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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Night Glider thrives in darkness. Being a spy, his nocturnal lifestyle and loner attitude serve him well. Although he is used to working alone, he is extremely loyal to the Maximals.


IDW Beast Wars comics[]

Night Glider was one of the protoforms jettisoned from the Axalon on prehistoric Earth. He was activated and put in chronal phase by Razorbeast at Magmatron's request, but was protected from Magmatron's Predacon shell-program by Razorbeast's viral code. The Gathering, Part 1

Accompanied by Air Hammer, Sonar, and Prowl, Night Glider sped towards Razorbeast and the small group of new Maximals accompanying him. The Gathering, Part 2 He and a phalanx of other Maximals finally reached them, just in time to fight off an army of Predacons. In the ensuing battle, Night Glider battled Insecticon. The Gathering, Part 4


Beast Wars[]

Night Glider transforms into an orange Transmetal 2 flying squirrel. A sword is hidden inside the tail. The mold was later redecoed into Dark Scream.

External links[]
