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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
The name or term Devastator refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Devastator (disambiguation).

Devastator is an immensely powerful warrior, and in that sense the combination of the Constructicons into a merged being is a huge success. Mentally, on the other hand, he's very much less than the sum of his parts. Devastator's primitive psyche is limited to only the thoughts and actions on which all his components can agree, which results in raging bouts of destructive fury. Given the sheer power Devastator brings to these rages, Megatron has no complaints.

Normally he is composed of the six Transformers...

However, in at least one reality, he goes from being a six-robot combiner to a five-bot one, Hook and Mixmaster being replaced by Hightower.

[[File:"Heavy Metal War"|64px]] Nothing defeats the Devastator, nothing!
~ Devastator
Prepare for extermination!!!
~ Devastator, The Transformers: The Movie.
Japanese name: Devastor (デバスター Debasutā)[1], Devastator (デバステーター Debasutētā)
French name (Canada): Dévastateur
German second TV dub and G2 name: Vernichter, occasionally Devastator
Hebrew name: Mashmidan (משמידן, "Destroyer")
Hungarian movie name (second dub): Mega-robot, Pusztító
Hungarian Marvel name: Pusztító
Italian name: Uragan (Action Master)
Portuguese name (Portugal comic): Devastador
Portuguese name (Brazil comic): Devastador
Russian TV dub name: Разрушитель ("Devastator")
Serbian name: Devastator
Chinese name (Taiwan): Hǔei-mìeh Chě (毀滅者 "Annihilator" or "Devastator") / Róu-lìn Chě (蹂躪者 "Devastator")
Chinese name (China): Da Li Shen (大力神 "God of Strength" or "Titan")



The Transformers cartoon[]

Voice actor: Arthur Burghardt (English), Seizō Katō, Yutaka Shimaka (Japanese)
Heavy Metal War Devastator

"Nothing can withstand the might of... Devastator! Yay!"

The returning Autobots saw the battle between one giant psycho and five ticked off dinosaurs, but were unable to help (due to losing a tournament which prevented them from interfering with the Decepticons). Inside the Ark, Teletraan-I was able to show that Megatron had cheated and the Autobots rushed outside to help the Dinobots. Distracted by one of Hound's holograms, an Autobot even larger than himself, Devastator was shot by Optimus Prime and fell apart into the lava. Heavy Metal War

Devastator was continuously called upon during the war on Earth. City of Steel

When Megatron attempted to tap the Earth's core to give the Decepticons a limitless supply of geothermal energy, Devastator defended the project from Autobot attack. To get around the giant combiner, Chip Chase and Wheeljack created dominator discs which forced the Constructicons, and thus Devastator, into serving the Autobots. Unfortunately, Megatron had anticipated this plan and built a device to override the dominator discs. When he turned Devastator against the Autobots, Wheeljack turned up the power on the dominator discs, which only served to fry Devastator's logic circuits and sent him berserk, damaging the controls for Megatron's drill just as it was about to pierce the Earth's core. Working together, both factions restored Devastor to Megatron's control and sent him into the ground to take out the drill before it could destroy the Earth. Devastator was surprised by Megatron's cowardly absence after he returned surface, but merely believed Megatron left to plan their next attack. The Core

Some of his adventures include scaling the Empire State Building like King Kong and helping Grapple and Hoist build their solar tower. The Master Builders

Millions of years later, in 1984, Megatron had the Constructicons rebuilt on Earth to steal high-tech electronic components for his Power chip rectifier furnace, as well as tunneling under the Ark to destroy Teletraan I. Teletraan I, sensing the imminent danger, contacted the Dinobots. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1

Robo-Smasher and Omega Supreme

"Dude, stop fighting me, there's a mechanical bug on your shoulder!"

The Constructicons did not initially have the power to merge into Devastator. That ability was given to them by Megatron after he warped their minds into servitude with the Robo-Smasher. They used Devastator to hold Omega Supreme while the Robo-Smasher attempted to warp the guardian robot's mind. They failed and only served to create burning desire for vengeance in Omega. The Secret of Omega Supreme

The Dinobots responded and started pounding on the Constructicons, opening up a lava channel in the process. The battle not going in their favor, the Constructicons pulled out one last trick and combined into the super warrior, Devastator. And then he overpowered them. Triple Takeover

After Starscream attempted to overthrow Megatron (again) and was exiled for his troubles, he returned with a powerful team of Decepticon called the Combaticons. During the subsequent battle between the two Decepticon factions, Devastator was soundly defeated by the Combaticons' combined form, Bruticus. Starscream's Brigade

TFTM Devastator

"Hey, put Sludge down!"
"No, wait!"

