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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
The name or term Dash refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dash (disambiguation).

Dash is an Autobot in the Victory portion of the Generation One continuity family.

Dash will tell you some 'bots are made for fighting, some for thinking, and some are just made for speed. Dash is definitely the latter. He is one of the fastest ground-based Autobots around, capable of great speed, though always willing to say he can go faster. Who needs a big brain or a big gun when you can move faster than Blurr can talk? If the meaning of life is to live fast and leave a pretty chassis, then Dash is ready to join the Allspark. As a member of Multiforce team, Dash is teamed with the rough and tough Tacker and makes the right arm of Landcross.


Victory cartoon[]

Dash Vehicle Mode

Alternate Mode

Dash Alternate mode screen capture 2

Alternate Mode

Voice actor: Yūki Satō, formerly Hiroyuki Satō (Japan)

Dash and Tacker were evacuating the space station. The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber Dash and the other Multiforce members were escorting the shuttle, but they got attacked by Breastforce so he and Tacker formed Dashtacker. Attack the Shuttle Base!!



  • Dashtacker (1989)
Japanese ID number: C-317
(TfNetWiki photo save) Dash toy

Toy (TfNetWiki)

Dash transforms into a red Nissan R32 Skyline GT-R sports car. He came packaged with his partner, Tacker, or as part of the complete Landcross giftset.

Micromaster Collection[]

  • Dash (Micromaster, 2002)
Dash Toy reissue


A reissue of Dash, this version replaces the stickers with paint applications to make him look more cartoon accurate.

External links[]

You will be whole again. I promise.
You will be whole again. I promise.
I cannot remain in this unacceptable operational status!

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