Transformers: Prime is a CGI television series, which aired officially on The Hub in 2011. It began as a week long mini series, titled Darkness Rising, which first aired in the United States on November 29, 2010. The series officially began with its first episode airing on February 11, 2011. The show aired its final season, being known as Transformers: Prime: Beast Hunters, in summer 2013.
Darkness Rising[]
After the Great Exodus of Cybertron Team Prime lives on Earth in an abandoned missile silo in an alliance with the United States government as Earth's defense team against the Decepticons. Though the Decepticons vanished for three years, the death of Cliffjumper has signaled their return. On top of that three human kids have discovered their existence and are now under their protection. Along the way the autobots government liaison Agent Fowler also helps to keep there secret from the outside world. The Autobots succeeded in stopping Megatron's plan to bring an army of zombies from Cybertron with a vile power known as Dark Energon, leaving Starscream in command in his absence.
Season 1[]
The Autobots were forced to deal with Starscream's schemes to stop the Autobots which lead to many near death experiences. However Megatron was soon revived and took back command on his mission to find Energon and powerful weapons across the world. In addition, the Autobots must contend with MECH lead by Silas who are obsessed with obtaining the Autobot's technologies which leads to Jack's mom discovering their existence too. New characters include Autobot's Wheeljack (a minor character) and the deceased Tailgate as well as the Decepticons Knock Out, Breakdown, Airachnid and the deceased Makeshift and Skyquake. Jack's friend Sierra also also makes certain appearances in the show. Nearing the end of the season, Starscream goes rogue. However the god of chaos Unicron emerged and threatened Earth, forcing the Autobots and Megatron to team up, and stop Unicron. Though they succeeded, Optimus was left with amnesia and believed himself to be his former self "Orion Pax".
Season 2[]
Megatron took advantage of this development and had "Orion Pax" find powerful weapons of mass destruction in an Iacon file. However Jack and Arcee embarked on an adventure on Cybertron itself to restore the power of the Matrix in the Key to Vector Sigma to restore Optimus's memory. Now the Autobot's battle Megatron over possession of the Iacon relics buried on Earth, that "Orion Pax" started decoding. They also occasionally deal with a rouge Starscream. Aricahnid also goes rouge, kills Breakdown and briefly threatened both sides but Arcee was able to lock her away in stasis. In addition, the Autobots must deal with two of MECH's plans. First is "Project: Chimera" an experiment to create an Optimus Prime clone under Silas control which was stopped. The second one was Silas mind being merged with Decepticon Breakdown who gave the Decepticons "Project: Damocles", a satellite in orbit that shoots lasers. MECH is also disbanded since Silas murdered his own men and was abducted by Knock Outs dissection crew.
Near the end of the season, Alpha Trion sends Optimus Prime a message through the Star Saber sword, telling him of four Omega Keys which can revive Cybertron itself. However thanks to Starscream, the Decepticons obtained all four and made their way to Cybertron to reformat Cybertron in their own image. However the Autobots are able to make it to Cybertron thanks to Dreadwing handing over the Forge of Solus Prime after loosing confidence in the cause but is killed when attempting to kill Starscream. After a prolonged battle, the Decepticons activate the Omega Lock using Jack, Miko and Raf as hostages. However Megatron tries to use this weapon to reformat Earth into a new Cybertron but Optimus makes a daring risk and destroys the lock. However back on Earth, the Autobots base location is discovered and Megatron uses the Nemesis to destroy it. As of now, the Autobots and humans are scattered in different parts of the United States, Wheeljack and Optimus Primes fates are unknown.