Devastator faced the Dinobots on several occasions, most notably in 2005 during the battle of Autobot City where he defeated Grimlock and Sludge until Slag pushed him through a wall. Before Swoop could get in, some rubble collapsed on him when Devastator attempted to dodge. After the defeat of Megatron and their retreat from Earth, the Decepticons argued amongst themselves who would lead them after Megatron's "death", Scrapper stated that since the Constructicons could transform into the powerful Devastator, they should rule. They proceeded to try to form Devastator, but were shaken apart mid-transformation by Rumble and Frenzy. The Transformers: The Movie

In 2006, the defeated Decepticons had been exiled to the burnt-out world of Charr. When Astrotrain returned from an energon run, the Constucticons fought over the few scraps of energon he brought back, but banded together to form Devastator. Menasor hacked Devastator apart with his sword and drove the Constructicons off. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1

Later, the Constructicons formed Devastor when fighting the Autobots on Eurhythma, but he was flattened when Broadside landed on him in vehicle form, and was blasted apart into his component robots by Perceptor. Carnage in C Minor

Late in the year 2006, Devastator and Predaking chased Broadside in the sea of Japan, upsetting the local fishermen. The Burden Hardest to Bear

Japanese cartoon continuity[]

The Transformer manga[]

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Super-God Masterforce comic[]

Scramble city[]

Devastator fight-0

The Headmasters cartoon[]

Devastator fight

Four Warriors Come out of the Sky, The Mystery of Planet Master, Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2, SOS from Planet Sandra, The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Zone cartoon and comic[]

Transformers Zone Devastator-1
Voice actor: Hirohiko Kakegawa


Devastator was selected by Violen Jiger as one of his Nine Great Demon Generals. Given the rank of "Technology General" and gifted with a new bitchin' drill-weapon (not unlike the ones his toy had) and armor, Violen Jiger sent Devastator to Earth to steal the Zodiac energy before the Autobots could get it. After destroying the World Trade Center (Not cool, man, not cool!), Devastator drilled deep within the planet, reaching the Zodiac's chamber, and went toe-to-toe with Dai Atlas. He managed to get the Zodiac first and pass it off to King Poseidon. Devastator had the upper hand in battle until Dai Atlas opened a vein of hot lava upon the Decepticon. Devastator was washed away in the molten magma, apparently killed by it. (Although he did survive a lava dip years earlier in Heavy Metal War, so who knows?) Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Marvel comics continuity[]

Note: Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

The Constructicons were the first (and, as it turned out, the last) new Decepticons created by Shockwave on Earth, using the residual power of the Creation Matrix that was within his captive Optimus Prime. Their first mission was to construct a massive communications dish, allowing Soundwave to broadcast a message to long-lost Cybertron. When the dish came under attack by a squad of Autobots, the Constructions merged to form Devastator, much to the surprise of the attacking Autobots.

Devastator was powerful and tough, but slow and confused as well. Soundwave was connected to the scrambler dish and unable to defend himself; when Huffer threatened to destroy the dish, it took Devastator quite some time to figure out which Autobot Soundwave wanted him to attack ("Destroy Autobot.... which Autobot.... not these Autobots...")

When Bomber Bill cut Soundwave's connections to the dish, causing feedback which destroyed it, he ordered the Constructions to disassemble and retreat, noting that their performance as a single unit had been "notably deficient." The Next Best Thing to Being There!

Devastator subsequently went through much testing and enhancement to improve his operation and co-ordination. Both Soundwave and Ironhide noticed a much more fluid warrior. The Constructions were sent to kidnap Buster Witwicky and formed Devastator to deal with Autobot interference, but were called off when Soundwave discovered something in Buster's mind. Devastation Derby!

Devastator reappeared when Optimus Prime led an Autobot offensive on the heavily fortified Decepticon coal mining base. The defenses held the Autobots to a standstill, and Shockwave ordered the Constructicons to merge to tip the balance in their favor. But the attack was a nothing but a ruse to draw out Devastator. Bumblebee was monitoring the Constructicons' transformation pattern, and as soon as he successfully recorded it, Optimus Prime ordered a retreat. The information eventually allowed the Autobots to create their own team of combiners, the Aerialbots. Command Performances!


Note: These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
Devastator rebuild

Did they forget he'd need two legs or what?

For some reason, the Constructicons were rendered incapable of combining at one point. Unwilling to lose Devastator's raw power, they attempted to construct a new and separate version of him in the Bahamas. Ironhide and Bumblebee wrecked the project before it could be completed. Desert Island Risks!


Note: Classics is a splinter timeline that takes place after Marvel US continuity, but disregards Generation 2 and Marvel UK material.

Mixmaster was voted off the combiner.

