Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Season 6 is a 1987 TV series DVD set, released by Lionsgate on April 8, 2008. It consists of 16 Season 6 episodes.[1]
KABOOM! In 1984 the Turtles exploded from the pages of a comic book, and ZAP! - they totally mutated into the coolest reptiles in the universe. In all 16 gnarly episodes from Season 6 of the Original TV series, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello open up the classic action that made "Cowabunga!" a household word. Don't miss your chance to knock out the bad guys and save the day - POW!
Disc 1[]
- Rock Around the Block
- Krangenstein Lives
- Super Irma
- Adventures in Turtle-Sitting
- Sword of Yurikawa
- Return of the Turtleoid
- Shreeka's Revenge
- Too Hot to Handle
Disc 2[]
- Nightmare in the Lair
- Phantom of the Sewers
- Donatello Trashes Slash
- Sleuth on the Loose
- Polly Wanna Pizza
- Leonardo is Missing
- Mr. Nice Guy
- Snakes Alive!
- ↑ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Season 6 (English). Mirage Studios (8 April 2008). Retrieved on March 4, 2020.