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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Read more about this topic at Lady Jaye on Joepedia: The G.I. Joe Wiki!

Lady Jaye is a member of G.I. Joe in the Generation One continuity family.
Joetfii 04a

"Grimlock, we're going to get those bastards that made my daughter a part of Kiss Players."
"Me Grimlock want to munch pervert."

Lady Jaye (Corporal Allison Hart-Burnett) is the G.I. Joe team's covert operations specialist. She is romantically involved with Flint and is thus believed to be the mother of Marissa Faireborn.

She's also quite handy with a javelin.


Marvel Comics continuity[]

Dreamwave continuity[]

DDP continuity[]


  • Writer Flint Dille revealed in an interview that Lady Jaye was intended to be the mother of Marissa Faireborn.

External links[]

You will be whole again. I promise.
I cannot remain in this unacceptable operational status!

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