Years ago, Shockwave served as one of Megatron's top lieutenants during the war. His ambitions, however, eventually outgrew Megatron's once noble goals. To Shockwave, the weak should serve the strong, and the war necessary to enforce the glory of the Decepticon Empire. To this end, Shockwave toils away in his lab, plotting to conquer not only Cybertron, but Earth as well. And Shockwave can back that up, possessing enough strength and firepower to go toe-to-toe with his former commander, in robot or spider tank mode. The tool he has instead of his left hand can be used to blast or ensnare other bots and probe their minds, combined with various weapons and traps he keeps up his sleeves (literally, as his left arm is covered in buttons to activate them). Only through Megatron's change of heart and defection was the mad scientist defeated.
Unlike most other Cybertronians, Shockwave finds the Earthborn Terrans abhorrent, viewing them as disgusting hybrids unworthy of being considered Transformers.