Dreamwave comics continuity[]

Devastator was the first combiner, the end result of the Constructicons' research into mass intellect. However, he suffered a huge drawback in that he would only do what his components agreed on, which was usually smash stuff. Nonetheless, Megatron was pleased with Devastator's power, and authorized the Stunticons and Combaticons to undergo a similar process. When Megatron and Optimus Prime disappeared, the Decepticons and Autobots fractured, and signed the Crisis Intervention Accords, ruling the Special Teams non-alinged. However, Ratbat managed to convince the Constructicons to side with the Ultracons. The Constructicons formed Devastator when Ratbat tried to take the Tagan Heights. He battled Defensor, but was eventually defeated when the Protectobots forced the Constructicons to separate. The War Within: The Dark Ages

DWPrimeDirective5 Devastator

Who you callin a 'Dooooshh'?

Eventually, teams of Autobots and Decepticons left Cybertron in search of new fuel sources, only to crash land on a planet called Earth. Awakening in the Earth year of 1984, they resumed their war, but the Decepticons were defeated by the Autobots and their human allies. A great ship named Ark II was built to send the Transformers home, but it was sabotaged by General Robert Hallo and rogue engineer turned arms dealer Adam Rook. The ship exploded during the launch, scattering the Transformers across the Artic ocean. Rook recovered many Autobots and Decepticons, and reprogrammed them to serve him as weapons of war. Prime Directive issue 2

After Megatron freed the other Decepticons from Rook's control, he sent Devastator down the west coast of North America. Along the way, Devastator destroyed a US Navy submarine, before arriving at his destination, San Francisco. Devastator helped destroy the city until he was initially stopped by Superion Prime Directive issue 4, and finally put into stasis lock when Optimus Prime shot him point-blank in the head, sending him to the bottom of the San Francisco Bay. Prime Directive issue 5

IDW comics continuity[]

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details for All Hail Megatron issue 2 follow.


I'm back, baby.

Gestalt technology was invented by the scientist Jhiaxus many millions of years ago. The technology was intended to be the ultimate fusion in mind and matter between the participants, creating a massive and powerful new form. However, it also created a severe, murderous mental instability in the gestalt members, as seen in Jhiaxus' test subject, Monstructor.

However, one year after the Expansion, the Decepticons were able to acquire the secret somehow, and somehow solved the side effects of combination, possibly via the use of magic. On Earth, as the Decepticons began cutting off the humans' escape routes out of New York City, Megatron ordered the Constructicons to unite. Forming Devastator, the behemoth waded into the waters around the city and began destroying the underwater tunnels. All Hail Megatron issue 2

During a predicable munity caused by none other than Starscream, he managed to bolster the constructicons, who formed Devastator to kill Megatron, but was saved by the European Fighter Jets, which forced the Munity to end and take down the surviving human forces, but then all are struck when the autobots returned and led a strong stand against the decepticons, Omega Supreme then took on Devastator, their fight forced them into Lady Liberty where Devastator was blasted into pieces and sunk in the ocean.

Template:All Hail Megatron Issue 12

After the surge was over, the constructicons remained incogictio until Swindle summoned them for assistance against the autobots. They were force to fall back when Optimus arrived. Scrapper was eventually tracked and killed by Spike, who could not allow Devastator to live. Devastator would not return until the Chaos arc where he couldn't stand up, because Scrapper was still dead, then he became one with the D-Void. It is unknown if he was completely killed by Megatron or the restoration of the Vector Sigma Chamber.


Generation One[]

G1devastator toy

Devastator was here first, Scramble-boys!

  • Devastator (Giftset, 1985)
    • Japanese ID number: D-37
Normally, Devastator could only be assembled by buying all six individual Constructicons with the additional large-scale weapons components that were assigned to them. However, six-robot gift sets were made available in many markets, including the US, Japan, and several European countries.
Devastor's forearms are also spring-loaded missile launchers, able to fire his fists as well as his drill attachments, though the springs were severely weakened in the US for safety reasons. He also comes armed with a large purple laser rifle. Hook and Scavenger's pistols can also be easily added to him for a little extra firepower. While the others' pistols can be added as well, they're not in very useful positions.
Unlike the later Scramble City-style combiners, Devastator's limbs cannot be rearranged into any other configurations.


ActionMaster Devastor

Scorpulator, alligator.

  • Devastator with Scorpulator (Action Master, 1990)
    • Accessories: Rifle
A non-transforming action figure compatible with any other Action Master vehicle or accessory, Devastator's sculpt is a based largely on his original animation model, but with a great many toy-based elements added for extra detail. (Most notably, his head is based on the toy instead of the very different animation model.) He came with his small animal partner, Scorpulator. He was released as part of the second wave of carded Action Masters.

Generation 2[]

G2Devastator toy

So neon and Playskoolish, even though real construction vehicles are yellow.

