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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Saw Boss is a Gigantion Mini-Con from the Cybertron portion of the Unicron Trilogy.
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The indefatigable Saw Boss is a member of the Steel Reinforcement Team, the personal attendants of the Giant Planet leader Metroplex. He has a staggeringly positive outlook on life, which is surprising given the phenomenal bad luck he brings. If something can go wrong around him, it probably will—not that this ever seems to bother Saw Boss. He just charges head-first into life's next challenge.[1]

Japanese name: Zigzag


Galaxy Force[]

  • Zigzag (Mini-Con, 2005)
A redeco of the Destruction Mini-Con Team member Buzzsaw in colors matching those of Metroplex, Zigzag transforms into a bucket-wheel excavation machine, rather like his colossal commander. A gear-wheel system on his vehicle-mode underside spins his bucket-wheel when he is pushed along a smooth surface, or when he is connected to the gearing system on the Cyclonus/Buzzsaw mold.
Zigzag was one of several promotional Mini-Cons exclusive to various stores for a limited time in Japan. Zigzag could only be obtained with the purchase of any Transformers product at any store that had purchased a "TF Station" affiliation during October 2005.
This mold was also used to make Landslide.


  • The name "Saw Boss" was originally that of the main villain from Mattel's Wheeled Warriors toyline.


  1. ↑ Official Transformers Collectors' Club site members' section, Micro-Sized Online! Mini-Con Profiles, 5/18/07

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