New characters include Autobot Elite Guard rookie Smokescreen and Thirteen member Alpha Trion. New Decepticon characters include Dreadwing, Shockwave, and the Insecticon hive a member of whom is Hardshell. Also Silas creates Nemesis Prime. Wheeljack returns and becomes a recurring character and Cliffjumper plays a major part in a flashback episode. Breakdown however meets his demise at the hands of Airachnid whom herself is sealed in a stasis
Season 3: Beast Hunters[]
Following the destruction of their base at the hands of Megatron, the Autobots, along with Jack, Miko Nakadai, and Raf, are separated and struggle to reconnect with one another. However, Smokescreen returns to Jasper to rescue Optimus Prime, who is close to death while Wheeljack is captured by Megatron. The Decepticons then go on the hunt for the scattered Autobots but prove unsuccessful as Wheeljack escapes and Optimus remains MIA. After getting back together minus Optimus and Smokescreen, the Autobots now lead by Ultra Magnus lead an all out desperate attack on Darkmount but fail and are also forced to contend with the newly created beast transformer called a Predacon. However Smokescreen using the Forge of Solus Prime rebuilds Optimus and upgrades him and manages to destroy the fortress.
After the Decepticon's defeat, Megatron decides a new plan inspired by the Predacon which involves gathering various Predacon bones from the cloned Predacons sent to Earth years ago and build a Predacon army. However, the Autobots stood in their way, even managing to capture Soundwave and forced him to speak his first words.
Project: Predacon was abandoned when the lone Predacon demonstrated the power to transform and became Predaking. Megatron simply allowed the Autobots to destroy the testing lab. The destruction of the lab results in an explosion that merged the Syn-En to create a new source of Omega Lock power, forcing Megatron to abduct Ratchet to complete the formula and rebuild a copy of the Omega Lock. Upon learning of this, the Autobots geared up for a massive assault on the ship while Predaking rebels against Megatron for the destruction of his kind, but is blown off the ship. the Autobots and the Decepticons then engage in a massive battle across the ship. Jack and Miko (the latter in the Apex armor) secure the bridge, trapping Soundwave in the "Dark Zone" that Skyquake became stuck in. In an attempt to deliver the Star Saber to Optimus, Bumblebee is shot down by Megatron, only to be resurrected moments later as a result of falling into the pool of cyber matter. He stabs the Decepticon leader in the chest, forcing him offline, and also causing him to fall down from the Nemesis, presumably perishing in Earth's orbit.
At this point, Bumblebee regains his voice. After inviting Raphael on the now-safe Nemesis, they travel to Cybertron via the Decepticon's space bridge, aiming the Omega Lock at the Planet's core. Meanwhile, Shockwave and Starscream escape in a pod, while the fate of the remaining Vehicons remains unknown. They may have surrendered, considering that Knockout is also seen among the Autobots, albeit still despised. Cybertron's surface is fully restored, and becomes capable of carrying life again. Predaking flies off into the reborn planet, but the Autobots do not stop him. Rather, they decide that it is best that they return to their home too, and everybody but Ratchet leaves for good after returning to earth for one last goodbye from the humans.
In this season Optimus Prime is given a whole new body while Bumblebee and Smokescreen are given new paint jobs. New characters include Wrecker commander Ultra Magnus. Shockwave who was a guest in the previous season returns as a main character. Airachnid is released from her pod and the Insecticons are removed from the series when Airachnid regains control of them and Soundwave bridges them to Cybertron. This season also introduces the new Predacon faction who are lead by Predaking. Soundwave also speaks his first line in the series.