  • Devastator (1993)
During Generation 2, the Constructicons were only available as individuals, never as a giftset. The team was released in two different colors: initially in yellow, then later in bright orange. All individual members are tampographed with the Generation 2 Decepticon symbol and the word "Decepticon". It has been rumored that the later orange version was exclusive to KB stores, but this has never been proven.
Generation 2 Devastator is almost functionally identical to the original release with the exception of the quality of the plastics used, though his forearms and fists were retooled to completely remove the spring-loaded firing gimmick.



And then there were five.

  • Constructicon Devastator (Multi-pack, 2007)
For Classics, Devastator is a redeco of the Energon combiner Constructicon Maximus. He was available only in a full five-pack, exclusive to Wal-Mart stores.
Since the new classics combiner contains only five robots, rather than the original's six, the Constructicon team here contains only Bonecrusher, Hightower (who may or may not be related to Hook and/or Mixmaster, as his bio seems to combine attributes of both), Long Haul, Scavenger and Scrapper. Also, because of the combination method used, he can use any of the Energon-series limb-robots. Hightower and Long Haul are identical except for color (being made using the same mold), as are Bonecrusher and Scrapper.



See this bar? THIS IS YOU!

  • Devastator (Bust, 2003)
This bust of Devastor was released by Hard Hero, and was based on his G1 cartoon appearance.
  • Devastator (KT Figure Collection, 2004)
This is a diorama figure inspired by one scene from the "Battle of Autobot City" in The Transformers: The Movie. The diorama contains not only Devastator, but also features Hot Rod and Arcee.
  • Constructicon Devastator (Heroes of Cybertron, 2004)
This PVC figure was based on the cartoon rendition of Devastator.
Palisades Devastator

Brother, won't you spare a dime?

  • Devastator (Statue, 2006)
This statue of Devastator was released by Palisades.


  • The name "Devastator" was used by Marvel Comics long before the Transformers series came about. In issue 186 of the second Incredible Hulk title (released in April 1975), a Russian supervillain named Kirov Petrovna, aka The Devastator, made his debut.[2]

This is why "revisions" exist.

  • Devastator's (or rather, his Diaclone counterpart's) concept design was decidedly less imposing than the final. Interestingly, it is only composed of five components, the core being a long-nosed truck cab.
  • Devastator had two different animation models in the original Transformers cartoon; at the least, he had two different head designs, one with a visor and one without. Sometimes his head would change designs within a single episode - the "visorless" look is how he appeared for the majority of Heavy Metal War, but he appears with his visor on in a few shots. While both head designs would continue to be used (almost at random) in subsequent episodes, the visored design was used for his dramatic scene in The Transformers: The Movie, and thus seems to have "won out"; it appears on all modern Devastator merchandise.

Shades optional.

  • Though a yellow version of the Constructicons were released in the European market at the tail end of Generation One, they did not come with any of the parts to form Devastator. In fact, Scavenger and Hook had the connector parts on their actual toys removed.
  • The above are not to be confused with the very rarely-seen Milton Bradley releases, which had slightly different shades of yellow and purple, had rubsigns and actually did include all parts to form Devastator.
  • Incidentally, in the episode "Heavy Metal War", it is the first and only time in the cartoon we see Prime shoot Devastator in the back, triggering a failsafe that forced him to revert into his constituent parts Why this was never exploited again, especially in light of the infamous attack on Autobot City during the events of The Transformers: The Movie", remain a mystery.
  • It has been rumored that the orange Generation 2 Constructions were a KB Toys exclusive, but this is unconfirmed.

Devastator WANT some FOOD!

  • In later years, toys sporting the name "Devastator" required an additional "Constructicon" prefix for trademark reasons, hence making the official name "Constructicon Devastator".
  • Devastator makes his cameo appearance in his Generation 2 color scheme in the game DreamMix TV World Fighters. However, his Generation 2 toy was never officially sold in Japan.
  • The Dreamwave profile mentions that Devastator's merging system is outdated--a reference to its pre-Transformer status and unusual six-member system. Allegedly, this is also why Devastator is so powerful (or at least that's what Megatron believes.) This follows the longstanding engineering adage (and science-fiction convention) that prototypes are better-engineered than production models.
  • In Robot Chicken episode "Dragon Nuts" segment "Omaha's Number 1 News Team, Devastator is shown along with the Megazord from Power Rangers and Voltron, all missing body parts due to the limbs not getting a flu shot. Reduced to a head and one arm, he is then drop-kicked into the distance by Optimus Prime.


  1. Although the katakana in Devastator's Japanese name ends in ター, , suggesting his Japanese name would be Devaster or Devastar, recent merchandise (such as Kabaya's G1 bottlecap figure collection) has rendered his name in English as Devastor.
  2. Marvel's original "Devastator" at the Comic Book Database

External links[]
