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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Prime-toy Blowpipe

Blowpipe (ブロウパイプ Burōpaipu) uses his claw mode to help bigger bots tear each other apart. He's part of a group of Mini-Cons known as the Arms Microns, due to their weapon alternate modes.



  • Blowpipe (Arms Micron, 2011-12-28)
Blowpipe is a redeco of Power Core Combiners Groundspike, transforming into a double-bladed claw-weapon that can be held by any figure with a 5mm post-hole in their hand. He was only available as part of the Prime "Arms Micron Present Campaign", with the purchase of 3000 yen's worth of Prime "First Edition" toys at Japanese Yamada Denki, Yodobashi Camera, Edion Group, Ishimaru, Deodeo, Eiden, and Midori stores on December 28, 2011.
This mold was also used to make United EX Wheezel and Generations Daniel Witwicky.


  • Blowpipe's allegiance is a mystery at this point, as TakaraTomy's website promotions and his instructions fail to explicitly assign him to either the Autobots or Decepticons. The pattern established by the new-mold Arms Microns is that those with humanoid modes are Autobot-aligned. Reinforcing this, his instructions show his weapon mode held by Optimus Prime. On the other hand (ha ha), he is named after a Decepticon Targetmaster. So... take your pick.
  • Blowpipe was originally advertised as "Fracas" (フレイカス Fureikasu). His name was later changed or corrected to Blowpipe.
  • Despite the name, he really doesn't have any features or modes that could be considered a "blowpipe", a name very hard to interpret as anything but "gun".