Autobots | Decepticons | Humans | Others | Predacons |
Main Cast Others |
Main Cast Others Troopers Insecticons |
Main Cast Others
Episode List[]
Season 1[]
- Main article: Transformers Prime: The Animated Series:
# | Title | U.S.A airdate | Canadian airdate | United Kingdom airdate |
1 | Darkness Rising: Part 1 | November 29, 2010 | January 9, 2011 | Sept 05, 2011 |
2 | Darkness Rising: Part 2 | November 30, 2010 | January 16, 2011 | Sept 06, 2011 |
3 | Darkness Rising: Part 3 | December 1, 2010 | January 23, 2011 | Sept 07, 2011 |
4 | Darkness Rising: Part 4 | December 2, 2010 | January 30, 2011 | Sept 08, 2011 |
5 | Darkness Rising: Part 5 | December 3, 2010 | February 6, 2011 | Sept 09, 2011 |
6 | Masters and Students | February 11, 2011 | March 17, 2011 | Sept 12, 2011 |
7 | Scrapheap | February 18, 2011 | March 27, 2011 | Sept 13, 2011 |
8 | Con Job | February 25, 2011 | April 3, 2011 | Sept 14, 2011 |
9 | Convoy | March 4, 2011 | April 10, 2011 | Sept 15, 2011 |
10 | Deus ex Machina | March 11, 2011 | April 17, 2011 | Sept 16, 2011 |
11 | Speed Metal | April 9, 2011 | May 1, 2011 | Sept 19, 2011 |
12 | Predatory | April 16, 2011 | May 8, 2011 | Sept 20, 2011 |
13 | Sick Mind | April 30, 2011 | May 15, 2011 | Sept 21, 2011 |
14 | Out Of His Head | May 7, 2011 | May 22, 2011 | Sept 22, 2011 |
15 | Shadowzone | May 14, 2011 | May 29, 2011 | Sept 23, 2011 |
16 | Operation: Breakdown | June 18, 2011 | June 19, 2011 | , 2011 |
17 | Crisscross | June 25, 2011 | June 26, 2011 | , 2011 |
18 | Metal Attraction | July 9, 2011 | July 10, 2011 | , 2011 |
19 | Rock Bottom | July 16, 2011 | July 24, 2011 | , 2011 |
20 | Partners | July 23, 2011 | July 31, 2011 | , 2011 |
21 | T.M.I. | September 10, 2011 | August 7, 2011 | , 2011 |
22 | Stronger, Faster | September 17, 2011 | August 14, 2011 | , 2011 |
23 | One Shall Fall | September 24, 2011 | August 21, 2011 | , 2011 |
24 | One Shall Rise: Part 1 | October 1, 2011 | , 2011 | , 2011 |
25 | One Shall Rise: Part 2 | October 8, 2011 | , 2011 | , 2011 |
26 | One Shall Rise: Part 3 | October 15, 2011 | , 2011 | , 2011 |
Season 2[]
Series II began airing on the Hub on the 18th of February.
# | Title | U.S.A airdate | Canadian airdate | United Kingdom airdate |
27 / 1 | Orion Pax: Part 1 | February 18, 2012 | , 2011 | , 2011 |
28 / 2 | Orion Pax: Part 2 | February 25, 2012 | , 2011/2012 | , 2012 |
29 / 3 | Orion Pax: Part 3 | March 3, 2012 | , 2011/2012 | , 2012 |
30 / 4 | Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 | March 10, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
31 / 5 | Operation Bumblebee, Part 2 | March 17, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
32 / 6 | Loose Cannons | March 24, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
33 / 7 | Crossfire | March 31, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
34 / 8 | Nemesis Prime | April 7, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
35 / 9 | Grill | April 14, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
36 / 10 | Armada | April 21, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
37 / 11 | Flying Mind | April 28, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
38 / 12 | Tunnel Vision | May 5, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
39 / 13 | Triangulation | May 12, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
40 / 14 | Triage | May 19, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
41 / 15 | Toxicity | May 26, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
42 / 16 | Hurt | August 24, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
43 / 17 | Out of the Past | August 31, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
44 / 18 | New Recruit | September 7, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
45 / 19 | The Human Factor | September 14, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
46 / 20 | Legacy | September 21, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
47 / 21 | Alpha/Omega | , 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
48 / 22 | Hard Knocks | October 5, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
49 / 23 | Inside Job | October 12, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
50 / 24 | Patch | October 19, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
51 / 25 | Regeneration | October 26, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
52 / 26 | Darkest Hour | November 2, 2012 | , 2012 | , 2012 |
Season 3: Beast Hunters[]
# | Title | U.S.A airdate | Canadian airdate | United Kingdom airdate |
53 / 1 | Darkmount, NV | March 3, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
54 / 2 | Scattered | March 29, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
55 / 3 | Prey | April 5, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
56 / 4 | Rebellion | April 12, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
