Delta Seeker's bio says that Delta wants to convince X-Gunner to return to the Autobot faction, but I have no Idea how to work this in 20:36, 15 January 2007 (UTC)
This mold is definately NOT an S-37, currently known as an Su-47.
The designation was initially S-32, changed to S-37, and then to Su-47 through the plane's development. It's gone by a few number designations... And 'Berkut' roughly translates to 'Gold Eagle'.
But as for Space Case being one... Not really, no. The only similarity between the two is the hypercritical wings. Space Case also has them drooped, while the Berkut has them straight across. The Berkut also has sizable upright stabilizers, which Space Case lacks, and very long horizontal tailplanes while SC has more outward-pointed ones in a very flat V-tail formation. SC's forward canards are tiny compared to the Berkut, and also have a groove implying a fixed forward section and rear flap, while the Berkut has full-flight canards.
Now, engines. The Berkut sports a pair of cylindrical thrust-vectoring nozzles for its engines, flanked by two unequal-length tailcones; Short one a rear-facing radome, the long one housing a drag chute. Space Case sports 'pointy' two-dimentional thrust-vectoring nozzles, as seen on the F-22, and lacks either of the two tailcones.
As for nosecones, the Berkut has a long, pointed, and ROUND nose and cockpit taken directly from the Su-35 series, including the raised blister which protrudes forward of the right side of the canopy. Space Case, instead, has a shortened nosecone, which is blunted, flattened and sports chines. It also lacks that forward blister. While both have intakes to either side of the nosecone, they're divergent in shape.
And all this, of course, ignores the robot kibble slung underneath Space Case, as well as the hunchbacked shape the jet's taken to fit it all underneath.
Nutjob RT 13:37, 20 October 2007 (UTC)