is a Powermaster engine, binary-bonded to the Decepticon falcon creature Doubledealer. He helps Doubledealer run his various business affairs, but this loyal Decepticon would probably be appalled to learn the full extent of Doubledealer's dealings, which include having a second, Autobot-aligned Powermaster partner and even a humanoid robot mode solely for the Autobots' benefit.
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Commercial appearances[]
Piranacon held onto Skar for Doubledealer while he talked with Optimus Prime over in the Autobots' camp. Once Doubledealer made his way to the Decepticons' camp, Piranacon released Skar, who flew to Doubledealer, transforms to engine mode, and connected to him. Doubledealer commercial
The Transformers[]
I shall practice my curtsy.
- The Transformers Skar is one of two Powermaster engine figures that came with Doubledealer. As a bat-creature thing, his transformation consists of folding his wings in front of him, all Dracula-with-the-cape-like. After transforming into an engine, he unlocks Doubledealer's Decepticon falcon mode.
- In Japan, this mold was slightly redecoed to make Clouder's Decepticon armor and would have been used for Mayumi in earlier plans.
- More information on Skar at TFU.info
Generations Selects[]
Injustice deliciously squared!
- Series: War for Cybertron: Earthrise
- ID number: WFC-GS10
- Known designers: AJ Piejko-Brown (packaging)
- A Generations Selects add-on to Earthrise, "Decepticon Skar" is a retool of SiegeRatbat, transforming into a flattened box that is theoretically compatible with SiegeVoyager Class Soundwave, but in practice it's slightly too large to fit into his chest compartment. He can however attach to Soundwave and other figures as some sort of shield. In actuality, he is meant to complement Earthrise Leader Class Doubledealer, who features a chest compartment similar to the Siege Soundwave mold.
- Skar was released in a Deluxe-sized four-pack with mold-mate Wingthing, cassette-bot Frenzy, and fellow Powermaster Knok.
- Unlike most binary-bond partners, it is never stated that Skar is a Nebulan or even a flesh creature. More than Meets the Eye refers to both him and Knok as "Transformers".
- The AllSpark Almanac II calls Skar a Nebulan bolt-bat.