57 / 5 | Project Predacon | May 17, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
58 / 6 | Chain of Command | May 24, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
59 / 7 | Plus One | May 31, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
60 / 8 | Thirst | June 7, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
61 / 9 | Evolution | June 28, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
62 / 10 | Minus One | July 5, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
63 / 11 | Persuasion | July 12, 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
64 / 12 | Synthesis | 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
65 / 13 | Deadlock | 2013 | 2013 | 2013 |
- Adam Baldwin - Breakdown
- Reggie Bannister – Museum Guard (ep. 10)
- Gregg Berger -
- Steve Blum - Starscream, Bombshock
- Billy Brown - Cliffjumper (ep. 43)
- Clancy Brown - Leland "Silas" Bishop
- Jeffrey Combs - Ratchet
- Peter Cullen - Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime
- John DiMaggio – Vogel (ep. 38)
- Nathan Fillion -
- Robert Forster – General Bryce
- Richard Green - Skyquake
- Tania Gunadi – Miko Nakadai
- James Horan – Wheeljack
- Ernie Hudson - Agent William "Bill" Fowler
- Dwayne Johnson - Cliffjumper (ep. 1)
- Josh Keaton - Jack Darby, Tailgate, M.E.C.H. Surgeon
- David Kaye - Hardshell
- Alexandra Krosney – Sierra
- Peter Mensha - Predaking
- John Noble - Unicron
- Nolan North - Smokescreen
- Sumalee Montano - Arcee
- Daran Norris - Knock Out
- Andy Pessoa – Rafael "Raf" Esquivel
- Markie Post - June Darby
- Brad Raider – Vince
- James Remar -
- Kevin Michael Richardson - Bulkhead, Makeshift, Nemesis AI (ep. 37)
- David Sobolov - Shockwave
- George Takei - Alpha Trion
- Tony Todd - Dreadwing
- Gina Torres - Airachnid
- Frank Welker - Megatron
- Susan Blu - Voice Director (ep. 1-6)
- Jamie Simone - Voice Director (ep. 7-Present)
- What Transformers Animated had in chins, this show has in eyebrows. As well as pupils since animated.
- There are both Autobot and Decepticon crashed ships, energon crystals scattered around the planet, tombs of ancient Decepticon warriors, various random alien artifacts lying around, and an entire graveyard of rusting alien robots. Why hasn't anybody on Earth investigated these?
- Once again the transformers are seen to be able to survive in space unaided while the cold temperatures of the arctic will incapacitate them.
- It is established in Scrapheap that it is not the temperature, but rather the frost that damages Cybertronian systems.
- In the cartoon, Earth appears to be the repository for ancient relics that were jettisoned into space in order to protect them from the Decepticons as dozens, maybe hundreds, can be found on the planet.
- It has been revealed in Alpha/Omega that Alpha Trion, who as chronicler of events in time both past and future saw in advance, knew that Optimus would end up on Earth and so sent the artifacts there in an attempt, not to keep them away from Megatron, but to put them in reach of Optimus in hopes that they would assist him in his fight against Megatron.
- In case you didn't know, this series picks up where the two games and novel left off.
- Well, not so much the game, it is similar in some ways to Exodus, but is a separate fictional splinter in the Aligned timeline. The novel seems closer to what is established in the cartoon, particularly when compared to One Shall Rise, Part 1 and One Shall Rise, Part 3. It does kinda goes right after the event of transformers animated since it is the sequel. As well as the game to.
- If you did not see the War for Cybertron page, you will see a link that shows it was made for the G1 series, but yes the Dark Energon idea doesn't match up.
- The Decepticons in the show have made a strange change in policy. Where as previously they have disregarded any attempt at hiding from humanity, the Decepticons of Prime have shown a desire to remove traces of their existence.
- The show bears many visual resemblances to the Halo game series. The symbol on the floor of the Decepticon's second Space Bridge is very similar to the symbol of the Forerunners, the Vector Sigma Chamber resembles the control room for Alpha Halo, and the Space Bridge itself resembles the Halos.
- Most of the main cast Decepticons in the show appear to bear a specific body shape in common, that is large, bulky, and brutish. The only exceptions to this rule seen thus far (Soundwave, Knock Out, Airachnid, and Starscream) appear to be abnormal in some way. Knockout is overly obsessed with his appearance, Soundwave is permanently silent (with the exception of the episode Minus One where he says "Soundwave superior, Autobots inferior" in his own voice, Airachnid is a rogue and is female, and Starscream is traitorous and conniving.