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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Mercenary logo on doubledealer's arm

mercenary logo on doubledealers arm

Its a band of mercenaries lead by Doubledealer and they were the main antagonists in the first episode of Transformers War For Cybertron: Earthrise along the Quintessons.


soundblaster was mentioned by Bumblebee to the other Autobots as a source for energon cubes and he is mentioned to be a faulty clone of Soundwave who has a few circuits loose and a failed Shockwave experiment.

Soundblaster is a faulty clone of Soundwave and the failed experiment of Shockwave. He was apart of the mercenary faction and upon Bumblebee entering the building with Cog and Arcee. Soundblaster told Bee that he thought he worked alone and he was interrupted by a refraktor which he shot at in his chest. He told his dome guards to take the three Autobots down to receiving and he was aware of the Autobots attempting to steal his energon after Buzzsaw spied upon them and he held them at gunpoint stating to know that he know who these Autobots are and more valuable than a few lousy cubes of energon. He rejected the idea of making a deal then suddenly Shockwave''s virus has wreaked havoc on the base and he was presumably killed by explosives planted by Elita.

Doubledealer and his crew has the Ark in their sights and he entered upon the Ark finding Optimus temporarily in stasis and after rounding up the Autobots. He told the Quintessons to have the Energon ready when they arrive with the price and he told Ramjet to meet them at Chaar and he responded to a question from Bee when he asked what have happened to honor he responded that he sold it to the highest bidder and they arrived at Chaar. Optimus recognized doubledealer as apart of the mercenary faction and he asked wheres the Energon then later he complimented Desseus and he soon became angry at the fact the deal were forfeited prompting him to hold Desseus at gunpoint but were forced to stand down due to being outnumbered he later arrived with his crew freeing the Autobots and fought off Desseus's robot army he asked Prime if he could really find the Allspark and he got his response then he vowed that they'll cross paths again claiming it as a good fortune. And later he was possessed by Desseus who he attacked the Autobots and Decepticons during their brief fight aboard the Ark and Bugbite & Exhaust was knocked offline into deep space by Cog and he attempted to call Bugbite & Exhaust however they did not respond and his body was tossed aside by the Quintesson Judge. After the fools fortune gets hit by a blast from the Nemesis it wipes out Desseus, Doubledealer and Cog.



  • Megatron and Decepticons (formerly)
  • Autobots (formerly)
  • Quintessons (formerly)


  • Autobots
  • Decepticons
  • Desseus