to finally announce that? What could they possibly be waiting on? Also, the show pages for Accused and Krapopolis had originally said fall but now just say coming to FOX (with Monarch the only new one still saying fall, which might make sense given the news about Lego Masters and Fantasy Island being saved for then), so it feels like they probably do have an idea. And I get if they held off from last week given the news, but nothing so far this week either, despite headlines about their upfront ad sales? It all seems a bit ‘sus. Are the Masked Singer judges trying to ensure no more Giuliani’s before signing on for another season (good for them if so) or something?
Thank you for answering about the flash even though I still dont get the hidden tease especially if thawne is behind this.
The Ghosts scoop was a bit vague. I hope they bring back more originals on CSIV.
Is Twenties on BET being renewed? In my opinion, it is the rightful successor to Insecure?
Kelly Kahl & his buffoon squad masquerading as CBS executives should be standing on the unemployment line instead if all the actors & actresses he/they put out of work during their blood bath especially in the past 2 years. During their reign of terror they have cancelled fan favorite shows with good ratings, while putting on show after show of losers. For instance in one 8:00 PM timeslot on Friday evening after cancelling a show that was both a fan favorite & had good ratings for the whole 5 years it was on not to mention the fact that it paired exceptionally well with the rest of the evening’s lineup the idiot honchos at CBS put on so far 9 shows in it’s place each & every one more of a failure than the last. Since these morons have been in charge of the once glorious “Tiffany Network” it has become the 99 cents store of TV Networks enduring horrible shows (everything labeled reality plus many others), scandal after scandal, & even the sale of both the main Corporate Headquarters in New York (Black Rock) & Television City in Hollywood the California Headquarters. Did they move out? Of course not. They are renting their old offices in both. Probably using their sale money to pay off some lawsuits & to head off others plus more brewing scandals. Time for a changing of the guard CBS fast, quick & a hurry.
I don’t know what show you are talking about but Friday nights are not exactly good for ratings. All the shows are very close in ratings and the longer a show goes the more expensive it becomes. The actors all get raises, etc. so it may not be worth saving for financial reasons of its ratings aren’t overwhelming better than the other shows that night. Also, you can’t speak to fan favorites. Everyone has their own personal favorite shows. The only thing to go by is ratings.
But MacGyver was only on Season 5 and Magnum S4. I doubt anything they put in there will ever pull anywhere near the Nielsen numbers those two did as a block with Blue Bloods capping off the night.
The ratings weren’t that good at all so it won’t be hard. The finale for Magnum got a 0.3 so it’s nearly impossible to not come close like you said. They could just broadcast a black screen and get 0.1. People act like they cancel shows to be evil. They don’t cancel shows just for the heck of it. If it is no longer profitable they’ll pull it.
Blood and treasure is only gonna be streaming?! Paramount is a horrible app
Ghosts better be careful not to end up like Heroes, which had no ‘rules’ to the superpowers. If you don’t have a solid grounding for the characters “world” then you just end up with nonsense.
As for Transplant, it would make better sense to air Season 3 on Peacock (The free access level) in the same time frame as the Canadian airings. Clearly NBC is just burning off the remainder of season 2.
I hope we see Lina Esco in SWAT sometime. The story with Street feels unfinished.
I have an honest question will you please answer because I am totally dumbfounded. CBS has aFire Country in lineup but controversial way. They apparently did not talk to Cal. Fire program people to find out how to represent them and their work. That says little thought was given in lineup. As well True lies has too too much baggage with how they treated minority workers and the incident of 12.year old rape. This what make a network retain #1 standing in quality entertainment. Something’s wrong. Kahl excellent but this is horrible.
I really liked US of Al. Would love to see it saved and pop up somewhere
I just want to know if Wallace Langham will be back on CSI.
I absolutely love Upload, so I’m very glad to read this!
I read somewhere that the American version of Transplant was cancelled. Not the Canadian version. So I’m confused.
I love Transplant and hope we get to see Season 3 in the U.S.
I would love to see Canadian networks updates. I am a loyal follower so adding our networks would be helpful as I don’t know of any other source
What happened To Sarah sidel and Grissom
Major news story: https://tvline.com/2022/01/25/jorja-fox-leaving-csi-vegas-season-2-sara-sidle/